Source code for

""" - Analytic solutions for the second order Klein-Gordon equation

#Author: Ian Huston
#For license and copyright information see LICENSE.txt which was distributed with this file.

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import scipy
from generalsolution import GeneralSolution

#Change to fortran names for compatability 
Log = scipy.log 
Sqrt = scipy.sqrt
ArcTan = scipy.arctan
Pi = scipy.pi
ArcSinh = scipy.arcsinh
ArcTanh = scipy.arctanh

[docs]class AnalyticSolution(GeneralSolution): """Analytic Solution base class. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Given a fixture and a cosmomodels model instance, initialises an AnalyticSolution class instance. """ super(AnalyticSolution, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.J_terms = []
[docs] def full_source_from_model(self, m, nix, **kwargs): """Use the data from a model at a timestep nix to calculate the full source term S.""" #Get background values bgvars = m.yresult[nix, 0:3, 0] a = m.ainit*np.exp(m.tresult[nix]) if np.any(np.isnan(bgvars[0])): raise AttributeError("Background values not available for this timestep.") k = self.srceqns.k #Get potentials potentials = m.potentials(np.array([bgvars[0]]), m.pot_params) Cterms = self.calculate_Cterms(bgvars, a, potentials) results = np.complex256(self.J_terms[0](k, Cterms, **kwargs)) #Get component integrals for term in self.J_terms[1:]: results += term(k, Cterms, **kwargs) src = 1 / ((2*np.pi)**2) * results return src
[docs]class NoPhaseBunchDaviesSolution(AnalyticSolution): r"""Analytic solution using the Bunch Davies initial conditions as the first order solution and with no phase information. .. math:: \delta\varphi_1 = \alpha/\sqrt(k) \delta\varphi^\dagger_1 = -\alpha/\sqrt(k) - \alpha/\beta \sqrt(k) i """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(NoPhaseBunchDaviesSolution, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.J_terms = [self.J_A, self.J_B, self.J_C, self.J_D]
[docs] def J_A(self, k, Cterms, **kwargs): """Solution for J_A which is the integral for A in terms of constants C1 and C2.""" #Set limits from k kmin = k[0] kmax = k[-1] alpha = kwargs["alpha"] beta = kwargs["beta"] C1 = Cterms[0] C2 = Cterms[1] J_A = ((alpha ** 2 * (-(Sqrt(kmax * (-k + kmax)) * (80 * C1 * (3 * k ** 2 - 14 * k * kmax + 8 * kmax ** 2) + 3 * C2 * (15 * k ** 4 + 10 * k ** 3 * kmax + 8 * k ** 2 * kmax ** 2 - 176 * k * kmax ** 3 + 128 * kmax ** 4))) + Sqrt(kmax * (k + kmax)) * (80 * C1 * (3 * k ** 2 + 14 * k * kmax + 8 * kmax ** 2) + 3 * C2 * (15 * k ** 4 - 10 * k ** 3 * kmax + 8 * k ** 2 * kmax ** 2 + 176 * k * kmax ** 3 + 128 * kmax ** 4)) - Sqrt((k - kmin) * kmin) * (80 * C1 * (3 * k ** 2 - 14 * k * kmin + 8 * kmin ** 2) + 3 * C2 * (15 * k ** 4 + 10 * k ** 3 * kmin + 8 * k ** 2 * kmin ** 2 - 176 * k * kmin ** 3 + 128 * kmin ** 4)) - Sqrt(kmin) * Sqrt(k + kmin) * (80 * C1 * (3 * k ** 2 + 14 * k * kmin + 8 * kmin ** 2) + 3 * C2 * (15 * k ** 4 - 10 * k ** 3 * kmin + 8 * k ** 2 * kmin ** 2 + 176 * k * kmin ** 3 + 128 * kmin ** 4)) - (15 * k ** 3 * (16 * C1 + 3 * C2 * k ** 2) * Pi) / 2. + 15 * k ** 3 * (16 * C1 + 3 * C2 * k ** 2) * ArcTan(Sqrt(kmin / (k - kmin))) + 15 * k ** 3 * (16 * C1 + 3 * C2 * k ** 2) * Log(2 * Sqrt(k)) - 15 * k ** 3 * (16 * C1 + 3 * C2 * k ** 2) * Log(2 * (Sqrt(kmax) + Sqrt(-k + kmax))) - 15 * k ** 3 * (16 * C1 + 3 * C2 * k ** 2) * Log(2 * (Sqrt(kmax) + Sqrt(k + kmax))) + 15 * k ** 3 * (16 * C1 + 3 * C2 * k ** 2) * Log(2 * (Sqrt(kmin) + Sqrt(k + kmin))))) / (2880. * k)) return J_A
[docs] def J_B(self, k, Cterms, **kwargs): """Solution for J_B which is the integral for B in terms of constants C3 and C4.""" kmax = k[-1] kmin = k[0] alpha = kwargs["alpha"] beta = kwargs["beta"] C3 = Cterms[2] C4 = Cterms[3] J_B = ((alpha ** 2 * (Sqrt(kmax * (k + kmax)) * (112 * C3 * (105 * k ** 4 + 250 * k ** 3 * kmax - 104 * k ** 2 * kmax ** 2 - 48 * k * kmax ** 3 + 96 * kmax ** 4) + 3 * C4 * (945 * k ** 6 - 630 * k ** 5 * kmax + 504 * k ** 4 * kmax ** 2 + 4688 * k ** 3 * kmax ** 3 - 2176 * k ** 2 * kmax ** 4 - 1280 * k * kmax ** 5 + 2560 * kmax ** 6)) - Sqrt(kmax * (-k + kmax)) * (112 * C3 * (105 * k ** 4 - 250 * k ** 3 * kmax - 104 * k ** 2 * kmax ** 2 + 48 * k * kmax ** 3 + 96 * kmax ** 4) + 3 * C4 * (945 * k ** 6 + 630 * k ** 5 * kmax + 504 * k ** 4 * kmax ** 2 - 4688 * k ** 3 * kmax ** 3 - 2176 * k ** 2 * kmax ** 4 + 1280 * k * kmax ** 5 + 2560 * kmax ** 6)) - Sqrt(kmin) * Sqrt(k + kmin) * (112 * C3 * (105 * k ** 4 + 250 * k ** 3 * kmin - 104 * k ** 2 * kmin ** 2 - 48 * k * kmin ** 3 + 96 * kmin ** 4) + 3 * C4 * (945 * k ** 6 - 630 * k ** 5 * kmin + 504 * k ** 4 * kmin ** 2 + 4688 * k ** 3 * kmin ** 3 - 2176 * k ** 2 * kmin ** 4 - 1280 * k * kmin ** 5 + 2560 * kmin ** 6)) - Sqrt((k - kmin) * kmin) * (112 * C3 * (105 * k ** 4 - 250 * k ** 3 * kmin - 104 * k ** 2 * kmin ** 2 + 48 * k * kmin ** 3 + 96 * kmin ** 4) + 3 * C4 * (945 * k ** 6 + 630 * k ** 5 * kmin + 504 * k ** 4 * kmin ** 2 - 4688 * k ** 3 * kmin ** 3 - 2176 * k ** 2 * kmin ** 4 + 1280 * k * kmin ** 5 + 2560 * kmin ** 6)) - (105 * k ** 5 * (112 * C3 + 27 * C4 * k ** 2) * Pi) / 2. + 105 * k ** 5 * (112 * C3 + 27 * C4 * k ** 2) * ArcTan(Sqrt(kmin / (k - kmin))) + 105 * k ** 5 * (112 * C3 + 27 * C4 * k ** 2) * Log(2 * Sqrt(k)) - 105 * k ** 5 * (112 * C3 + 27 * C4 * k ** 2) * Log(2 * (Sqrt(kmax) + Sqrt(-k + kmax))) - 105 * k ** 5 * (112 * C3 + 27 * C4 * k ** 2) * Log(2 * (Sqrt(kmax) + Sqrt(k + kmax))) + 105 * k ** 5 * (112 * C3 + 27 * C4 * k ** 2) * Log(2 * (Sqrt(kmin) + Sqrt(k + kmin))))) / (282240. * k ** 2)) return J_B
