Source code for pyplate.database

import numpy as np
import time
import ConfigParser
import socket
from collections import OrderedDict
from .conf import read_conf
from ._version import __version__

    import MySQLdb
except ImportError:

_schema = OrderedDict()

_schema['archive'] = OrderedDict([
    ('archive_id',       ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY', None)),
    ('archive_name',     ('VARCHAR(80)', None)),
    ('institute',        ('VARCHAR(80)', None)),
    ('timestamp_insert', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('timestamp_update', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP '
                          'ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),

_schema['plate'] = OrderedDict([
    ('archive_id',       ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'archive_id')),
    ('plate_num',        ('CHAR(10)', 'plate_num')),
    ('plate_num_orig',   ('CHAR(10)', 'plate_num_orig')),
    ('wfpdb_id',         ('CHAR(15)', 'wfpdb_id')),
    ('series',           ('VARCHAR(80)', 'series')),
    ('plate_format',     ('CHAR(7)', 'plate_format')),
    ('plate_size1',      ('FLOAT', 'plate_size1')),
    ('plate_size2',      ('FLOAT', 'plate_size2')),
    ('emulsion',         ('VARCHAR(80)', 'emulsion')),
    ('filter',           ('VARCHAR(80)', 'filter')),
    ('spectral_band',    ('VARCHAR(80)', 'spectral_band')),
    ('develop',          ('VARCHAR(80)', 'developing')),
    ('plate_quality',    ('VARCHAR(80)', 'plate_quality')),
    ('plate_notes',      ('VARCHAR(255)', 'plate_notes')),
    ('date_orig',        ('DATE', 'date_orig')),
    ('numexp',           ('TINYINT UNSIGNED', 'numexp')),
    ('observatory',      ('VARCHAR(80)', 'observatory')),
    ('sitename',         ('VARCHAR(80)', 'site_name')),
    ('longitude_deg',    ('DOUBLE', 'site_longitude')),
    ('latitude_deg',     ('DOUBLE', 'site_latitude')),
    ('elevation',        ('FLOAT', 'site_elevation')),
    ('telescope',        ('VARCHAR(80)', 'telescope')),
    ('tel_aper',         ('FLOAT', 'tel_aperture')),
    ('tel_foc',          ('FLOAT', 'tel_foclength')),
    ('tel_scale',        ('FLOAT', 'tel_scale')),
    ('instrument',       ('VARCHAR(80)', 'instrument')),
    ('method',           ('TINYINT UNSIGNED', 'method_code')),
    ('prism',            ('VARCHAR(80)', 'prism')),
    ('prism_angle',      ('VARCHAR(10)', 'prism_angle')),
    ('dispersion',       ('FLOAT', 'dispersion')),
    ('grating',          ('VARCHAR(80)', 'grating')),
    ('air_temp',         ('FLOAT', 'temperature')),
    ('calmness',         ('VARCHAR(10)', 'calmness')),
    ('sharpness',        ('VARCHAR(10)', 'sharpness')),
    ('transparency',     ('VARCHAR(10)', 'transparency')),
    ('sky_conditions',   ('VARCHAR(80)', 'skycond')),
    ('observer',         ('VARCHAR(80)', 'observer')),
    ('obs_notes',        ('VARCHAR(255)', 'obsnotes')),
    ('notes',            ('VARCHAR(255)', 'notes')),
    ('bibcode',          ('VARCHAR(80)', 'bibcode')),
    ('filename_preview', ('VARCHAR(80)', 'fn_pre')),
    ('filename_thumbnail', ('VARCHAR(80)', None)),
    ('filename_cover',   ('VARCHAR(80)', 'fn_cover')),
    ('timestamp_insert', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('timestamp_update', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP '
                          'ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('INDEX archive_ind', ('(archive_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX wfpdb_ind',   ('(wfpdb_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX method_ind',  ('(method)', None))

_schema['exposure'] = OrderedDict([
    ('exposure_id',      ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY', None)),
    ('plate_id',         ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'plate_id')),
    ('archive_id',       ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'archive_id')),
    ('exposure_num',     ('TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', None)),
    ('object_name',      ('VARCHAR(80)', 'object_name')),
    ('object_type',      ('CHAR(2)', 'object_type_code')),
    ('ra_orig',          ('CHAR(11)', 'ra_orig')),
    ('dec_orig',         ('CHAR(11)', 'dec_orig')),
    ('flag_coord',       ('CHAR(1)', 'coord_flag')),
    ('raj2000',          ('DOUBLE', 'ra_deg')),
    ('dej2000',          ('DOUBLE', 'dec_deg')),
    ('raj2000_hms',      ('CHAR(11)', 'ra')),
    ('dej2000_dms',      ('CHAR(11)', 'dec')),
    ('date_orig_start',  ('VARCHAR(80)', 'date_orig')),
    ('date_orig_end',    ('VARCHAR(80)', 'date_orig_end')),
    ('time_orig_start',  ('VARCHAR(255)', 'tms_orig')),
    ('time_orig_end',    ('VARCHAR(255)', 'tme_orig')),
    ('flag_time',        ('CHAR(1)', 'time_flag')),
    ('ut_start',         ('DATETIME', 'date_obs')),
    ('ut_mid',           ('DATETIME', 'date_avg')),
    ('ut_weighted',      ('DATETIME', 'date_weighted')),
    ('ut_end',           ('DATETIME', 'date_end')),
    ('year_start',       ('DOUBLE', 'year')),
    ('year_mid',         ('DOUBLE', 'year_avg')),
    ('year_weighted',    ('DOUBLE', 'year_weighted')),
    ('year_end',         ('DOUBLE', 'year_end')),
    ('jd_start',         ('DOUBLE', 'jd')),
    ('jd_mid',           ('DOUBLE', 'jd_avg')),
    ('jd_weighted',      ('DOUBLE', 'jd_weighted')),
    ('jd_end',           ('DOUBLE', 'jd_end')),
    ('hjd_mid',          ('DOUBLE', None)),
    ('hjd_weighted',     ('DOUBLE', None)),
    ('exptime',          ('FLOAT', 'exptime')),
    ('num_sub',          ('TINYINT UNSIGNED', 'numsub')),
    ('method',           ('TINYINT UNSIGNED', None)),
    ('focus',            ('FLOAT', 'focus')),
    ('timestamp_insert', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('timestamp_update', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP '
                          'ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('INDEX plate_ind',   ('(plate_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX archive_ind', ('(archive_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX raj2000_ind', ('(raj2000)', None)),
    ('INDEX dej2000_ind', ('(dej2000)', None))

