Module pyparsing :: Class ParserElement
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Class ParserElement

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object --+
Known Subclasses:

Abstract base level parser element class.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, savelist=False)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
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Make a copy of this ParserElement.
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setName(self, name)
Define name for this expression, makes debugging and exception messages clearer.
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setResultsName(self, name, listAllMatches=False)
Define name for referencing matching tokens as a nested attribute of the returned parse results.
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setBreak(self, breakFlag=True)
Method to invoke the Python pdb debugger when this element is about to be parsed.
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setParseAction(self, *fns, **kwargs)
Define one or more actions to perform when successfully matching parse element definition.
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addParseAction(self, *fns, **kwargs)
Add one or more parse actions to expression's list of parse actions.
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addCondition(self, *fns, **kwargs)
Add a boolean predicate function to expression's list of parse actions.
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setFailAction(self, fn)
Define action to perform if parsing fails at this expression.
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preParse(self, instring, loc) source code
parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True) source code
postParse(self, instring, loc, tokenlist) source code
tryParse(self, instring, loc) source code
canParseNext(self, instring, loc) source code
parseString(self, instring, parseAll=False)
Execute the parse expression with the given string.
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scanString(self, instring, maxMatches=2147483647, overlap=False)
Scan the input string for expression matches.
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transformString(self, instring)
Extension to scanString, to modify matching text with modified tokens that may be returned from a parse action.
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searchString(self, instring, maxMatches=2147483647)
Another extension to scanString, simplifying the access to the tokens found to match the given parse expression.
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split(self, instring, maxsplit=2147483647, includeSeparators=False)
Generator method to split a string using the given expression as a separator.
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__add__(self, other)
Implementation of + operator - returns And.
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__radd__(self, other)
Implementation of + operator when left operand is not a ParserElement
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__sub__(self, other)
Implementation of - operator, returns And with error stop
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__rsub__(self, other)
Implementation of - operator when left operand is not a ParserElement
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__mul__(self, other)
Implementation of * operator, allows use of expr * 3 in place of expr + expr + expr.
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__rmul__(self, other) source code
__or__(self, other)
Implementation of | operator - returns MatchFirst
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__ror__(self, other)
Implementation of | operator when left operand is not a ParserElement
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__xor__(self, other)
Implementation of ^ operator - returns Or
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__rxor__(self, other)
Implementation of ^ operator when left operand is not a ParserElement
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__and__(self, other)
Implementation of & operator - returns Each
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__rand__(self, other)
Implementation of & operator when left operand is not a ParserElement
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Implementation of ~ operator - returns NotAny
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__call__(self, name=None)
Shortcut for setResultsName, with listAllMatches=False.
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Suppresses the output of this ParserElement; useful to keep punctuation from cluttering up returned output.
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Disables the skipping of whitespace before matching the characters in the ParserElement's defined pattern.
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setWhitespaceChars(self, chars)
Overrides the default whitespace chars
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Overrides default behavior to expand <TAB>s to spaces before parsing the input string.
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ignore(self, other)
Define expression to be ignored (e.g., comments) while doing pattern matching; may be called repeatedly, to define multiple comment or other ignorable patterns.
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setDebugActions(self, startAction, successAction, exceptionAction)
Enable display of debugging messages while doing pattern matching.
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setDebug(self, flag=True)
Enable display of debugging messages while doing pattern matching.
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streamline(self) source code
checkRecursion(self, parseElementList) source code
validate(self, validateTrace=[])
Check defined expressions for valid structure, check for infinite recursive definitions.
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parseFile(self, file_or_filename, parseAll=False)
Execute the parse expression on the given file or filename.
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__eq__(self, other) source code
__ne__(self, other) source code
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__req__(self, other) source code
__rne__(self, other) source code
matches(self, testString, parseAll=True)
Method for quick testing of a parser against a test string.
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runTests(self, tests, parseAll=True, comment='#', fullDump=True, printResults=True, failureTests=False)
Execute the parse expression on a series of test strings, showing each test, the parsed results or where the parse failed.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Static Methods
Overrides the default whitespace chars
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Set class to be used for inclusion of string literals into a parser.
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resetCache() source code
Enables "packrat" parsing, which adds memoizing to the parsing logic.
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Class Variables
  verbose_stacktrace = False
  packrat_cache = {}
  packrat_cache_lock = <_RLock owner=None count=0>
  packrat_cache_stats = [0, 0]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