[docs] def J_C(self, k, Cterms, **kwargs): """Second method for J_C""" kmax = k[-1] kmin = k[0] alpha = kwargs["alpha"] beta = kwargs["beta"] C5 = Cterms[4] J_C = ((alpha**2*C5*(-(Sqrt(2)*k**3*(-10000*beta**2 - (0+15360*1j)*beta*k + 6363*k**2)) - Sqrt(kmax*(-k + kmax))*((0+3840*1j)*beta*(k - kmax)**2*kmax + 400*beta**2*(3*k**2 - 14*k*kmax + 8*kmax**2) + 9*(15*k**4 + 10*k**3*kmax - 248*k**2*kmax**2 + 336*k*kmax**3 - 128*kmax**4)) + Sqrt(kmax*(k + kmax))*((0+3840*1j)*beta*kmax*(k + kmax)**2 + 400*beta**2*(3*k**2 + 14*k*kmax + 8*kmax**2) - 9*(-15*k**4 + 10*k**3*kmax + 248*k**2*kmax**2 + 336*k*kmax**3 + 128*kmax**4)) + Sqrt((k - kmin)*kmin)*(-400*beta**2*(3*k**2 - 14*k*kmin + 8*kmin**2) - (0+60*1j)*beta*(15*k**3 - 54*k**2*kmin + 8*k*kmin**2 + 16*kmin**3) + 9*(15*k**4 + 10*k**3*kmin - 248*k**2*kmin**2 + 336*k*kmin**3 - 128*kmin**4)) + Sqrt(kmin)*Sqrt(k + kmin)*((-3840*1j)*beta*kmin*(k + kmin)**2 - 400*beta**2*(3*k**2 + 14*k*kmin + 8*kmin**2) + 9*(-15*k**4 + 10*k**3*kmin + 248*k**2*kmin**2 + 336*k*kmin**3 + 128*kmin**4)) + (15*k**3*(-80*beta**2 - (0+60*1j)*beta*k + 9*k**2)*Pi)/2. + 15*k**3*(80*beta**2 + (0+60*1j)*beta*k - 9*k**2)*ArcTan(Sqrt(kmin/(k - kmin))) - 15*k**3*(80*beta**2 + 9*k**2)*Log(2*(1 + Sqrt(2))*Sqrt(k)) + k**3*(Sqrt(2)*(-10000*beta**2 - (0+15360*1j)*beta*k + 6363*k**2) + 15*(80*beta**2 + 9*k**2)*Log(2*Sqrt(k)) + 15*(80*beta**2 + 9*k**2)*Log(2*(1 + Sqrt(2))*Sqrt(k))) - 15*k**3*(80*beta**2 + 9*k**2)*Log(2*(Sqrt(kmax) + Sqrt(-k + kmax))) - 15*k**3*(80*beta**2 + 9*k**2)*Log(2*(Sqrt(kmax) + Sqrt(k + kmax))) + 15*k**3*(80*beta**2 + 9*k**2)*Log(2*(Sqrt(kmin) + Sqrt(k + kmin)))))/(14400.*beta**2*k)) return J_C
[docs] def J_D(self, k, Cterms, **kwargs): """Solution for J_D which is the integral for D in terms of constants C6 and C7.""" kmax = k[-1] kmin = k[0] alpha = kwargs["alpha"] beta = kwargs["beta"] C6 = Cterms[5] C7 = Cterms[6] j1 = ((alpha ** 2 * (-240 * Sqrt((k + kmax) / kmax) * (40 * C6 * (24 * k ** 3 + 9 * k ** 2 * kmax + 2 * k * kmax ** 2 - 4 * kmax ** 3) + C7 * kmax * (-105 * k ** 4 - 250 * k ** 3 * kmax + 104 * k ** 2 * kmax ** 2 + 48 * k * kmax ** 3 - 96 * kmax ** 4)) - 240 * Sqrt(1 - k / kmax) * (40 * C6 * (24 * k ** 3 - 9 * k ** 2 * kmax + 2 * k * kmax ** 2 + 4 * kmax ** 3) + C7 * kmax * (105 * k ** 4 - 250 * k ** 3 * kmax - 104 * k ** 2 * kmax ** 2 + 48 * k * kmax ** 3 + 96 * kmax ** 4)) + 240 * Sqrt((k + kmin) / kmin) * (40 * C6 * (24 * k ** 3 + 9 * k ** 2 * kmin + 2 * k * kmin ** 2 - 4 * kmin ** 3) + C7 * kmin * (-105 * k ** 4 - 250 * k ** 3 * kmin + 104 * k ** 2 * kmin ** 2 + 48 * k * kmin ** 3 - 96 * kmin ** 4)) - 240 * Sqrt(-1 + k / kmin) * (40 * C6 * (24 * k ** 3 - 9 * k ** 2 * kmin + 2 * k * kmin ** 2 + 4 * kmin ** 3) + C7 * kmin * (105 * k ** 4 - 250 * k ** 3 * kmin - 104 * k ** 2 * kmin ** 2 + 48 * k * kmin ** 3 + 96 * kmin ** 4)) + 12600 * k ** 3 * (8 * C6 - C7 * k ** 2) * Pi - 25200 * k ** 3 * (8 * C6 - C7 * k ** 2) * ArcTan(Sqrt(kmin / (k - kmin))) - 25200 * k ** 3 * (8 * C6 - C7 * k ** 2) * Log(2 * Sqrt(k)) + 25200 * k ** 3 * (8 * C6 - C7 * k ** 2) * Log(2 * (Sqrt(kmax) + Sqrt(-k + kmax))) + 25200 * k ** 3 * (8 * C6 - C7 * k ** 2) * Log(2 * (Sqrt(kmax) + Sqrt(k + kmax))) - 25200 * k ** 3 * (8 * C6 - C7 * k ** 2) * Log(2 * (Sqrt(kmin) + Sqrt(k + kmin))))) / (604800. * k ** 2)) j2 = ((alpha ** 2 * (-3 * kmax * Sqrt((k + kmax) / kmax) * (112 * C6 * (185 * k ** 4 - 70 * k ** 3 * kmax - 168 * k ** 2 * kmax ** 2 - 16 * k * kmax ** 3 + 32 * kmax ** 4) + C7 * (-945 * k ** 6 + 630 * k ** 5 * kmax + 6664 * k ** 4 * kmax ** 2 - 3152 * k ** 3 * kmax ** 3 - 11136 * k ** 2 * kmax ** 4 - 1280 * k * kmax ** 5 + 2560 * kmax ** 6)) + 3 * Sqrt(1 - k / kmax) * kmax * (112 * C6 * (185 * k ** 4 + 70 * k ** 3 * kmax - 168 * k ** 2 * kmax ** 2 + 16 * k * kmax ** 3 + 32 * kmax ** 4) + C7 * (-945 * k ** 6 - 630 * k ** 5 * kmax + 6664 * k ** 4 * kmax ** 2 + 3152 * k ** 3 * kmax ** 3 - 11136 * k ** 2 * kmax ** 4 + 1280 * k * kmax ** 5 + 2560 * kmax ** 6)) + 3 * kmin * Sqrt((k + kmin) / kmin) * (112 * C6 * (185 * k ** 4 - 70 * k ** 3 * kmin - 168 * k ** 2 * kmin ** 2 - 16 * k * kmin ** 3 + 32 * kmin ** 4) + C7 * (-945 * k ** 6 + 630 * k ** 5 * kmin + 6664 * k ** 4 * kmin ** 2 - 3152 * k ** 3 * kmin ** 3 - 11136 * k ** 2 * kmin ** 4 - 1280 * k * kmin ** 5 + 2560 * kmin ** 6)) - 3 * Sqrt(-1 + k / kmin) * kmin * (112 * C6 * (185 * k ** 4 + 70 * k ** 3 * kmin - 168 * k ** 2 * kmin ** 2 + 16 * k * kmin ** 3 + 32 * kmin ** 4) + C7 * (-945 * k ** 6 - 630 * k ** 5 * kmin + 6664 * k ** 4 * kmin ** 2 + 3152 * k ** 3 * kmin ** 3 - 11136 * k ** 2 * kmin ** 4 + 1280 * k * kmin ** 5 + 2560 * kmin ** 6)) + (2835 * k ** 5 * (16 * C6 + C7 * k ** 2) * Pi) / 2. - 2835 * k ** 5 * (16 * C6 + C7 * k ** 2) * ArcTan(Sqrt(kmin / (k - kmin))) + 2835 * k ** 5 * (16 * C6 + C7 * k ** 2) * Log(2 * Sqrt(k)) - 2835 * k ** 5 * (16 * C6 + C7 * k ** 2) * Log(2 * (Sqrt(kmax) + Sqrt(-k + kmax))) - 2835 * k ** 5 * (16 * C6 + C7 * k ** 2) * Log(2 * (Sqrt(kmax) + Sqrt(k + kmax))) + 2835 * k ** 5 * (16 * C6 + C7 * k ** 2) * Log(2 * (Sqrt(kmin) + Sqrt(k + kmin))))) / (604800. * beta ** 2 * k ** 2)) j3 = ((alpha ** 2 * (-10 * 1j * Sqrt((k + kmax) / kmax) * (24 * C6 * (448 * k ** 4 - 239 * k ** 3 * kmax + 522 * k ** 2 * kmax ** 2 + 88 * k * kmax ** 3 - 176 * kmax ** 4) + C7 * kmax * (315 * k ** 5 - 3794 * k ** 4 * kmax - 2648 * k ** 3 * kmax ** 2 + 6000 * k ** 2 * kmax ** 3 + 1408 * k * kmax ** 4 - 2816 * kmax ** 5)) + 10 * 1j * Sqrt(1 - k / kmax) * (24 * C6 * (448 * k ** 4 + 239 * k ** 3 * kmax + 522 * k ** 2 * kmax ** 2 - 88 * k * kmax ** 3 - 176 * kmax ** 4) - C7 * kmax * (315 * k ** 5 + 3794 * k ** 4 * kmax - 2648 * k ** 3 * kmax ** 2 - 6000 * k ** 2 * kmax ** 3 + 1408 * k * kmax ** 4 + 2816 * kmax ** 5)) + 10 * 1j * Sqrt((k + kmin) / kmin) * (24 * C6 * (448 * k ** 4 - 239 * k ** 3 * kmin + 522 * k ** 2 * kmin ** 2 + 88 * k * kmin ** 3 - 176 * kmin ** 4) + C7 * kmin * (315 * k ** 5 - 3794 * k ** 4 * kmin - 2648 * k ** 3 * kmin ** 2 + 6000 * k ** 2 * kmin ** 3 + 1408 * k * kmin ** 4 - 2816 * kmin ** 5)) - 20 * 1j * Sqrt(-1 + k / kmin) * (384 * C6 * (k - kmin) ** 2 * (14 * k ** 2 + 5 * k * kmin + 2 * kmin ** 2) + C7 * kmin * (945 * k ** 5 - 1162 * k ** 4 * kmin - 2696 * k ** 3 * kmin ** 2 + 1200 * k ** 2 * kmin ** 3 + 256 * k * kmin ** 4 + 512 * kmin ** 5)) - 9450 * 1j * C7 * k ** 6 * Pi + 18900 * 1j * C7 * k ** 6 * ArcTan(Sqrt(kmin / (k - kmin))) + 3150 * 1j * k ** 3 * (72 * C6 * k + C7 * k ** 3) * Log(2 * Sqrt(k)) - 3150 * 1j * k ** 3 * (72 * C6 * k + C7 * k ** 3) * Log(2 * (Sqrt(kmax) + Sqrt(-k + kmax))) + 3150 * 1j * k ** 3 * (72 * C6 * k + C7 * k ** 3) * Log(2 * (Sqrt(kmax) + Sqrt(k + kmax))) - 3150 * 1j * k ** 3 * (72 * C6 * k + C7 * k ** 3) * Log(2 * (Sqrt(kmin) + Sqrt(k + kmin))))) / (604800. * beta * k ** 2)) return j1 + j2 + j3
[docs] def calculate_Cterms(self, bgvars, a, potentials): """ Calculate the constant terms needed for source integration. """ k = self.srceqns.k phi, phidot, H = bgvars #Set ones array with same shape as self.k onekshape = np.ones(k.shape) V, Vp, Vpp, Vppp = potentials a2 = a**2 H2 = H**2 aH2 = a2*H2 k2 = k**2 #Set C_i values C1 = 1/H2 * (Vppp + 3 * phidot * Vpp + 2 * phidot * k2 /a2 ) C2 = 3.5 * phidot /(aH2) * onekshape C3 = -4.5 * phidot * k / (aH2) C4 = -phidot / (aH2 * k) C5 = -1.5 * phidot * onekshape C6 = 2 * phidot * k C7 = - phidot / k Cterms = [C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7] return Cterms
[docs] def full_source_from_model(self, m, nix): """Use the data from a model at a timestep nix to calculate the full source term S.""" #Get background values bgvars = m.yresult[nix, 0:3, 0] a = m.ainit*np.exp(m.tresult[nix]) #Set alpha and beta alpha = 1/(a*np.sqrt(2)) beta = a*bgvars[2] return super(NoPhaseBunchDaviesSolution, self).full_source_from_model(m, nix, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
