Advanced Features¶
Using these features requires some knowledge in the area Linux, Bash, and Python beyond a novice level, but they enable you to customize your setup even further and handle very specific use-cases.
Advanced ‘rtcontrol’¶
Executing OS commands¶
The --call
and --spawn
options can be used to call an OS level command
and feed it with data from the selected items. The argument to both options
is a template, i.e. you can have things like {{item.hash}}
in them.
When using --call
, the command is passed to the shell for parsing
– with obvious implications regarding the quoting of arguments,
thus --call
only makes sense if you need I/O redirection or similar shell features.
In contrast, the --spawn
option splits its argument list according to shell rules before
expanding the template placeholders, and then calls the resulting sequence of command name
and arguments directly.
Consider --spawn 'echo "name: {{}}"'
vs. --spawn 'echo name: {{}}'
– the first form passes one argument to /bin/echo
, the second form two arguments.
Note that in both cases, spaces or shell meta characters contained in the item name are
of no relevance, since the argument list is split according to the template, not its expanded value.
To list all the fields available in the first five items, try this command:
rtcontrol // -/5 --spawn "echo -e '\\n'{{item}}" | sed -re 's/, /,\n /g'
Unlike --call
, where you can use shell syntax to call several commands, --spawn
can be
passed several times for executing a sequence of commands. If any called command fails, the rtcontrol
call is aborted with an error.
Copy Session Metafiles by Category¶
Here’s a practical example for using --spawn
, it copies all your loaded metafiles
from the session directory into a folder structure categorized by the ruTorrent label.
Unlabelled items go to the _NOLABEL
rm -rf "$target"
rtcontrol // \
--spawn "mkdir -p \"$target/"'{{item.fetch(1) or \"_NOLABEL\"}}"' \
--spawn 'cp {{item.sessionfile}} "'"$target"'/{{item.fetch(1) or \"_NOLABEL\"}}/{{}}-{{item.hash[:7]}}.torrent"'
The copied metafiles themselves are renamed to the contained name of the item’s data, plus a small part of the infohash to make these names unique.
Replace the item.fetch(1)
by item.‹fieldname›
to categorize by other values, e.g. item.alias
for ‘by tracker’.
Executing XMLRPC commands¶
If you want to apply some custom XMLRPC commands against a set of download items,
the --exec
option of rtcontrol
allows you to do that. For global commands
not referring to specific items, see the next section about the rtxmlrpc
Read through the following examples to understand how --exec
features are explained as they are used there.
Also make sure you understand basic things like Using Output Templates beforehand,
it’s assumed here that you do.
Examples for using --exec
Previously, the common way to handle use-cases covered by --exec
to pipe rtxmlrpc
commands generated via templating into bash
Don’t do that anymore, it’s quite inferior to using --exec
Repairing Stuck Items¶
Let’s start with an easy example of using --exec
, where no templating is needed:
rtcontrol --exec 'stop= ; close= ; f.multicall=,f.set_create_queued=0,f.set_resize_queued=0 ; check_hash=' \
--from stopped -/1
This command simulates pressing ^K^E^R
in the curses UI (which cleans the state of stuck / damaged items)
and only affects the first stopped item.
Use different filter arguments after --exec
to select other items.
Afterwards, use --start
to start these items again.
Relocating Download Data¶
The most simple variant of changing the download path is setting a new fixed location for all selected items, as follows:
rtcontrol --exec 'directory.set=/mnt/data/new/path' directory=/mnt/data/old/path
This replaces the location of items stored at /mnt/data/old/path
with a new path.
But to be really useful, we’d want to shift any path under a given base directory
to a new location – the next command does this by using templating and calculating the
new path based on the old one:
rtcontrol \
--exec 'directory.set={{|subst("^/mnt/data/","/var/data/")}} ; >directory=' \
This selects any item stored under /mnt/data
and relocates it to the new base directory
Fields of an item can be used via a item.‹field-name›
Adding >directory=
prints the new location to the console –
a semicolon with spaces on both sides delimits several commands, and the >
prints the
result of a XMLRPC command. Also note that the d.
prefix to download item commands is implied.
Changing Announce URLs in Bulk¶
The next example replaces an active announce URL with a new one,
which is necessary after a domain or passkey change.