Static Method

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Overrides the default whitespace chars


   # default whitespace chars are space, <TAB> and newline
   OneOrMore(Word(alphas)).parseString("abc def\nghi jkl")  # -> ['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl']
   # change to just treat newline as significant
   ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(" \t")
   OneOrMore(Word(alphas)).parseString("abc def\nghi jkl")  # -> ['abc', 'def']

Static Method

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Set class to be used for inclusion of string literals into a parser.


   # default literal class used is Literal
   integer = Word(nums)
   date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day")           

   date_str.parseString("1999/12/31")  # -> ['1999', '/', '12', '/', '31']

   # change to Suppress
   date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day")           

   date_str.parseString("1999/12/31")  # -> ['1999', '12', '31']

__init__(self, savelist=False)

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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)


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Make a copy of this ParserElement. Useful for defining different parse actions for the same parsing pattern, using copies of the original parse element.


   integer = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda toks: int(toks[0]))
   integerK = integer.copy().addParseAction(lambda toks: toks[0]*1024) + Suppress("K")
   integerM = integer.copy().addParseAction(lambda toks: toks[0]*1024*1024) + Suppress("M")
   print(OneOrMore(integerK | integerM | integer).parseString("5K 100 640K 256M"))


   [5120, 100, 655360, 268435456]

Equivalent form of expr.copy() is just expr():

   integerM = integer().addParseAction(lambda toks: toks[0]*1024*1024) + Suppress("M")

setName(self, name)

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Define name for this expression, makes debugging and exception messages clearer.


   Word(nums).parseString("ABC")  # -> Exception: Expected W:(0123...) (at char 0), (line:1, col:1)
   Word(nums).setName("integer").parseString("ABC")  # -> Exception: Expected integer (at char 0), (line:1, col:1)

setResultsName(self, name, listAllMatches=False)

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Define name for referencing matching tokens as a nested attribute of the returned parse results. NOTE: this returns a *copy* of the original ParserElement object; this is so that the client can define a basic element, such as an integer, and reference it in multiple places with different names.

You can also set results names using the abbreviated syntax, expr("name") in place of expr.setResultsName("name") - see __call__.


   date_str = (integer.setResultsName("year") + '/' 
               + integer.setResultsName("month") + '/' 
               + integer.setResultsName("day"))

   # equivalent form:
   date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day")

setBreak(self, breakFlag=True)

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Method to invoke the Python pdb debugger when this element is about to be parsed. Set breakFlag to True to enable, False to disable.

setParseAction(self, *fns, **kwargs)

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Define one or more actions to perform when successfully matching parse element definition. Parse action fn is a callable method with 0-3 arguments, called as fn(s,loc,toks), fn(loc,toks), fn(toks), or just fn(), where:

  • s = the original string being parsed (see note below)
  • loc = the location of the matching substring
  • toks = a list of the matched tokens, packaged as a ParseResults object

If the functions in fns modify the tokens, they can return them as the return value from fn, and the modified list of tokens will replace the original. Otherwise, fn does not need to return any value.

Optional keyword arguments:

  • callDuringTry = (default=False) indicate if parse action should be run during lookaheads and alternate testing

Note: the default parsing behavior is to expand tabs in the input string before starting the parsing process. See parseString for more information on parsing strings containing <TAB>s, and suggested methods to maintain a consistent view of the parsed string, the parse location, and line and column positions within the parsed string.


   integer = Word(nums)
   date_str = integer + '/' + integer + '/' + integer

   date_str.parseString("1999/12/31")  # -> ['1999', '/', '12', '/', '31']

   # use parse action to convert to ints at parse time
   integer = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda toks: int(toks[0]))
   date_str = integer + '/' + integer + '/' + integer

   # note that integer fields are now ints, not strings
   date_str.parseString("1999/12/31")  # -> [1999, '/', 12, '/', 31]

addParseAction(self, *fns, **kwargs)

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Add one or more parse actions to expression's list of parse actions. See setParseAction.