[docs]class SimpleInverseSolution(AnalyticSolution): r"""Analytic solution using a simple inverse solution as the first order solution and with no phase information. .. math:: \delta\varphi_1 = 1/k \delta\varphi^\dagger_1 = 1/k """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SimpleInverseSolution, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.J_terms = [self.J_A, self.J_B, self.J_C, self.J_D] self.calculate_Cterms = self.srceqns.calculate_Cterms
[docs] def J_general_Atype(self, k, C, n): kmin = k[0] kmax = k[-1] if n == 1: J_general = 2*C*(1/n * k**(n-1) - np.log(k) + np.log(kmax) - kmin**n/(k*n)) else: J_general = 2*C*(-1/(n*(n-1))*k**(n-1) + kmax**(n-1)/(n-1) - kmin**n/(k*n)) return J_general
[docs] def J_general_Btype(self, k, C, n): kmin = k[0] kmax = k[-1] if n == 2: J_general = 2/3*C*(1/(k**2*(n-1)) * (k**(n+1) - kmin**(n+1)) + k*np.log(kmax/k)) else: J_general = 2/3*C*(-3/((n+1)*(n-2))*k**(n-1) + k*kmax**(n-2)/(n-2) - kmin**(n+1)/(k**2*(n+1))) return J_general
[docs] def J_A(self, k, Cterms, **kwargs): """Solution for J_A which is the integral for A in terms of constants C1 and C2.""" C1 = Cterms[0] C2 = Cterms[1] J_A = self.J_general_Atype(k, C1, 2) + self.J_general_Atype(k, C2, 4) return J_A
[docs] def J_B(self, k, Cterms, **kwargs): """Solution for J_B which is the integral for B in terms of constants C3 and C4.""" C3 = Cterms[2] #multiplies q**3 C4 = Cterms[3] #multiplies q**5 J_B = self.J_general_Btype(k, C3, 3) + self.J_general_Btype(k, C4, 5) return J_B
[docs] def J_C(self, k, Cterms, **kwargs): """Second method for J_C""" C5 = Cterms[4] J_C = self.J_general_Atype(k, C5, 2) return J_C
[docs] def J_D(self, k, Cterms, **kwargs): """Solution for J_D which is the integral for D in terms of constants C6 and C7.""" C6 = Cterms[5] C7 = Cterms[6] J_D = self.J_general_Btype(k, C6, 1) + self.J_general_Btype(k, C7, 3) return J_D
[docs]class ImaginaryInverseSolution(AnalyticSolution): r"""Analytic solution using an imaginary inverse solution as the first order solution and with no phase information. .. math:: \delta\varphi_1 = 1/k i \delta\varphi^\dagger_1 = 1/k i where :math:`i=\sqrt(-1)` """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ImaginaryInverseSolution, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.J_terms = [self.J_A, self.J_B, self.J_C, self.J_D] self.calculate_Cterms = self.srceqns.calculate_Cterms
[docs] def J_general_Atype(self, k, C, n): kmin = k[0] kmax = k[-1] if n == 1: J_general = -2*C*(1/n * k**(n-1) - np.log(k) + np.log(kmax) - kmin**n/(k*n)) else: J_general = -2*C*(-1/(n*(n-1))*k**(n-1) + kmax**(n-1)/(n-1) - kmin**n/(k*n)) return J_general
[docs] def J_general_Btype(self, k, C, n): kmin = k[0] kmax = k[-1] if n == 2: J_general = -2/3*C*(1/(k**2*(n-1)) * (k**(n+1) - kmin**(n+1)) + k*np.log(kmax/k)) else: J_general = -2/3*C*(-3/((n+1)*(n-2))*k**(n-1) + k*kmax**(n-2)/(n-2) - kmin**(n+1)/(k**2*(n+1))) return J_general
