Source code for

""" - Comparison of analytic and calculated solutions

#Author: Ian Huston
#For license and copyright information see LICENSE.txt which was distributed with this file.

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np

import analyticsolution
import calcedsolution
import fixtures
from pyflation.sourceterm.srcequations import FullSingleFieldSource

[docs]def compare_one_step(m, nix, srcclass=None, analytic_class=None, calced_class=None, fx=None): """ Compare the analytic and calculated solutions for equations from `srclass` using the results from `m` at the timestep `nix`. """ if fx is None: fx = fixtures.fixture_from_model(m) if srcclass is None: srcclass = FullSingleFieldSource if analytic_class is None: analytic_class = analyticsolution.NoPhaseBunchDaviesSolution if calced_class is None: calced_class = calcedsolution.NoPhaseBunchDaviesCalced asol = analytic_class(fx, srcclass) csol = calced_class(fx, srcclass) #Need to make analytic solution use 128 bit floats to avoid overruns asol.srceqns.k = np.float128(asol.srceqns.k) csol.srceqns.k = np.float128(csol.srceqns.k) csol.srceqns.fullk = np.float128(csol.srceqns.fullk) analytic_result = asol.full_source_from_model(m, nix) calced_result = csol.full_source_from_model(m, nix) difference = analytic_result - calced_result error = np.abs(difference)/np.abs(analytic_result) result = dict(difference=difference, error=error, analytic_result=analytic_result, calced_result=calced_result, k=asol.srceqns.k) return result
[docs]def compare_J_terms(m, nix, srcclass=None, analytic_class=None, calced_class=None, only_calced_Cterms=False, fx=None): """ Compare the analytic and calculated results for each J_term using the results from model `m` at the timestep `nix` """ if fx is None: fx = fixtures.fixture_from_model(m) if srcclass is None: srcclass = FullSingleFieldSource if analytic_class is None: analytic_class = analyticsolution.NoPhaseBunchDaviesSolution if calced_class is None: calced_class = calcedsolution.NoPhaseBunchDaviesCalced asol = analytic_class(fx, srcclass) csol = calced_class(fx, srcclass) #Need to make analytic solution use 128 bit floats to avoid overruns asol.srceqns.k = np.float128(asol.srceqns.k) #Get background values bgvars = m.yresult[nix, 0:3, 0] a = m.ainit*np.exp(m.tresult[nix]) #Get potentials potentials = m.potentials(np.array([bgvars[0]]), m.pot_params) #Set alpha and beta alpha = 1/(a*np.sqrt(2)) beta = a*bgvars[2] dp1 = csol.get_dp1(csol.srceqns.fullk, alpha=alpha) dp1dot = csol.get_dp1dot(csol.srceqns.fullk, alpha=alpha, beta=beta) #Calculate dphi(q) and dphi(k-q) dp1_q = dp1[:csol.srceqns.k.shape[-1]] dp1dot_q = dp1dot[:csol.srceqns.k.shape[-1]] theta_terms = csol.srceqns.getthetaterms(dp1, dp1dot) csol.srceqns.k = np.float128(csol.srceqns.k) csol.srceqns.fullk = np.float128(csol.srceqns.fullk) calced_Cterms = csol.calculate_Cterms(bgvars, a, potentials) if only_calced_Cterms: analytic_Cterms = calced_Cterms else: analytic_Cterms = asol.calculate_Cterms(bgvars, a, potentials) results = {} for Jkey in csol.J_terms.iterkeys(): afunc = asol.J_terms[Jkey] cfunc = csol.J_terms[Jkey] analytic_result = afunc(asol.srceqns.k, analytic_Cterms, alpha=alpha, beta=beta) calced_result = cfunc(theta_terms, dp1_q, dp1dot_q, calced_Cterms) diff = analytic_result - calced_result err = np.abs(diff)/np.abs(analytic_result) results[Jkey] = (diff, err, analytic_result, calced_result) return results