_schema['exposure_sub'] = OrderedDict([
    ('subexposure_id',   ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY', None)),
    ('exposure_id',      ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', None)),
    ('plate_id',         ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', None)),
    ('exposure_num',     ('TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', None)),
    ('subexposure_num',  ('TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', None)),
    ('date_orig_start',  ('VARCHAR(10)', 'date_orig')),
    ('time_orig_start',  ('VARCHAR(40)', 'tms_orig')),
    ('time_orig_end',    ('VARCHAR(40)', 'tme_orig')),
    ('ut_start',         ('DATETIME', 'date_obs')),
    ('ut_mid',           ('DATETIME', 'date_avg')),
    ('ut_end',           ('DATETIME', 'date_end')),
    ('jd_start',         ('DOUBLE', 'jd')),
    ('jd_mid',           ('DOUBLE', 'jd_avg')),
    ('jd_end',           ('DOUBLE', 'jd_end')),
    ('exptime',          ('FLOAT', 'exptime')),
    ('timestamp_insert', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('timestamp_update', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP '
                          'ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('INDEX exposure_ind', ('(exposure_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX plate_ind',    ('(plate_id)', None))

_schema['scan'] = OrderedDict([
    ('plate_id',         ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', None)),
    ('archive_id',       ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', 'archive_id')),
    ('filename_scan',    ('VARCHAR(80)', 'filename')),
    ('filename_wedge',   ('VARCHAR(80)', 'fn_wedge')),
    ('naxis1',           ('SMALLINT UNSIGNED', 'fits_naxis1')),
    ('naxis2',           ('SMALLINT UNSIGNED', 'fits_naxis2')),
    ('minval',           ('INT', 'fits_minval')),
    ('maxval',           ('INT', 'fits_maxval')),
    ('scanner',          ('VARCHAR(80)', 'scanner')),
    ('scan_res1',        ('SMALLINT UNSIGNED', 'scan_res1')),
    ('scan_res2',        ('SMALLINT UNSIGNED', 'scan_res2')),
    ('pixel_size1',      ('FLOAT', 'pix_size1')),
    ('pixel_size2',      ('FLOAT', 'pix_size2')),
    ('scan_software',    ('VARCHAR(80)', 'scan_software')),
    ('scan_gamma',       ('FLOAT', 'scan_gamma')),
    ('scan_focus',       ('VARCHAR(80)', 'scan_focus')),
    ('wedge',            ('VARCHAR(80)', 'wedge')),
    ('scan_date',        ('DATETIME', 'datescan')),
    ('scan_author',      ('VARCHAR(80)', 'scan_author')),
    ('scan_notes',       ('VARCHAR(255)', 'scan_notes')),
    ('origin',           ('VARCHAR(80)', 'origin')),
    ('timestamp_insert', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('timestamp_update', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP '
                          'ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('INDEX plate_ind',   ('(plate_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX archive_ind', ('(archive_id)', None))

_schema['logbook'] = OrderedDict([
    ('archive_id',       ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', True)),
    ('logbook_num',      ('CHAR(10)', True)),
    ('logbook_title',    ('VARCHAR(80)', True)),
    ('logbook_type',     ('TINYINT', True)),
    ('logbook_notes',    ('VARCHAR(255)', True)),
    ('timestamp_insert', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('timestamp_update', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP '
                          'ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('INDEX archive_ind', ('(archive_id)', None))

_schema['logpage'] = OrderedDict([
    ('logbook_id',       ('INT UNSIGNED', True)),
    ('archive_id',       ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', True)),
    ('logpage_type',     ('TINYINT', True)),
    ('page_num',         ('SMALLINT', True)),
    ('logpage_order',    ('SMALLINT', True)),
    ('filename',         ('VARCHAR(80)', True)),
    ('file_format',      ('VARCHAR(80)', True)),
    ('image_width',      ('SMALLINT UNSIGNED', True)),
    ('image_height',     ('SMALLINT UNSIGNED', True)),
    ('image_datetime',   ('DATETIME', True)),
    ('timestamp_insert', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('timestamp_update', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP '
                          'ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('INDEX archive_ind', ('(archive_id)', None))

_schema['plate_logpage'] = OrderedDict([
    ('plate_id',         ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', None)),
    ('logpage_id',       ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', None)),
    ('logpage_order',    ('TINYINT', None)),
    ('timestamp_insert', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('timestamp_update', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP '
                          'ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('INDEX plate_ind',  ('(plate_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX logpage_ind',('(logpage_id)', None))