Compared to other methods like using sed
on the files in your
session directory, this does not require a client restart, and is also safer
(the sed
approach can easily make your session files unusable).
This disables all old announce URLs in group 0 using a t.multicall
and then adds a new one:
rtcontrol \
--exec 't.multicall=0,t.disable= ; tracker.insert=0,"" ; save_full_session=' \
The tracker.insert
also shows that arguments to commands can be quoted.
Using ‘rtxmlrpc’¶
Querying system information¶
The rtuptime
script shows you essential information about your
rTorrent instance:
#! /bin/bash
if test ! -S $SCGI_SOCKET; then
echo >&2 "rTorrent is not running (no socket $SCGI_SOCKET)"
exit 1
echo -n rTorrent $(rtxmlrpc system.client_version)/$(rtxmlrpc system.library_version)
echo -n , up $(rtxmlrpc to_elapsed_time $(ls -l --time-style '+%s' $SCGI_SOCKET | awk '{print $6}'))
echo -n \ [$(rtcontrol -qo"1 %(uploaded)s %(size)s" \* | \
awk '{ TOT += $1; UP += $2; SUM += $3} END { print TOT " loaded; U: " UP/1024/1024/1024 " GiB; S: " SUM/1024/1024/1024 }') GiB]
echo -n , D: $(rtxmlrpc to_xb $(rtxmlrpc
echo -n \ @ $(rtxmlrpc to_xb $(rtxmlrpc throttle.global_down.rate))/s
echo -n \ of $(rtxmlrpc to_xb $(rtxmlrpc throttle.global_down.max_rate))/s
echo -n , U: $(rtxmlrpc to_xb $(rtxmlrpc
echo -n \ @ $(rtxmlrpc to_xb $(rtxmlrpc throttle.global_up.rate))/s
echo -n \ of $(rtxmlrpc to_xb $(rtxmlrpc throttle.global_up.max_rate))/s
When called, it prints something like this:
$ rtuptime
rTorrent 0.9.6/0.13.6, up 189:00:28 [315 loaded; U: 177.292 GiB; S: 891.781 GiB],
D: 27.3 GB @ 0.0 KB/s of 520.0 KB/s, U: 36.8 MB @ 0.0 KB/s of 52.0 KB/s
And yes, doing the same in a Python script would be much more CPU efficient. ;)
If you connect via network.scgi.open_port
, touch a file in /tmp
in your
startup script and use that for uptime checking.
General maintenance tasks¶
Here are some commands that can help with managing your rTorrent instance:
# Flush ALL session data NOW, use this before you make a backup of your session directory
Setting and checking throttles¶
To set the speed of the slow
throttle, and then check your new limit
and print the current download rate, use:
rtxmlrpc throttle.down '' slow 120
# 0
rtxmlrpc throttle.down.max '' slow
# 122880
rtxmlrpc throttle.down.rate '' slow
# 0
Note that the speed is specified in KiB/s as a string when setting it but returned in bytes/s as an integer on queries.
The following script makes this available in an easy usable form, e.g.
