This package provides priors for gaussian processes in which you can declare your prior beliefs of the hyperparameter distribution.
This module contains a set of commonly used priors for GP models. Note some priors are available in a log transformed space and non-transformed space
Fobenius norm prior on latent space: x: factors [N x Q] params: scaling parameter params[0]: prior cost Note: this prior only works if the paramter is constraint to be strictly positive
Returns the log gamma (x,k,t) distribution and its derivation with:
lngamma = (k-1)*log(x) - x/t -gammaln(k) - k*log(t)
dlngamma = (k-1)/x - 1/t
Returns the log gamma (exp(x),k,t) distribution and its derivation with:
lngamma = (k-1)*log(x) - x/t -gammaln(k) - k*log(t)
dlngamma = (k-1)/x - 1/t
Returns the log normal distribution and its derivation in interval x, given mean mu and variance sigma:
[N(params), d/dx N(params)] = N(mu,sigma|x).
Note: Give mu and sigma as mean and variance, the result will be logarithmic!
L1 type prior defined on the non-log weights params[0]: prior cost Note: this prior only works if the paramter is constraint to be strictly positive
Implementation of lnzeropdf for development purpose only. This pdf returns always [0,0].