_schema['source'] = OrderedDict([
    ('source_id',        ('BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY', False)),
    ('process_id',       ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('scan_id',          ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('exposure_id',      ('INT UNSIGNED', False)),
    ('plate_id',         ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('archive_id',       ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('source_num',       ('INT UNSIGNED', True)),
    ('x_source',         ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('y_source',         ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('a_source',         ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('b_source',         ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('theta_source',     ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('erra_source',      ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('errb_source',      ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('errtheta_source',  ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('elongation',       ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('x_peak',           ('INT', True)),
    ('y_peak',           ('INT', True)),
    ('flag_usepsf',      ('TINYINT', True)),
    ('x_image',          ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('y_image',          ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('erra_image',       ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('errb_image',       ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('errtheta_image',   ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('x_psf',            ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('y_psf',            ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('erra_psf',         ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('errb_psf',         ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('errtheta_psf',     ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('mag_auto',         ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('magerr_auto',      ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('flux_auto',        ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('fluxerr_auto',     ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('mag_iso',          ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('magerr_iso',       ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('flux_iso',         ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('fluxerr_iso',      ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('flux_max',         ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('flux_radius',      ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('isoarea',          ('INT', True)),
    ('sqrt_isoarea',     ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('background',       ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('sextractor_flags', ('SMALLINT', True)),
    ('dist_center',      ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('dist_edge',        ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('annular_bin',      ('TINYINT', True)),
    ('flag_rim',         ('TINYINT', True)),
    ('flag_negradius',   ('TINYINT', True)),
    ('flag_clean',       ('TINYINT', True)),
    ('timestamp_insert', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('timestamp_update', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP '
                          'ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('INDEX process_ind',    ('(process_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX scan_ind',       ('(scan_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX exposure_ind',   ('(exposure_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX plate_ind',      ('(plate_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX archive_ind',    ('(archive_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX annularbin_ind', ('(annular_bin)', None))

_schema['source_calib'] = OrderedDict([
    ('source_id',        ('BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY', False)),
    ('process_id',       ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('scan_id',          ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('exposure_id',      ('INT UNSIGNED', False)),
    ('plate_id',         ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('archive_id',       ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('annular_bin',      ('TINYINT', True)),
    ('dist_center',      ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('dist_edge',        ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('sextractor_flags', ('SMALLINT', True)),
    ('raj2000',          ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('dej2000',          ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('x_sphere',         ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('y_sphere',         ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('z_sphere',         ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('healpix256',       ('INT', True)),
    ('raj2000_wcs',      ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('dej2000_wcs',      ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('raj2000_sub',      ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('dej2000_sub',      ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('raerr_sub',        ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('decerr_sub',       ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('gridsize_sub',     ('SMALLINT', True)),
    ('nn_dist',          ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('natmag',           ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('natmagerr',        ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('bmag',             ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('bmagerr',          ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('vmag',             ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('vmagerr',          ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('flag_calib_star',  ('TINYINT', True)),
    ('flag_calib_outlier', ('TINYINT', True)),
    ('color_term',       ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('color_bv',         ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('cat_natmag',       ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('tycho2_id',        ('CHAR(12)', True)),
    ('tycho2_ra',        ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('tycho2_dec',       ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('tycho2_btmag',     ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('tycho2_vtmag',     ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('tycho2_btmagerr',  ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('tycho2_vtmagerr',  ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('tycho2_hip',       ('INT UNSIGNED', True)),
    ('tycho2_dist',      ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('tycho2_dist2',     ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('tycho2_nn_dist',   ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('ucac4_id',         ('CHAR(10)', True)),
    ('ucac4_ra',         ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('ucac4_dec',        ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('ucac4_bmag',       ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('ucac4_vmag',       ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('ucac4_bmagerr',    ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('ucac4_vmagerr',    ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('ucac4_dist',       ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('ucac4_dist2',      ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('ucac4_nn_dist',    ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('apass_ra',         ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('apass_dec',        ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('apass_bmag',       ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('apass_vmag',       ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('apass_bmagerr',    ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('apass_vmagerr',    ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('apass_dist',       ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('apass_dist2',      ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('apass_nn_dist',    ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('timestamp_insert', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('timestamp_update', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP '
                          'ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('INDEX source_ind',   ('(source_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX process_ind',  ('(process_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX scan_ind',     ('(scan_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX exposure_ind', ('(exposure_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX plate_ind',    ('(plate_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX archive_ind',  ('(archive_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX annularbin_ind', ('(annular_bin)', None)),
    ('INDEX raj2000_ind',  ('(raj2000)', None)),
    ('INDEX dej2000_ind',  ('(dej2000)', None)),
    ('INDEX x_ind',        ('(x_sphere)', None)),
    ('INDEX y_ind',        ('(y_sphere)', None)),
    ('INDEX z_ind',        ('(z_sphere)', None)),
    ('INDEX healpix256_ind', ('(healpix256)', None)),
    ('INDEX nndist_ind',   ('(nn_dist)', None)),
    ('INDEX natmag_ind',   ('(natmag)', None)),
    ('INDEX bmag_ind',     ('(bmag)', None)),
    ('INDEX vmag_ind',     ('(vmag)', None)),
    ('INDEX tycho2_ind',   ('(tycho2_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX hip_ind',      ('(tycho2_hip)', None)),
    ('INDEX ucac4_ind',    ('(ucac4_id)', None))