See examples in copy.

addCondition(self, *fns, **kwargs)

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Add a boolean predicate function to expression's list of parse actions. See setParseAction for function call signatures. Unlike setParseAction, functions passed to addCondition need to return boolean success/fail of the condition.

Optional keyword arguments:

  • message = define a custom message to be used in the raised exception
  • fatal = if True, will raise ParseFatalException to stop parsing immediately; otherwise will raise ParseException


   integer = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda toks: int(toks[0]))
   year_int = integer.copy()
   year_int.addCondition(lambda toks: toks[0] >= 2000, message="Only support years 2000 and later")
   date_str = year_int + '/' + integer + '/' + integer

   result = date_str.parseString("1999/12/31")  # -> Exception: Only support years 2000 and later (at char 0), (line:1, col:1)

setFailAction(self, fn)

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Define action to perform if parsing fails at this expression. Fail acton fn is a callable function that takes the arguments fn(s,loc,expr,err) where:

  • s = string being parsed
  • loc = location where expression match was attempted and failed
  • expr = the parse expression that failed
  • err = the exception thrown

The function returns no value. It may throw ParseFatalException if it is desired to stop parsing immediately.

Static Method

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Enables "packrat" parsing, which adds memoizing to the parsing logic. Repeated parse attempts at the same string location (which happens often in many complex grammars) can immediately return a cached value, instead of re-executing parsing/validating code. Memoizing is done of both valid results and parsing exceptions.


  • cache_size_limit - (default=128) - if an integer value is provided will limit the size of the packrat cache; if None is passed, then the cache size will be unbounded; if 0 is passed, the cache will be effectively disabled.

This speedup may break existing programs that use parse actions that have side-effects. For this reason, packrat parsing is disabled when you first import pyparsing. To activate the packrat feature, your program must call the class method ParserElement.enablePackrat(). If your program uses psyco to "compile as you go", you must call enablePackrat before calling psyco.full(). If you do not do this, Python will crash. For best results, call enablePackrat() immediately after importing pyparsing.


   import pyparsing

parseString(self, instring, parseAll=False)

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Execute the parse expression with the given string. This is the main interface to the client code, once the complete expression has been built.

If you want the grammar to require that the entire input string be successfully parsed, then set parseAll to True (equivalent to ending the grammar with StringEnd()).

Note: parseString implicitly calls expandtabs() on the input string, in order to report proper column numbers in parse actions. If the input string contains tabs and the grammar uses parse actions that use the loc argument to index into the string being parsed, you can ensure you have a consistent view of the input string by:

  • calling parseWithTabs on your grammar before calling parseString (see parseWithTabs)
  • define your parse action using the full (s,loc,toks) signature, and reference the input string using the parse action's s argument
  • explictly expand the tabs in your input string before calling parseString


   Word('a').parseString('aaaaabaaa')  # -> ['aaaaa']
   Word('a').parseString('aaaaabaaa', parseAll=True)  # -> Exception: Expected end of text

scanString(self, instring, maxMatches=2147483647, overlap=False)

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Scan the input string for expression matches. Each match will return the matching tokens, start location, and end location. May be called with optional maxMatches argument, to clip scanning after 'n' matches are found. If overlap is specified, then overlapping matches will be reported.

Note that the start and end locations are reported relative to the string being parsed. See parseString for more information on parsing strings with embedded tabs.


   source = "sldjf123lsdjjkf345sldkjf879lkjsfd987"
   for tokens,start,end in Word(alphas).scanString(source):
       print(' '*start + '^'*(end-start))
       print(' '*start + tokens[0])



transformString(self, instring)

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Extension to scanString, to modify matching text with modified tokens that may be returned from a parse action. To use transformString, define a grammar and attach a parse action to it that modifies the returned token list. Invoking transformString() on a target string will then scan for matches, and replace the matched text patterns according to the logic in the parse action. transformString() returns the resulting transformed string.


   wd = Word(alphas)
   wd.setParseAction(lambda toks: toks[0].title())
   print(wd.transformString("now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of york."))