throttle slow 42
– it also shows the current rate and settings of
all defined throttles when called without arguments:
#! /bin/bash
# Set speed of named throttle
throttle_name="seed" # default name
unit=1024 # KiB/s
if test "$1" = "-d"; then
if test -n "$(echo $1 | tr -d 0-9)"; then
# Non-numeric $1 is a name
if test -z "$1"; then
echo >&2 "Usage: ${0/$HOME/~} [-d] [<throttle-name=$throttle_name>] <rate>"
test -e "$rtorrent_rc" || rtorrent_rc="$(rtxmlrpc system.get_cwd)/rtorrent.rc"
if test -e "$rtorrent_rc"; then
throttles="$(egrep '^throttle[._](up|down)' $rtorrent_rc | tr ._=, ' ' | cut -f3 -d" " | sort | uniq)"
for throttle in $throttles; do
echo -e " $throttle\t" \
"U: $(rtxmlrpc to_kb $(rtxmlrpc throttle.up.rate $throttle)) /" \
"$(rtxmlrpc to_kb $(rtxmlrpc throttle.up.max $throttle | sed 's/^-1$/0/')) KiB/s\t" \
"D: $(rtxmlrpc to_kb $(rtxmlrpc throttle.down.rate $throttle)) /" \
"$(rtxmlrpc to_kb $(rtxmlrpc throttle.down.max $throttle | sed 's/^-1$/0/')) KiB/s"
exit 2
rate=$(( $1 * $unit ))
# Set chosen bandwidth
if $down; then
if test $(rtxmlrpc throttle.down.max $throttle_name) -ne $rate; then
rtxmlrpc -q throttle.down $throttle_name $(( $rate / 1024 ))
echo "Throttle '$throttle_name' download rate changed to" \
"$(( $(rtxmlrpc throttle.down.max $throttle_name) / 1024 )) KiB/s"
if test $(rtxmlrpc throttle.up.max $throttle_name) -ne $rate; then
rtxmlrpc -q throttle.up $throttle_name $(( $rate / 1024 ))
echo "Throttle '$throttle_name' upload rate changed to" \
"$(( $(rtxmlrpc throttle.up.max $throttle_name) / 1024 )) KiB/s"
Global throttling when other computers are up¶
If you want to be loved by your house-mates, try this:
#! /bin/bash
# Throttle bittorrent when certain hosts are up
hosts_to_check="${1:-mom dad}"
unit=1024 # KiB/s
# Check if any prioritized hosts are up
up=$(( $full_up * $unit ))
down=$(( $full_down * $unit ))
for host in $hosts_to_check; do
if ping -c1 $host >/dev/null 2>&1; then
up=$(( $nice_up * $unit ))
down=$(( $nice_down * $unit ))
hosts="$hosts $host"
reason="at full throttle"
test -z "$hosts" || reason="for$hosts"
# Set chosen bandwidth
if test $(rtxmlrpc throttle.global_up.max_rate) -ne $up; then
echo "Setting upload rate to $(( $up / 1024 )) KiB/s $reason"
rtxmlrpc -q throttle.global_up.max_rate.set_kb $(( $up / 1024 ))
if test $(rtxmlrpc throttle.global_down.max_rate) -ne $down; then
echo "Setting download rate to $(( $down / 1024 )) KiB/s $reason"
rtxmlrpc -q throttle.global_down.max_rate.set_kb $(( $down / 1024 ))
Add it to your crontab and run it every few minutes.
Throttling rTorrent for a limited time¶
If you want to slow down rTorrent to use your available bandwidth on
foreground tasks like browsing, but usually forget to return the throttle
settings back to normal, then you can use the provided rt-backseat script.
It will register a job via at
, so that command must be installed on
the machine for it to work. The default throttle speed and timeout can be
set at the top of the script.
rTorrent Queue Manager¶
The pyrotorque
command is a daemon that handles background jobs.
At first, it was just a flexible torrent queue manager for starting items
one at a time (thus the name pyro-tor-que
), but it can now manage any job
that does some background processing for rTorrent, including custom
ones that you can add yourself.
It runs in the background parallel to rTorrent and has its own
scheduler to run automation jobs similar to rTorrent’s schedule
command — one of the jobs does start stopped items in a controlled fashion,
that is the queue manager part.
Besides the queue manager, the most important job type is TreeWatch
It reacts to file system events (via inotify
) to load new metafiles on the spot,
if you add the necessary configuration and activate it.
This way you have no delays at all, and no polling of watch directories in short intervals,
most often with no tangible result and just wasted CPU cycles.
Also, you can place the metafiles in arbitrary folders and sub-folders,
with just one configuration entry for the root folder to watch.
The queue is able to start items loaded via inotify
, i.e. both jobs can work together.
If you want to know about the gory details of the machinery behind this, read Writing Custom Jobs.
Initial Setup¶
Before you start configuring the daemon, you have to install some additional Python dependencies it needs to do its work, also depending on what jobs you activate in your configuration. The following is how to install the full set of dependencies:
~/.local/pyroscope/bin/pip install -r ~/.local/pyroscope/requirements-torque.txt
Watch out for any errors, since this installs several Python extensions that might
need some *-dev
OS packages available that you don’t have on your machine.
The pyrotorque
queue manager daemon relies on certain additions to rtorrent.rc
these are included in the standard pyrocore
that you added when you followed the Configuration Guide.