_schema['solution'] = OrderedDict([
    ('process_id',       ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('scan_id',          ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('exposure_id',      ('INT UNSIGNED', False)),
    ('plate_id',         ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('archive_id',       ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('raj2000',          ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('dej2000',          ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('raj2000_hms',      ('CHAR(11)', True)),
    ('dej2000_dms',      ('CHAR(11)', True)),
    ('fov1',             ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('fov2',             ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('pixel_scale',      ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('source_density',   ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('cd1_1',            ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('cd1_2',            ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('cd2_1',            ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('cd2_2',            ('DOUBLE', True)),
    ('rotation_angle',   ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('plate_mirrored',   ('TINYINT(1)', True)),
    ('ncp_on_plate',     ('TINYINT(1)', True)),
    ('scp_on_plate',     ('TINYINT(1)', True)),
    ('stc_box',          ('VARCHAR(100)', True)),
    ('stc_polygon',      ('VARCHAR(200)', True)),
    ('wcs',              ('TEXT', True)),
    ('timestamp_insert', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('timestamp_update', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP '
                          'ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('INDEX process_ind',  ('(process_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX scan_ind',     ('(scan_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX exposure_ind', ('(exposure_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX plate_ind',    ('(plate_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX archive_ind',  ('(archive_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX raj2000_ind',  ('(raj2000)', None)),
    ('INDEX dej2000_ind',  ('(dej2000)', None))

_schema['phot_calib'] = OrderedDict([
    ('process_id',       ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('scan_id',          ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('exposure_id',      ('INT UNSIGNED', False)),
    ('plate_id',         ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('archive_id',       ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('annular_bin',      ('TINYINT', True)),
    ('color_term',       ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('color_term_err',   ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('num_bin_stars',    ('INT UNSIGNED', True)),
    ('num_calib_stars',  ('INT UNSIGNED', True)),
    ('num_bright_stars', ('INT UNSIGNED', True)),
    ('num_outliers',     ('INT UNSIGNED', True)),
    ('bright_limit',     ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('faint_limit',      ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('mag_range',        ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('rmse_min',         ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('rmse_median',      ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('rmse_max',         ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('timestamp_insert', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('timestamp_update', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP '
                          'ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('INDEX process_ind',  ('(process_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX scan_ind',     ('(scan_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX exposure_ind', ('(exposure_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX plate_ind',    ('(plate_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX archive_ind',  ('(archive_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX annularbin_ind', ('(annular_bin)', None))
_schema['phot_rmse'] = OrderedDict([
    ('process_id',       ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('scan_id',          ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('exposure_id',      ('INT UNSIGNED', False)),
    ('plate_id',         ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('archive_id',       ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('annular_bin',      ('TINYINT', True)),
    ('plate_mag',        ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('rmse',             ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('mag_window',       ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('num_stars',        ('INT UNSIGNED', True)),
    ('timestamp_insert', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('timestamp_update', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP '
                          'ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('INDEX process_ind',  ('(process_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX scan_ind',     ('(scan_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX exposure_ind', ('(exposure_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX plate_ind',    ('(plate_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX archive_ind',  ('(archive_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX annularbin_ind', ('(annular_bin)', None))
_schema['phot_color'] = OrderedDict([
    ('process_id',       ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('scan_id',          ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('exposure_id',      ('INT UNSIGNED', False)),
    ('plate_id',         ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('archive_id',       ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('color_term',       ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('color_term_err',   ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('stdev_fit',        ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('stdev_min',        ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('cterm_min',        ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('cterm_max',        ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('iteration',        ('TINYINT UNSIGNED', True)),
    ('num_stars',        ('INT UNSIGNED', True)),
    ('timestamp_insert', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('timestamp_update', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP '
                          'ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('INDEX process_ind',  ('(process_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX scan_ind',     ('(scan_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX exposure_ind', ('(exposure_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX plate_ind',    ('(plate_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX archive_ind',  ('(archive_id)', None))
_schema['phot_cterm'] = OrderedDict([
    ('process_id',       ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('scan_id',          ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('exposure_id',      ('INT UNSIGNED', False)),
    ('plate_id',         ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('archive_id',       ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', False)),
    ('iteration',        ('INT UNSIGNED', True)),
    ('cterm',            ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('stdev',            ('FLOAT', True)),
    ('num_stars',        ('INT UNSIGNED', True)),
    ('timestamp_insert', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('timestamp_update', ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP '
                          'ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('INDEX process_ind',  ('(process_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX scan_ind',     ('(scan_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX exposure_ind', ('(exposure_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX plate_ind',    ('(plate_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX archive_ind',  ('(archive_id)', None))
_schema['process'] = OrderedDict([
    ('scan_id',          ('INT UNSIGNED', None)),
    ('plate_id',         ('INT UNSIGNED', None)),
    ('archive_id',       ('INT UNSIGNED', None)),
    ('filename',         ('VARCHAR(80)', None)),
    ('hostname',         ('VARCHAR(80)', None)),
    ('timestamp_start',  ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('timestamp_end',    ('TIMESTAMP NULL', None)),
    ('duration',         ('INT UNSIGNED', None)),
    ('sky',              ('FLOAT', None)),
    ('sky_sigma',        ('FLOAT', None)),
    ('use_psf',          ('TINYINT(1)', None)),
    ('threshold',        ('FLOAT', None)),
    ('num_sources',      ('INT UNSIGNED', None)),
    ('solved',           ('TINYINT(1)', None)),
    ('num_ucac4',        ('INT UNSIGNED', None)),
    ('num_tycho2',       ('INT UNSIGNED', None)),
    ('num_apass',        ('INT UNSIGNED', None)),
    ('color_term',       ('FLOAT', None)),
    ('bright_limit',     ('FLOAT', None)),
    ('faint_limit',      ('FLOAT', None)),
    ('mag_range',        ('FLOAT', None)),
    ('calibrated',       ('TINYINT(1)', None)),
    ('completed',        ('TINYINT(1)', None)),
    ('pyplate_version',  ('VARCHAR(15)', None)),
    ('INDEX scan_ind',   ('(scan_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX plate_ind',  ('(plate_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX archive_ind', ('(archive_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX filename_ind', ('(filename)', None))

