RSS example - 1/1 Blog automation (4) documentation (8) example (2) latex (2) notebook (4) sphinx (10)

example - 1/1

Make a reference to a blog post


Make a reference to the label label-to-this-blogpost to reference this blog post. Look at the source of this page to see how this id was specified.


An example of a blog post included in the documentation


This blog post is an example of a blogpost which can be added to the documentation. Unfortunately, it does not rely on an existing python blog generator as it was difficult to entirely change the existing framework and to keep track on references.

It is just a rst file which starts with a header like the following:

.. blogpost::
    :title: An example of a blog post included in the documentation
    :keywords: example, blogpost, documentation
    :date: 2015-04-04
    :categories: documentation, example

However, you can check some of the following to power your blog: What’s the best available static blog/website generator in Python or this page which gathers many framework to build a static website: StaticGen Top Open-Source Static Site Generators.


RSS example - 1/1 2015-04 (8) 2015-05 (4) 2015-08 (2) 2015-10 (1) 2015-12 (3) 2016-01 (1) 2016-02 (3) 2016-04 (1) 2016-06 (1)