# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=
""" Classification.
Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 The PyroScope Project <pyroscope.project@gmail.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import re
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from pyrocore import config
from pyrocore.util import os
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Sets of of extensions / kinds
KIND_AUDIO = set(("flac", "mp3", "ogg", "wav", "dts", "ac3", "alac", "wma"))
KIND_VIDEO = set(("avi", "mkv", "m4v", "vob", "mp4", "mpg", "mpeg", "m2ts", "ts", "ogv", "wmv"))
KIND_IMAGE = set(("jpg", "png", "gif", "tif", "bmp", "svg"))
KIND_DOCS = set(("chm", "pdf", "cbr", "cbz", "odt", "ods", "doc", "xls", "ppt", "epub", "mobi", "azw3", "djvu"))
KIND_ARCHIVE = set(("rar", "zip", "tgz", "bz2", "iso", "bin"))
# Regex matchers for names
_VIDEO_EXT = '|'.join(re.escape('.' + _i) for _i in KIND_VIDEO)
r"(?:[._ ](?P<release_tags>PREAIR|READNFO))?"
r"(?:[._ ](?P<aspect>WS))?"
r"(?:[._ ](?P<format>HDTV|PDTV|DSR|DVD[59]?|DVDSCR|480p|576p|720p|1080p|1080i|2160p))?"
r"(?:[._ ](?P<release2>WEB-DL|WEB\.DL|WEBRip))?"
r"(?:[._ ](?P<format2>HDTV|PDTV|DSR|DVD[59]?|DVDSCR|480p|576p|720p|1080p|1080i|2160p))?"
r"(?:[._ ](?P<codec>[XH]\.?264|XviD|VTS|ISO|NTSC|PAL))?"
r"(?:[._ ](?P<sound>MP3|AC3|DD5\.1|L?PCM|AAC 2\.0))?"
r"(?:[._ ](?P<codec2>[XH]\.?264|XviD|VTS|ISO|NTSC|PAL))?"
r"(?:[-. ](?P<group>.+?))?(?P<extension>" + _VIDEO_EXT + ")?$"
_DEFINITELY_TV = [".%s." % _i.lower() for _i in ("HDTV", "PDTV", "DSR")]
TV_PATTERNS = [(_k, re.compile(_i, re.I)) for _k, _i in (
("Normal TV Episodes",
r"^(?P<show>.+?)[._ ]S?(?P<season>\d{1,2})[xE](?P<episode>\d{2}(?:-?E\d{2})?)"
r"(?:[._ ](?P<title>.+?[a-zA-Z]{1,2}.+?))?"
("Normal TV Episodes (all-numeric season+episode)",
r"^(?P<show>.+?)[._ ](?P<season>\d)(?P<episode>\d{2})"
r"(?:[._ ](?P<title>.+?[a-zA-Z]{1,2}.+?))?"
("Daily Shows",
r"^(?P<show>.+?)[._ ](?P<date>\d{4}\.\d{2}\.\d{2})"
r"(?:[._ ](?P<title>.+?[a-zA-Z]{1,2}.+?))?"
("Full Seasons",
r"^(?P<show>.+?)[._ ]S?(?P<season>\d{1,2})" + _TV_TRAIL
("Mini Series",
r"(?:[._ ](?:Part(?P<part>\d+?)|Pilot)){1,2}"
# (?P<year>\d{4})| creates false positives for movies!
r"(?:[._ ](?P<title>.+?[a-z]{1,2}.+?))??"
("Mini Series (Roman numerals)",
r"(?:[._ ]Pa?r?t[._ ](?P<part>[ivxIVX]{1,3}?))"
r"(?:[._ ](?P<title>.+?[a-z]{1,2}.+?))??"
MOVIE_PATTERNS = [(_k, re.compile(_i, re.I)) for _k, _i in (
("Scene tagged movie",
r"^(?P<title>.+?)[. ][[(]?(?P<year>\d{4})[)\]]?"
r"(?:[._ ](?P<release>UNRATED|REPACK|INTERNAL|L[iI]M[iI]TED))*"
r"(?:[._ ](?P<format>480p|576p|720p|1080p|1080i|2160p))?"
r"(?:[._ ](?P<source>BDRip|BRRip|HDRip|DVDRip|PAL|NTSC))"
r"(?:[._ ](?P<sound1>MP3|AC3|FLAC|DTS(?:-HD)?))?"
r"(?:[._ ](?P<codec1>xvid|divx|avc|x264|hevc|h265))?"
r"(?:[._ ](?P<sound2>MP3|AC3|FLAC|DTS(?:-HD)?))?"