_schema['process_log'] = OrderedDict([
    ('process_id',       ('INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL', None)),
    ('timestamp_log',    ('TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', None)),
    ('scan_id',          ('INT UNSIGNED', None)),
    ('plate_id',         ('INT UNSIGNED', None)),
    ('archive_id',       ('INT UNSIGNED', None)),
    ('level',            ('TINYINT', None)),
    ('event',            ('SMALLINT', None)),
    ('message',          ('TEXT', None)),
    ('INDEX process_ind', ('(process_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX scan_ind',   ('(scan_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX plate_ind',  ('(plate_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX archive_ind', ('(archive_id)', None)),
    ('INDEX event_ind',  ('(event)', None))

def _get_columns_sql(table):
    Print table column statements.


    sql = None

    if table in _schema:
        #sql = 'CREATE TABLE {} (\n'.format(table)
        sql_list = ['    {:15s} {}'.format(k, v[0]) 
                    for k,v in _schema[table].items()]
        sql = ',\n'.join(sql_list)

    return sql

[docs]class PlateDB: """ Plate database class. """ def __init__(self): = 'localhost' self.user = '' self.dbname = '' self.passwd = '' self.db = None self.cursor = None
[docs] def assign_conf(self, conf): """ Assign and parse configuration. """ if isinstance(conf, str): conf = read_conf(conf) self.conf = conf for attr in ['write_log_dir']: try: setattr(self, attr, conf.get('Files', attr)) except ConfigParser.Error: pass for attr in zip(['host', 'user', 'dbname', 'passwd'], ['output_db_host', 'output_db_user', 'output_db_name', 'output_db_passwd']): try: setattr(self, attr[0], conf.get('Database', attr[1])) except ConfigParser.Error: pass
[docs] def open_connection(self, host=None, user=None, passwd=None, dbname=None): """ Open MySQL database connection. Parameters ---------- host : str MySQL database host name user : str MySQL database user name passwd : str MySQL database password dbname : str MySQL database name """ if host is None: host = if user is None: user = self.user if passwd is None: passwd = self.passwd if dbname is None: dbname = self.dbname while True: try: self.db = MySQLdb.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=passwd, db=dbname) = host self.user = user self.passwd = passwd self.dbname = dbname break except MySQLdb.OperationalError, e: if e.args[0] == 1040: print 'MySQL server reports too many connections, trying again' time.sleep(10) elif e.args[0] == 1045: print 'MySQL error {:d}: {}'.format(e.args[0], e.args[1]) break else: raise if self.db is not None: self.cursor = self.db.cursor()
[docs] def execute_query(self, *args): """ Execute SQL query and reopen connection if connection has been lost. """ try: numrows = self.cursor.execute(*args) except AttributeError: numrows = None except MySQLdb.OperationalError, e: if e.args[0] == 2006: print 'MySQL server has gone away, trying to reconnect' # Wait for 20 seconds, then open new connection and execute # query again time.sleep(20) self.open_connection() numrows = self.cursor.execute(*args) else: raise return numrows
[docs] def executemany_query(self, *args): """ Execute SQL query with mutliple data rows and reopen connection if connection has been lost. """ try: numrows = self.cursor.executemany(*args) except AttributeError: numrows = None except MySQLdb.OperationalError, e: if e.args[0] == 2006: print 'MySQL server has gone away, trying to reconnect' # Wait for 20 seconds, then open new connection and execute # query again time.sleep(20) self.open_connection() numrows = self.cursor.executemany(*args) else: raise return numrows
[docs] def close_connection(self): """ Close MySQL database connection. """ if self.db is not None: self.cursor.close() self.db.commit() self.db.close()
[docs] def write_plate(self, platemeta): """ Write plate entry to the database. Parameters ---------- platemeta : PlateMeta Plate metadata instance Returns ------- plate_id : int Plate ID number """ # The plate table col_list = ['plate_id'] val_tuple = (None,) for k,v in _schema['plate'].items(): if v[1]: col_list.append(k) val_tuple = val_tuple \ + (platemeta.get_value(v[1]), ) col_str = ','.join(col_list) val_str = ','.join(['%s'] * len(col_list)) sql = ('INSERT INTO plate ({}) VALUES ({})' .format(col_str, val_str)) self.execute_query(sql, val_tuple) plate_id = self.cursor.lastrowid platemeta['plate_id'] = plate_id # The exposure table for exp in np.arange(platemeta['numexp']): exp_num = exp + 1 col_list = ['exposure_id', 'exposure_num'] val_tuple = (None, exp_num) for k,v in _schema['exposure'].items(): if v[1]: col_list.append(k) val_tuple = val_tuple \ + (platemeta.get_value(v[1], exp=exp), ) col_str = ','.join(col_list) val_str = ','.join(['%s'] * len(col_list)) sql = ('INSERT INTO exposure ({}) VALUES ({})' .format(col_str, val_str)) self.execute_query(sql, val_tuple) exposure_id = self.cursor.lastrowid # The exposure_sub table if len(platemeta['numsub']) > exp and platemeta['numsub'][exp] > 1: for subexp in np.arange(platemeta['numsub'][exp]): subexp_num = subexp + 1 col_list = ['subexposure_id' ,'exposure_id', 'plate_id', 'exposure_num', 'subexposure_num'] val_tuple = (None, exposure_id, plate_id, exp_num, subexp_num) expmeta = platemeta.exposures[exp] for k,v in _schema['exposure_sub'].items(): if v[1]: col_list.append(k) val_tuple = val_tuple \ + (expmeta.get_value(v[1], exp=subexp), ) col_str = ','.join(col_list) val_str = ','.join(['%s'] * len(col_list)) sql = ('INSERT INTO exposure_sub ({}) VALUES ({})' .format(col_str, val_str)) self.execute_query(sql, val_tuple) return plate_id