If for whatever reason you need to add these manually,
the file ~/.pyroscope/rtorrent.d/torque.rc.default
holds these settings.
The daemon itself is configured by an additional configuration file
containing the [TORQUE]
Most settings are already covered in torque.ini.default
including some short explanation what each setting does.
The next section shows how to customize these defaults.
Minimal Example¶
The following is a minimal ~/.pyroscope/torque.ini
configuration example,
only changing a few values from the defaults to demonstrate key features:
# "pyrotorque" configuration file
# For details, see
# Queue manager = True
job.queue.schedule = second=*/5
job.queue.intermission = 60
job.queue.downloading_max = 3
job.queue.startable = is_ignored=0 message= prio>0
[ prio>2 OR [ NOT [ traits=audio kind_25=jpg,png,tif,bmp ] ] ]
job.queue.downloading = [ prio>1 [ down>3 OR started<2i ] ]
# Tree watch (works together with the queue) = True
job.treewatch.load_mode = start
job.treewatch.queued = True
job.treewatch.path = /var/torrent/watch
job.treewatch.cmd.nfo = f.multicall=*.nfo,f.priority.set=2
job.treewatch.cmd.jpg = f.multicall=*.jpg,f.priority.set=2
job.treewatch.cmd.png = f.multicall=*.png,f.priority.set=2
job.treewatch.cmd.tif = f.multicall=*.tif,f.priority.set=0 = {{# set target path
Having a minimal configuration with just your changes is recommended, so you get new defaults in later releases automatically.
See the default configuration for more parameters and what they mean.
If the folder tree specified in the path
setting overlaps
with the paths used in existing ‘watch’ schedules of rtorrent.rc
then please either keep those paths apart, or disable those schedules
(comment them out), before activating tree watch.
Anything else will lead to confusing and inconsistent results.
Queue Settings Explained¶
In the above example for the queue
counts started-but-incomplete items including those
that ignore commands. Only if there are fewer of these items in the client
than that number, a new item will be started.
This is the queue’s length and thus the most important parameter.
The queue never stops any items, i.e. downloading_max
is not enforced
and you can manually start more items than that if you want to.
That is also the reason items that should be under queue control
must be loaded in ‘normal’ mode, i.e. stopped.
Other queue parameters are the minimum number of
items in ‘downloading’ state named downloading_min
, which trumps
, the maximum number of items to start in one run of the job.
Both default to 1
. Since the default schedule is second=*/15
that means at most one item would be started every 15 seconds.
But that default is changed using the following two lines:
job.queue.schedule = second=*/5
job.queue.intermission = 60
This makes the queue manager check more often whether there is something startable,
but prevents it from starting the next batch of items
when the last start was less than intermission
seconds ago.
The startable
condition (repeated below for reference) prevents ignored items,
ones having a non-empty message,
and those with the lowest priority from being started.
Note that tree watch sets the priority of items loaded in ‘normal’ mode to zero
– that prio>0
condition then excludes them from being started automatically some time later,
until you press +
to increase that priority.
You can also delay not-yet-started items using the -
until the item has a priority of zero (a/k/a off
job.queue.startable = is_ignored=0 message= prio>0
[ prio>2 OR [ NOT [ traits=audio kind_25=jpg,png,tif,bmp ] ] ]
This sample condition also adds the extra hurdle that audio downloads that don’t stay below
a 25% threshold regarding contained images are not started automatically.
Unless you raise the priority to 3 (high
) using the +
then they’re fair game for the queue.
Go do all that with a plain rTorrent watch dir, in one line of configuration.
The parameter sort_fields
is used to determinate in what order startable items are handled.
By default, higher priority items are started first, and age is used within each priority class.
Above, it was mentioned downloading_max
counts started-but-incomplete items.
The exact definition of that classification can be changed using the
A given condition is always extended with is_active=1 is_complete=0
i.e. the started-but-incomplete requirement.
job.queue.downloading = [ prio>1 [ down>3 OR started<2i ] ]
In plain English, this example says we only count items
that have a normal or high priority,
and transfer data or were started in the last 2 minutes.
The priority check means you can ‘hide’ started items from the queue by setting them to low
e.g. because they’re awfully slow and prevent your full bandwidth from being used.
