Plate archive metadata class.
Get metadata for the specific plate (or scan).
Source files are parsed in the following order: WFPDB maindata, WFPDB quality, WFPDB observer, WFPDB notes, plate CSV, scan CSV, configuration file.
Parameters : | plate_id : str
filename : str
Returns : | platemeta : a PlateMeta object
Read CSV files.
Parameters : | csv_dir : str
fn_plate_csv : str
fn_scan_csv : str
fn_logpage_csv : str
Read WFPDB data files.
Parameters : | wfpdb_dir : str
fn_maindata : str
fn_quality : str
fn_notes : str
fn_observer : str
Bases: collections.OrderedDict
Metadata CSV dictionary class.
Bases: collections.OrderedDict
Logpage metadata class.
Plate header class. Based on FITS header class from
Bases: collections.OrderedDict
Plate metadata class.
Compute UT time from sidereal time and precess coordinates from plate epoch to J2000. index class
Create indexes for a set of epochs.
Plate solve process class
Write process end to the database.
Parameters : | completed : int
Update process in the database.
Parameters : | num_sources : int
solved : int
Extract sources from a FITS file.
Parameters : | threshold_sigma : float
use_psf : bool
psf_threshold_sigma : float
psf_model_sigma : float
circular_film : bool
Invert FITS image and save the result (*_inverted.fits) in the scratch or work directory.
Write source list with calibrated RA and Dec to an ASCII file.
Combine coordinates from the global and recursive solutions. Calculate X, Y, and Z on the unit sphere.
Solve astrometry in a FITS file.
Parameters : | plate_epoch : float
sip : int
skip_bright : int
Solve astrometry in a FITS file.
Parameters : | plate_epoch : float
sip : int
skip_bright : int
max_recursion_depth : int
force_recursion_depth : int
Plate solve process log class
Write a log message to the database.
Parameters : | level : int
message : str
event : int
Write a message to the log file and optionally to the database.
Parameters : | message : str
timestamp : bool
double_newline : bool
Plate database class.
Execute SQL query with mutliple data rows and reopen connection if connection has been lost.
Get logbook ID from the database by archive ID and logbook number.
Parameters : | logbook_num : str
archive_id : int
Returns : | logbook_id : int
Get logpage ID from the database.
Parameters : | filename : str
archive_id : int
Returns : | result : int
Get plate epoch from the database.
Parameters : | plate_id : int
Returns : | result : float
Get plate ID from the database by archive ID and plate number.
Parameters : | plate_num : str
archive_id : int
Returns : | plate_id : int
Get plate ID from the database by WFPDB ID.
Parameters : | wfpdb_id : str
Returns : | plate_id : int
Get scan ID and plate ID from the database.
Parameters : | filename : str
archive_id : int
Returns : | result : tuple
Open MySQL database connection.
Parameters : | host : str
user : str
passwd : str
dbname : str
Update plate-solve process in the database.
Write photometric calibration to the database.
Write photometric color term result to the database.
Write photometric color term data to the database.
Write photometric calibration errors to the database.
Write plate entry to the database.
Parameters : | platemeta : PlateMeta
Returns : | plate_id : int
Write plate-logpage relations to the database.
Parameters : | platemeta : PlateMeta
Write plate-solve process end to the database.
Write plate-solve process to the database.
Write plate solve process log message to the database.
Write scan entry to the database.
Parameters : | platemeta : PlateMeta
Returns : | scan_id : int
Plate processing pipeline class
Run plate image processes in parallel.
Parameters : | filenames : list
processes : int
process_max_tasks : int
wait_start : float