[docs] def write_plate_logpage(self, platemeta): """ Write plate-logpage relations to the database. Parameters ---------- platemeta : PlateMeta Plate metadata instance """ fn_list = [platemeta['fn_cover']] fn_list.extend(platemeta['fn_log']) for order,filename in enumerate(fn_list): if filename: col_list = ['plate_id', 'logpage_id', 'logpage_order'] plate_id = self.get_plate_id(platemeta['plate_num'], platemeta['archive_id']) logpage_id = self.get_logpage_id(filename, platemeta['archive_id']) if plate_id and logpage_id: val_tuple = (plate_id, logpage_id, order) col_str = ','.join(col_list) val_str = ','.join(['%s'] * len(col_list)) sql = ('INSERT INTO plate_logpage ({}) VALUES ({})' .format(col_str, val_str)) self.execute_query(sql, val_tuple)
[docs] def write_scan(self, platemeta): """ Write scan entry to the database. Parameters ---------- platemeta : PlateMeta Plate metadata instance Returns ------- scan_id : int Scan ID number """ plate_id = self.get_plate_id(platemeta['plate_num'], platemeta['archive_id']) if plate_id is None: plate_id = self.get_plate_id_wfpdb(platemeta['wfpdb_id']) col_list = ['scan_id', 'plate_id'] val_tuple = (None, plate_id) for k,v in _schema['scan'].items(): if v[1]: col_list.append(k) val_tuple = val_tuple \ + (platemeta.get_value(v[1]), ) col_str = ','.join(col_list) val_str = ','.join(['%s'] * len(col_list)) sql = ('INSERT INTO scan ({}) VALUES ({})' .format(col_str, val_str)) self.execute_query(sql, val_tuple) scan_id = self.cursor.lastrowid return scan_id
[docs] def write_logbook(self, logbookmeta): """ Write a logbook to the database. """ col_list = ['logbook_id'] val_tuple = (None, ) for k,v in _schema['logbook'].items(): if v[1]: col_list.append(k) val_tuple = val_tuple + (logbookmeta[k], ) col_str = ','.join(col_list) val_str = ','.join(['%s'] * len(col_list)) sql = ('INSERT INTO logbook ({}) VALUES ({})' .format(col_str, val_str)) self.execute_query(sql, val_tuple) logbook_id = self.cursor.lastrowid return logbook_id
[docs] def write_logpage(self, logpagemeta): """ Write a single logpage to the database. """ if logpagemeta['logbook_id'] is None: logbook_id = self.get_logbook_id(logpagemeta['logbook_num'], logpagemeta['archive_id']) logpagemeta['logbook_id'] = logbook_id col_list = ['logpage_id'] val_tuple = (None, ) for k,v in _schema['logpage'].items(): if v[1]: col_list.append(k) val_tuple = val_tuple + (logpagemeta[k], ) col_str = ','.join(col_list) val_str = ','.join(['%s'] * len(col_list)) sql = ('INSERT INTO logpage ({}) VALUES ({})' .format(col_str, val_str)) self.execute_query(sql, val_tuple) logpage_id = self.cursor.lastrowid return logpage_id
[docs] def write_solution(self, solution, process_id=None, scan_id=None, plate_id=None, archive_id=None): """ Write plate solution to the database. """ col_list = ['solution_id', 'process_id', 'scan_id', 'exposure_id', 'plate_id', 'archive_id'] val_tuple = (None, process_id, scan_id, None, plate_id, archive_id) for k,v in _schema['solution'].items(): if v[1]: col_list.append(k) val_tuple = val_tuple + (solution[k], ) col_str = ','.join(col_list) val_str = ','.join(['%s'] * len(col_list)) sql = ('INSERT INTO solution ({}) VALUES ({})' .format(col_str, val_str)) self.execute_query(sql, val_tuple)
[docs] def write_phot_cterm(self, phot_cterm, process_id=None, scan_id=None, plate_id=None, archive_id=None): """ Write photometric color term data to the database. """ col_list = ['cterm_id', 'process_id', 'scan_id', 'exposure_id', 'plate_id', 'archive_id'] val_tuple = (None, process_id, scan_id, None, plate_id, archive_id) for k,v in _schema['phot_cterm'].items(): if v[1]: col_list.append(k) val_tuple = val_tuple + (phot_cterm[k], ) col_str = ','.join(col_list) val_str = ','.join(['%s'] * len(col_list)) sql = ('INSERT INTO phot_cterm ({}) VALUES ({})' .format(col_str, val_str)) self.execute_query(sql, val_tuple)
[docs] def write_phot_color(self, phot_color, process_id=None, scan_id=None, plate_id=None, archive_id=None): """ Write photometric color term result to the database. """ col_list = ['color_id', 'process_id', 'scan_id', 'exposure_id', 'plate_id', 'archive_id'] val_tuple = (None, process_id, scan_id, None, plate_id, archive_id) for k,v in _schema['phot_color'].items(): if v[1]: col_list.append(k) val_tuple = val_tuple + (phot_color[k], ) col_str = ','.join(col_list) val_str = ','.join(['%s'] * len(col_list)) sql = ('INSERT INTO phot_color ({}) VALUES ({})' .format(col_str, val_str)) self.execute_query(sql, val_tuple)