The second part automatically ignores stalled items unless just started. This prevents disk trashing when a big item is still creating its files and thus has no data transfer – it looks stalled, but we do not want yet another item to be started and increasing disk I/O even more, so the manager sees those idle but young items as occupying a slot in the queue.
Tree Watch Details¶
The treewatch
job is set to co-operate with the queue as previously explained,
and load items as ready to be started (i.e. in stopped state, but with normal priority).
Any load_mode
that is not either start
or started
is considered
as equivalent to load.normal
. = True
job.treewatch.load_mode = start
job.treewatch.queued = True
The configuration settings for load_mode
and queued
can also be changed
on a case-by-case basis. For that, one of the ‘flags’ load
, start
, or queued
has to appear in the path of the loaded metafile
– either as a folder name, or else delimited by dots in the file name.
These examples should help with understanding how to use that:
☛ load and start these, ignoring what 'load_mode' says
☛ just load these, ignoring what 'load_mode' says
☛ always queue these, using the configured 'load_mode'
Should you have both start
and load
in a path, then start
determines the root of the folder tree to watch for new metafiles
via registration with the inotify
mechanism of Linux.
That means they are loaded milliseconds after they’re written to disk,
without any excessive polling.
job.treewatch.path = /var/torrent/watch
You can provide more that one tree to watch, by separating the root folders with :
The cmd.«name»
settings can be used to
provide additional load commands, executed during loading the new item,
before it is started (in case it is started at all).
This is equivalent to the commands you can append to a rTorrent load.*
They’re added in the alphabetic order of their names.
job.treewatch.cmd.nfo = f.multicall=*.nfo,f.priority.set=2
job.treewatch.cmd.jpg = f.multicall=*.jpg,f.priority.set=2
job.treewatch.cmd.png = f.multicall=*.png,f.priority.set=2
job.treewatch.cmd.tif = f.multicall=*.tif,f.priority.set=0 = {{# set target path
The above example shows how to set any NFO files and JPG/PNG images to high priority, and prevent downloading any TIF images by default.
Commands can be templates, see Using the Tree Watch Job for further details
on the target
In case no files are loaded after you activated tree watch, you can
set trace_inotify
to True
to get detailed logs of all file
system events as they are received.
Also keep in mind that for now,
if you add metafiles while the pyrotorque
daemon is not running,
you have to touch
them manually after you have restarted it to load them.
Testing Your Configuration¶
After having completed your configuration, you’re ready to test it, by following these steps:
- Execute
rm ~/.pyroscope/run/pyrotorque
to prevent the watchdog from starting the manager in the background. - Stop any running daemon process using
pyrotorque --stop
, just in case. - Run
pyrotorque --fg -v
in a terminal, this will start the job scheduler in the foreground with verbose logging directly to that terminal, exactly what you need to check out if your configuration does what you intended. It also helps you to understand what goes on “under the hood”. - If you applied changes to your configuration, stop the running scheduler by pressing CTRL-C, then restart it. Wash, rinse, repeat.
- Press CTRL-C for the last time and call
pyrotorque --status
, it should show that no daemon process is running. - Execute
touch ~/.pyroscope/run/pyrotorque
— this does create the guard file again, which must always exist if you wantpyrotorque
to run in the background (otherwise you’ll just get an error message on the console or in the log, if you try to launch it). - Wait up to 300 seconds, and if your rTorrent configuration has the
schedule as it should have,pyrotorque --status
will show that a daemon process was automatically started by that rTorrent schedule. - Enjoy, and check
for feedback from the daemon process.
If you want to restart the daemon running in the background immediately,
e.g. to reload torque.ini
or after a software update, use
pyrotorque --cron --restart
Built-in Jobs¶
The QueueManager
is just one kind of job that can be run by
. It has an embedded scheduler that can run any number of
additional jobs, the following sections explain the built-in ones. Since
these jobs can be loaded from any available Python package, you can also
easily write your own.
