Package pySVG :: Module stylehelper :: Class StyleHelper
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Class StyleHelper

source code

Helper Class to create a style_dict for those not familiar with svg attribute names.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self) source code
setFontFamily(self, fontfamily) source code
setFontSize(self, fontsize) source code
setFontStyle(self, fontstyle) source code
setFontWeight(self, fontweight) source code
setFilling(self, fill) source code
setFillOpacity(self, fillopacity) source code
setFillRule(self, fillrule) source code
setStrokeWidth(self, strokewidth) source code
setStroke(self, stroke) source code
setStrokeDashArray(self, strokedasharray) source code
setStrokeDashOffset(self, strokedashoffset) source code
setStrokeLineCap(self, strikelinecap) source code
setStrokeLineJoin(self, strokelinejoin) source code
setStrokeMiterLimit(self, strokemiterlimit) source code
setStrokeOpacity(self, strokeopacity) source code
setCurrentColor(self, color) source code
setStopColor(self, stopcolor) source code
setStopOpacity(self, stopopacity) source code
setColorRendering(self, colorrendering) source code
setImageRendering(self, imagerendering) source code
setShapeRendering(self, shaperendering) source code
setTextRendering(self, textrendering) source code
setSolidColor(self, solidcolor) source code
setSolidOpacity(self, solidopacity) source code
setVectorEffect(self, vectoreffect) source code
setViewPortFill(self, viewportfill) source code
setViewPortOpacity(self, viewportfillopacity) source code
setDisplayAlign(self, displayalign) source code
setLineIncrement(self, lineincrement) source code
setTextAnchor(self, textanchor) source code
getStyleDict(self) source code