#r"(?:[._ ](?P<channels>6ch))?"
r"(?P<extension>" + _VIDEO_EXT + ")?$"
("Blu-ray movie",
r"^(?P<title>.+?)[. ][[(]?(?P<year>\d{4})[)\]]?"
r"(?:[._ ](?P<release>UNRATED|REPACK|INTERNAL|MULTI|L[iI]M[iI]TED))*"
r"(?:[._ ](?P<format0>720p|1080p|1080i|2160p))?"
r"(?:[._ ](?P<source>Blu-ray|BluRay|BD25|BD50))"
r"(?:[._ ](?P<format>720p|1080p|1080i|2160p))?"
r"(?:[._ ](?P<codec1>avc|x264|hevc|h265))?"
r"(?:[._ ](?P<sound>DTS(?:-HD)?))*"
r"(?:[._ ](?P<channels>6ch|MA.5.1))?"
r"(?:[._ ](?P<codec2>avc|x264|hevc|h265))?"
r"(?P<extension>" + _VIDEO_EXT + ")?$"
"bdrip", "brrip", "hdrip", "dvdrip", "ntsc",
"hdtv", "dvd-r", "dvdr", "dvd5", "dvd9", "web-dl",
"blu-ray", "bluray", "bd25", "bd50",
"480p", "576p", "720p", "1080p", "2160p",
"mp3", "ac3", "dts",
del _k, _i
[docs]def get_filetypes(filelist, path=None, size=os.path.getsize):
""" Get a sorted list of file types and their weight in percent
from an iterable of file names.
@return: List of weighted file extensions (no '.'), sorted in descending order
@rtype: list of (weight, filetype)
path = path or (lambda _: _)
# Get total size for each file extension
histo = defaultdict(int)
for entry in filelist:
ext = os.path.splitext(path(entry))[1].lstrip('.').lower()
if ext and ext[0] == 'r' and ext[1:].isdigit():
ext = "rar"
elif ext == "jpeg":
ext = "jpg"
elif ext == "mpeg":
ext = "mpg"
histo[ext] += size(entry)
# Normalize values to integer percent
total = sum(histo.values())
if total:
for ext, val in histo.items():
histo[ext] = int(val * 100.0 / total + .499)
return sorted(zip(histo.values(), histo.keys()), reverse=True)
[docs]def name_trait(name, add_info=False):
""" Determine content type from name.
kind, info = None, {}
# Anything to check against?
if name and not name.startswith("VTS_"):
lower_name = name.lower()
trait_patterns = (("tv", TV_PATTERNS, "show"), ("movie", MOVIE_PATTERNS, "title"))
# TV check
if any(i in lower_name for i in _DEFINITELY_TV):
kind = "tv"
trait_patterns = trait_patterns[:1]
# Regex checks
re_name = '.'.join([i.lstrip('[(').rstrip(')]') for i in name.split(' .')])
for trait, patterns, title_group in trait_patterns:
matched, patname = None, None
for patname, pattern in patterns:
matched = pattern.match(re_name)
##print matched, patname, re_name; print " ", pattern.pattern
if matched and not any(i in matched.groupdict()[title_group].lower() for i in BAD_TITLE_WORDS):
kind, info = trait, matched.groupdict()
if matched:
info["pattern"] = patname
# Fold auxiliary groups into main one
for key, val in list(info.items()):
if key[-1].isdigit():
del info[key]
if val:
key = re.sub("[0-9]+$", "", key)
info[key] = ("%s %s" % (info.get(key) or "", val)).strip()
# TODO: Split by "dvdrip", year, etc. to get to the title and then
# do a imdb / tvdb lookup; cache results, hits for longer, misses
# for a day at max.
# Return requested result
return (kind, info) if add_info else kind
[docs]def detect_traits(name=None, alias=None, filetype=None):
""" Build traits list from passed attributes.
The result is a list of hierarchical classifiers, the top-level
consisting of "audio", "movie", "tv", "video", "document", etc.
It can be used as a part of completion paths to build directory
result = []
if filetype:
filetype = filetype.lstrip('.')
# Check for "themed" trackers
theme = config.traits_by_alias.get(alias)
if alias and theme:
result = [theme, filetype or "other"]
# Guess from file extensionn and name
elif filetype in KIND_AUDIO:
result = ["audio", filetype]
elif filetype in KIND_VIDEO:
result = ["video", filetype]
contents = name_trait(name)
if contents:
result = [contents, filetype]
elif filetype in KIND_IMAGE:
result = ["img", filetype]
elif filetype in KIND_DOCS:
result = ["docs", filetype]
elif filetype in KIND_ARCHIVE:
result = ["misc", filetype]
contents = name_trait(name)
if contents:
result = [contents, filetype]
return result