Jobs and their configuration are added in the [TORQUE]
section, by
providing at least the parameters job.«NAME».handler
. Depending on the handler, additional parameters
can/must be provided (see below for a list of built-in handlers and what they
Details on the schedule
parameter can be found
Multiple fields must be separated by spaces, so if a field value
contains a space, it must be quoted, e.g. hour=12 "day=3rd sun"
The handler
parameter tells the system where to look for the job
implementation, see the handler descriptions below for the correct
manages queued downloads (i.e.
starts them in a controlled manner), it is described in detail
further up on this page.
TreeWatch (beta, not feature-complete)
watches a folder tree, which can be
nested arbitrarily. Loading of new .torrent
files is immediate
(using libnotify
TODO Each sub-directory can contain a watch.ini
file for parameters like whether to start new items immediately, and for
overriding the completion path.
See the explanation of the example configuration above and Using the Tree Watch Job for further details.
runs once per minute, checks the
connection to rTorrent, and logs some statistical information.
You can change it to run only hourly by adding this to the
configuration: job.connstats.schedule = hour=*
Using the Tree Watch Job¶
As mentioned in rTorrent Queue Manager, commands configured to be executed during item loading can be templates. This can be used to support all sorts of tricks, the most common ones are explained here, including fully dynamic completion moving. If the following explanation of the inner workings is too technical and nerdy for you, skip to the Tree Watch Examples section below, and just adapt one of the prepared use cases to your setup.
So how does this work? When a .torrent
file is notified for loading via inotify
it’s parsed and contained data is put into variables that can be used in
the command templates. In order to get an idea what variables are
available, you can dump the templating namespace for a metafile to the
console, by calling the watch
job directly.
Consider this example:
$ date >example.dat
$ mktor -q example.dat
$ python-pyrocore -m -v example.dat.torrent
DEBUG Tree watcher created with config Bunch(active=False, …'{{# set target path\n}}d.custom.set=targetdir,/var/torrent/done/{{label}}/{{relpath}}',
dry_run=True, handler='', job_name='treewatch',
load_mode='start', path='/var/torrent', queued='True', quiet='False', schedule='hour=*')
DEBUG custom commands = {'target': <Template 2d01990 name=None>, 'nfo': f.multicall=*.nfo,f.set_priority=2, …}
INFO Templating values are:
commands=[…, 'd.custom.set=targetdir,/var/torrent/done//pyrocore', …]
Things to take note of:
custom command is expanded to set thetargetdir
rTorrent attribute to the completion path (which can then be used in a
handler), using therelpath
variable which is obtained from the full.torrent
path, relative to the watch dir root.all kinds of other information is made available, like the torrent’s info hash and the tracker alias; thus you can write conditional templates based on tracker, or use the tracker name in a completion path.
for certain types of downloads,
provides parsed information to build specific target paths, e.g. for thePioneer.One.S01E06.720p.x264-VODO
TV episode, you’ll get this:label='tv/mkv' traits=Bunch(aspect=None, codec='x264', episode='06', extension=None, format='720p', group='VODO', kind='tv', pattern='Normal TV Episodes', release=None, release_tags=None, season='01', show='Pioneer.One', sound=None, title=None)
Tree Watch Examples¶
Completion Moving¶
Since the templating namespace automatically includes the path of a
loaded .torrent
file relative to the watch root (in relpath
, see
above example namespace output and the config example further down), you
can set the “move on completion” target using that value. = {{# set target path
Note that this still needs a typical completion event handler that takes the custom variable that is set, and moves the data based on its value.
Tree Watch with Sorting¶
This example adds a second job for a sorted
tree that directly saves
the data into a path based on the loaded metafile’s location.
# Tree watch with location = = hour=* = True = normal = True = /var/torrent/sorted/watch = {{# set download path
}}{{if '/music/' in pathname}}{{# add metafile basename to path
}}{{elif traits.kind == 'tv'}}{{# store TV content into separate show folders
}}"/var/torrent/sorted/{{relpath}}/{{traits.get('show', '_UNKNOWN').replace('.',' ').title()}}"{{#
}}{{else}}{{# just use the relative metafile location
Change the values in the second block to suit your needs. As given,
an item loaded from …/sorted/watch/movies/*.torrent
would end up in the …/sorted/movies
(with the filename coming from inside the metafile as usual),
and it won’t start by itself.
Also, paths containing music
use the metafile’s basename as the data directory,
and metafiles recognized as TV content get separated into show directories.