   Now Is The Winter Of Our Discontent Made Glorious Summer By This Sun Of York.

searchString(self, instring, maxMatches=2147483647)

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Another extension to scanString, simplifying the access to the tokens found to match the given parse expression. May be called with optional maxMatches argument, to clip searching after 'n' matches are found.


   # a capitalized word starts with an uppercase letter, followed by zero or more lowercase letters
   cap_word = Word(alphas.upper(), alphas.lower())
   print(cap_word.searchString("More than Iron, more than Lead, more than Gold I need Electricity"))

   # the sum() builtin can be used to merge results into a single ParseResults object
   print(sum(cap_word.searchString("More than Iron, more than Lead, more than Gold I need Electricity")))


   [['More'], ['Iron'], ['Lead'], ['Gold'], ['I'], ['Electricity']]
   ['More', 'Iron', 'Lead', 'Gold', 'I', 'Electricity']

split(self, instring, maxsplit=2147483647, includeSeparators=False)

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Generator method to split a string using the given expression as a separator. May be called with optional maxsplit argument, to limit the number of splits; and the optional includeSeparators argument (default=False), if the separating matching text should be included in the split results.


   punc = oneOf(list(".,;:/-!?"))
   print(list(punc.split("This, this?, this sentence, is badly punctuated!")))


   ['This', ' this', '', ' this sentence', ' is badly punctuated', '']

__add__(self, other)
(Addition operator)

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Implementation of + operator - returns And. Adding strings to a ParserElement converts them to Literals by default.


   greet = Word(alphas) + "," + Word(alphas) + "!"
   hello = "Hello, World!"
   print (hello, "->", greet.parseString(hello))


   Hello, World! -> ['Hello', ',', 'World', '!']

__mul__(self, other)

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Implementation of * operator, allows use of expr * 3 in place of expr + expr + expr. Expressions may also me multiplied by a 2-integer tuple, similar to {min,max} multipliers in regular expressions. Tuples may also include None as in:

  • expr*(n,None) or expr*(n,) is equivalent to expr*n + ZeroOrMore(expr) (read as "at least n instances of expr")
  • expr*(None,n) is equivalent to expr*(0,n) (read as "0 to n instances of expr")
  • expr*(None,None) is equivalent to ZeroOrMore(expr)
  • expr*(1,None) is equivalent to OneOrMore(expr)

Note that expr*(None,n) does not raise an exception if more than n exprs exist in the input stream; that is, expr*(None,n) does not enforce a maximum number of expr occurrences. If this behavior is desired, then write expr*(None,n) + ~expr

__call__(self, name=None)
(Call operator)

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Shortcut for setResultsName, with listAllMatches=False.

If name is given with a trailing '*' character, then listAllMatches will be passed as True.

If name is omitted, same as calling copy.


   # these are equivalent
   userdata = Word(alphas).setResultsName("name") + Word(nums+"-").setResultsName("socsecno")
   userdata = Word(alphas)("name") + Word(nums+"-")("socsecno")             


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Disables the skipping of whitespace before matching the characters in the ParserElement's defined pattern. This is normally only used internally by the pyparsing module, but may be needed in some whitespace-sensitive grammars.