[docs] def write_phot_calib(self, phot_calib, process_id=None, scan_id=None, plate_id=None, archive_id=None): """ Write photometric calibration to the database. """ col_list = ['calib_id', 'process_id', 'scan_id', 'exposure_id', 'plate_id', 'archive_id'] val_tuple = (None, process_id, scan_id, None, plate_id, archive_id) for k,v in _schema['phot_calib'].items(): if v[1]: col_list.append(k) val_tuple = val_tuple + (phot_calib[k], ) col_str = ','.join(col_list) val_str = ','.join(['%s'] * len(col_list)) sql = ('INSERT INTO phot_calib ({}) VALUES ({})' .format(col_str, val_str)) self.execute_query(sql, val_tuple)
[docs] def write_phot_rmse(self, phot_rmse, process_id=None, scan_id=None, plate_id=None, archive_id=None): """ Write photometric calibration errors to the database. """ col_list = ['rmse_id', 'process_id', 'scan_id', 'exposure_id', 'plate_id', 'archive_id'] val_tuple = (None, process_id, scan_id, None, plate_id, archive_id) for k,v in _schema['phot_rmse'].items(): if v[1]: col_list.append(k) val_tuple = val_tuple + (phot_rmse[k], ) col_str = ','.join(col_list) val_str = ','.join(['%s'] * len(col_list)) sql = ('INSERT INTO phot_rmse ({}) VALUES ({})' .format(col_str, val_str)) self.execute_query(sql, val_tuple)
[docs] def write_sources(self, sources, process_id=None, scan_id=None, plate_id=None, archive_id=None): """ Write source list with calibrated RA and Dec to the database. """ # Prepare query for the source table col_list = ['source_id', 'process_id', 'scan_id', 'exposure_id', 'plate_id', 'archive_id'] for k,v in _schema['source'].items(): if v[1]: col_list.append(k) col_str = ','.join(col_list) val_str = ','.join(['%s'] * len(col_list)) sql_source = ('INSERT INTO source ({}) VALUES ({})' .format(col_str, val_str)) # Prepare query for the source_calib table col_list = ['source_id', 'process_id', 'scan_id', 'exposure_id', 'plate_id', 'archive_id'] for k,v in _schema['source_calib'].items(): if v[1]: col_list.append(k) col_str = ','.join(col_list) val_str = ','.join(['%s'] * len(col_list)) sql_source_calib = ('INSERT INTO source_calib ({}) VALUES ({})' .format(col_str, val_str)) # Prepare data and execute queries source_data = [] source_calib_data = [] for i, source in enumerate(sources): # Insert 1000 rows simultaneously if i > 0 and i%1000 == 0: self.executemany_query(sql_source, source_data) source_data = [] self.executemany_query(sql_source_calib, source_calib_data) source_calib_data = [] # Prepare source data source_id = process_id * 10000000 + i + 1 val_tuple = (source_id, process_id, scan_id, None, plate_id, archive_id) for k,v in _schema['source'].items(): if v[1]: source_val = (source[k] if np.isfinite(source[k]) else None) val_tuple = val_tuple + (source_val, ) source_data.append(val_tuple) # Prepare source_calib data val_tuple = (source_id, process_id, scan_id, None, plate_id, archive_id) for k,v in _schema['source_calib'].items(): if v[1]: try: source_val = (source[k] if np.isfinite(source[k]) else None) except TypeError: source_val = source[k] if 'healpix' in k and source_val < 0: source_val = None if 'ucac4_id' in k and source_val == '': source_val = None if 'tycho2_id' in k and source_val == '': source_val = None if 'tycho2_hip' in k and source_val < 0: source_val = None val_tuple = val_tuple + (source_val, ) source_calib_data.append(val_tuple) # Insert remaining rows self.executemany_query(sql_source, source_data) self.executemany_query(sql_source_calib, source_calib_data)
[docs] def write_process_start(self, scan_id=None, plate_id=None, archive_id=None, filename=None, use_psf=None): """ Write plate-solve process to the database. """ col_list = ['process_id', 'scan_id', 'plate_id', 'archive_id', 'filename', 'hostname', 'timestamp_start', 'use_psf', 'pyplate_version'] if use_psf: use_psf = 1 else: use_psf = 0 #hostname = platform.node() hostname = socket.gethostname() val_tuple = (None, scan_id, plate_id, archive_id, filename, hostname, None, use_psf, __version__) col_str = ','.join(col_list) val_str = ','.join(['%s'] * len(col_list)) sql = ('INSERT INTO process ({}) VALUES ({})' .format(col_str, val_str)) numrows = self.execute_query(sql, val_tuple) if numrows is not None: process_id = self.cursor.lastrowid else: process_id = None return process_id
[docs] def update_process(self, process_id, sky=None, sky_sigma=None, threshold=None, num_sources=None, solved=None, num_ucac4=None, num_tycho2=None, num_apass=None, color_term=None, bright_limit=None, faint_limit=None, mag_range=None, calibrated=None): """ Update plate-solve process in the database. """ if (sky is None and sky_sigma is None and threshold is None and num_sources is None and num_ucac4 is None and num_tycho2 is None and num_apass is None and solved is None and color_term is None and bright_limit is None and faint_limit is None and mag_range is None and calibrated is None): return col_list = [] val_tuple = () if sky is not None: col_list.append('sky=%s') val_tuple = val_tuple + (sky, ) if sky_sigma is not None: col_list.append('sky_sigma=%s') val_tuple = val_tuple + (sky_sigma, ) if threshold is not None: col_list.append('threshold=%s') val_tuple = val_tuple + (threshold, ) if num_sources is not None: col_list.append('num_sources=%s') val_tuple = val_tuple + (num_sources, ) if solved is not None: col_list.append('solved=%s') val_tuple = val_tuple + (solved, ) if num_ucac4 is not None: col_list.append('num_ucac4=%s') val_tuple = val_tuple + (num_ucac4, ) if num_tycho2 is not None: col_list.append('num_tycho2=%s') val_tuple = val_tuple + (num_tycho2, ) if num_apass is not None: col_list.append('num_apass=%s') val_tuple = val_tuple + (num_apass, ) if color_term is not None: col_list.append('color_term=%s') val_tuple = val_tuple + (color_term, ) if bright_limit is not None: col_list.append('bright_limit=%s') val_tuple = val_tuple + (bright_limit, ) if faint_limit is not None: col_list.append('faint_limit=%s') val_tuple = val_tuple + (faint_limit, ) if mag_range is not None: col_list.append('mag_range=%s') val_tuple = val_tuple + (mag_range, ) if calibrated is not None: col_list.append('calibrated=%s') val_tuple = val_tuple + (calibrated, ) col_str = ','.join(col_list) sql = ('UPDATE process SET {} WHERE process_id=%s'.format(col_str)) val_tuple = val_tuple + (process_id, ) self.execute_query(sql, val_tuple)
[docs] def write_process_end(self, process_id, completed=None, duration=None): """ Write plate-solve process end to the database. """ sql = ('UPDATE process ' 'SET timestamp_end=NOW(),duration=%s,completed=%s ' 'WHERE process_id=%s') val_tuple = (duration, completed, process_id) self.execute_query(sql, val_tuple)
[docs] def write_processlog(self, level, message, event=None, process_id=None, scan_id=None, plate_id=None, archive_id=None): """ Write plate solve process log message to the database. """ col_list = ['processlog_id', 'process_id', 'timestamp_log', 'scan_id', 'plate_id', 'archive_id', 'level', 'event', 'message'] val_tuple = (None, process_id, None, scan_id, plate_id, archive_id, level, event, message) col_str = ','.join(col_list) val_str = ','.join(['%s'] * len(col_list)) sql = ('INSERT INTO process_log ({}) VALUES ({})' .format(col_str, val_str)) self.execute_query(sql, val_tuple)
[docs] def get_plate_id(self, plate_num, archive_id): """ Get plate ID from the database by archive ID and plate number. Parameters ---------- plate_num : str Plate number archive_id : int Archive ID Returns ------- plate_id : int Plate ID """ sql = ('SELECT plate_id FROM plate ' 'WHERE archive_id=%s AND plate_num=%s') numrows = self.execute_query(sql, (archive_id,plate_num)) if numrows == 1: result = self.cursor.fetchone() plate_id = result[0] else: return None return plate_id
[docs] def get_plate_id_wfpdb(self, wfpdb_id): """ Get plate ID from the database by WFPDB ID. Parameters ---------- wfpdb_id : str WFPDB ID Returns ------- plate_id : int Plate ID """ sql = 'SELECT plate_id FROM plate WHERE wfpdb_id=%s' numrows = self.execute_query(sql, (wfpdb_id,)) if numrows == 1: result = self.cursor.fetchone() plate_id = result[0] else: return None return plate_id
[docs] def get_scan_id(self, filename, archive_id): """ Get scan ID and plate ID from the database. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename of the scan archive_id : int Archive ID number Returns ------- result : tuple A tuple containing scan ID and plate ID """ sql = ('SELECT scan_id, plate_id FROM scan ' 'WHERE filename_scan=%s AND archive_id=%s') numrows = self.execute_query(sql, (filename,archive_id)) if numrows == 1: result = self.cursor.fetchone() else: result = (None, None) return result
[docs] def get_logbook_id(self, logbook_num, archive_id): """ Get logbook ID from the database by archive ID and logbook number. Parameters ---------- logbook_num : str Logbook number (unique within the specified archive) archive_id : int Archive ID Returns ------- logbook_id : int Logbook ID """ sql = ('SELECT logbook_id FROM logbook ' 'WHERE archive_id=%s AND logbook_num=%s') numrows = self.execute_query(sql, (archive_id,logbook_num)) if numrows == 1: result = self.cursor.fetchone() logbook_id = result[0] else: logbook_id = None return logbook_id
[docs] def get_logpage_id(self, filename, archive_id): """ Get logpage ID from the database. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename of the logpage archive_id : int Archive ID number Returns ------- result : int Logpage ID number """ sql = ('SELECT logpage_id FROM logpage ' 'WHERE filename=%s AND archive_id=%s') numrows = self.execute_query(sql, (filename, archive_id)) if numrows == 1: result = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] else: result = None return result
[docs] def get_plate_epoch(self, plate_id): """ Get plate epoch from the database. Parameters ---------- plate_id : int Plate ID number Returns ------- result : float Plate epoch as a float """ sql = ('SELECT year_start FROM exposure WHERE plate_id=%s ' 'AND year_start IS NOT NULL ORDER BY year_start') numrows = self.execute_query(sql, (plate_id,)) if numrows > 0: result = self.cursor.fetchone()[0] else: result = None return result