Class pyglet.text.runlist.AbstractRunIterator

Known Subclasses:
ConstRunIterator, FilteredRunIterator, OverriddenRunIterator, RunIterator, ZipRunIterator

Range iteration over RunList.

AbstractRunIterator objects allow any monotonically non-decreasing access of the iteration, including repeated iteration over the same index. Use the [index] operator to get the value at a particular index within the document. For example:

run_iter = iter(run_list)
value = run_iter[0]
value = run_iter[0]       # non-decreasing access is OK
value = run_iter[15]
value = run_iter[17]
value = run_iter[16]      # this is illegal, the index decreased.

Using AbstractRunIterator to access increasing indices of the value runs is more efficient than calling RunList.__getitem__ repeatedly.

You can also iterate over monotonically non-decreasing ranges over the iteration. For example:

run_iter = iter(run_list)
for start, end, value in run_iter.ranges(0, 20):
for start, end, value in run_iter.ranges(25, 30):
for start, end, value in run_iter.ranges(30, 40):

Both start and end indices of the slice are required and must be positive.


object __getitem__(self, index)
Get the value at a given index.
iterator ranges(self, start, end)
Iterate over a subrange of the run list.

Method Details


(Indexing operator) __getitem__(self, index)

Get the value at a given index.

See the class documentation for examples of valid usage.

index : int
Document position to query.
Returns: object


ranges(self, start, end)

Iterate over a subrange of the run list.

See the class documentation for examples of valid usage.

start : int
Start index to iterate from.
end : int
End index, exclusive.
iterator: Iterator over (start, end, value) tuples.