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Overrides default behavior to expand <TAB>s to spaces before parsing the input string. Must be called before parseString when the input grammar contains elements that match <TAB> characters.

ignore(self, other)

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Define expression to be ignored (e.g., comments) while doing pattern matching; may be called repeatedly, to define multiple comment or other ignorable patterns.


   patt = OneOrMore(Word(alphas))
   patt.parseString('ablaj /* comment */ lskjd') # -> ['ablaj']
   patt.parseString('ablaj /* comment */ lskjd') # -> ['ablaj', 'lskjd']

setDebug(self, flag=True)

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Enable display of debugging messages while doing pattern matching. Set flag to True to enable, False to disable.


   wd = Word(alphas).setName("alphaword")
   integer = Word(nums).setName("numword")
   term = wd | integer
   # turn on debugging for wd

   OneOrMore(term).parseString("abc 123 xyz 890")


   Match alphaword at loc 0(1,1)
   Matched alphaword -> ['abc']
   Match alphaword at loc 3(1,4)
   Exception raised:Expected alphaword (at char 4), (line:1, col:5)
   Match alphaword at loc 7(1,8)
   Matched alphaword -> ['xyz']
   Match alphaword at loc 11(1,12)
   Exception raised:Expected alphaword (at char 12), (line:1, col:13)
   Match alphaword at loc 15(1,16)
   Exception raised:Expected alphaword (at char 15), (line:1, col:16)

The output shown is that produced by the default debug actions - custom debug actions can be specified using setDebugActions. Prior to attempting to match the wd expression, the debugging message "Match <exprname> at loc <n>(<line>,<col>)" is shown. Then if the parse succeeds, a "Matched" message is shown, or an "Exception raised" message is shown. Also note the use of setName to assign a human-readable name to the expression, which makes debugging and exception messages easier to understand - for instance, the default name created for the Word expression without calling setName is "W:(ABCD...)".

(Informal representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__str__
(inherited documentation)

(Representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__repr__
(inherited documentation)

parseFile(self, file_or_filename, parseAll=False)

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Execute the parse expression on the given file or filename. If a filename is specified (instead of a file object), the entire file is opened, read, and closed before parsing.

(Hashing function)

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Overrides: object.__hash__
(inherited documentation)

matches(self, testString, parseAll=True)

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Method for quick testing of a parser against a test string. Good for simple inline microtests of sub expressions while building up larger parser.


  • testString - to test against this expression for a match
  • parseAll - (default=True) - flag to pass to parseString when running tests


   expr = Word(nums)
   assert expr.matches("100")

runTests(self, tests, parseAll=True, comment='#', fullDump=True, printResults=True, failureTests=False)

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Execute the parse expression on a series of test strings, showing each test, the parsed results or where the parse failed. Quick and easy way to run a parse expression against a list of sample strings.


  • tests - a list of separate test strings, or a multiline string of test strings
  • parseAll - (default=True) - flag to pass to parseString when running tests
  • comment - (default='#') - expression for indicating embedded comments in the test string; pass None to disable comment filtering
  • fullDump - (default=True) - dump results as list followed by results names in nested outline; if False, only dump nested list
  • printResults - (default=True) prints test output to stdout
  • failureTests - (default=False) indicates if these tests are expected to fail parsing

Returns: a (success, results) tuple, where success indicates that all tests succeeded (or failed if failureTests is True), and the results contain a list of lines of each test's output


   number_expr = pyparsing_common.number.copy()

   result = number_expr.runTests('''
       # unsigned integer
       # negative integer
       # float with scientific notation
       # integer with scientific notation
   print("Success" if result[0] else "Failed!")

   result = number_expr.runTests('''
       # stray character
       # missing leading digit before '.'
       # too many '.'
       ''', failureTests=True)
   print("Success" if result[0] else "Failed!")


   # unsigned integer

   # negative integer

   # float with scientific notation

   # integer with scientific notation

   # stray character
   FAIL: Expected end of text (at char 3), (line:1, col:4)

   # missing leading digit before '.'
   FAIL: Expected {real number with scientific notation | real number | signed integer} (at char 0), (line:1, col:1)

   # too many '.'
   FAIL: Expected end of text (at char 4), (line:1, col:5)


Each test string must be on a single line. If you want to test a string that spans multiple lines, create a test like this:

   expr.runTest(r"this is a test\n of strings that spans \n 3 lines")

(Note that this is a raw string literal, you must include the leading 'r'.)