[docs] def J_A(self, k, Cterms, **kwargs): """Solution for J_A which is the integral for A in terms of constants C1 and C2.""" C1 = Cterms[0] C2 = Cterms[1] J_A = self.J_general_Atype(k, C1, 2) + self.J_general_Atype(k, C2, 4) return J_A
[docs] def J_B(self, k, Cterms, **kwargs): """Solution for J_B which is the integral for B in terms of constants C3 and C4.""" C3 = Cterms[2] #multiplies q**3 C4 = Cterms[3] #multiplies q**5 J_B = self.J_general_Btype(k, C3, 3) + self.J_general_Btype(k, C4, 5) return J_B
[docs] def J_C(self, k, Cterms, **kwargs): """Second method for J_C""" C5 = Cterms[4] J_C = self.J_general_Atype(k, C5, 2) return J_C
[docs] def J_D(self, k, Cterms, **kwargs): """Solution for J_D which is the integral for D in terms of constants C6 and C7.""" C6 = Cterms[5] C7 = Cterms[6] J_D = self.J_general_Btype(k, C6, 1) + self.J_general_Btype(k, C7, 3) return J_D
[docs]class OldSimpleInverseFull(AnalyticSolution): """Analytic solution using a simple inverse solution as the first order solution and with no phase information. This uses the solutions of the old equations and is not reliable. Should not be used in production. \delta\varphi_1 = 1/k \dN{\delta\varphi_1} = 1/k """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(OldSimpleInverseFull, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.J_terms = [self.J_A1, self.J_A2, self.J_B1, self.J_B2, self.J_C1, self.J_C2, self.J_D1, self.J_D2, self.J_E1, self.J_E2, self.J_F1, self.J_F2, self.J_G1, self.J_G2] self.calculate_Cterms = self.srceqns.calculate_Cterms
[docs] def J_general_Atype(self, k, C, n): kmin = k[0] kmax = k[-1] if n == 1: J_general = 2*C*(1/n * k**(n-1) - np.log(k) + np.log(kmax) - kmin**n/(k*n)) else: J_general = 2*C*(-1/(n*(n-1))*k**(n-1) + kmax**(n-1)/(n-1) - kmin**n/(k*n)) return J_general
[docs] def J_general_Btype(self, k, C, n): kmin = k[0] kmax = k[-1] if n == 2: J_general = 2/3*C*(1/(k**2*(n-1)) * (k**(n+1) - kmin**(n+1)) + k*np.log(kmax/k)) else: J_general = 2/3*C*(-3/((n+1)*(n-2))*k**(n-1) + k*kmax**(n-2)/(n-2) - kmin**(n+1)/(k**2*(n+1))) return J_general
[docs] def J_general_Etype(self, k, C, n): kmin = k[0] kmax = k[-1] if n == 1: J_general = 2/3 * C * (23/15 + np.log(kmax/k) - kmin/k -2/5 * (k/kmax)**2 + 1/3 * (kmin/k)**3) elif n == 3: J_general = 2/3 * C * (-13/150*k**2 + 0.5*kmax**2 - 1/3*kmin**3/k + 2/5*(k**2*np.log(kmax/k) - 0.2*kmin**5/k**3)) else: J_general = 2/3 * C * (-k**(n-1)*(1/(n*(n-1)) + 2/((n+2)*(n-3))) + kmax**(n-1)/(n-1) - kmin**n/(k*n) + 2/5*(k**2*kmax**(n-3)/(n-3) - kmin**(n+2)/(k**3*(n+2)))) return J_general
[docs] def J_general_Ftype(self, k, C, n): kmin = k[0] kmax = k[-1] if n == 3: J_general = 4/3 * C * (1/3 - 1/3 * (kmin/k)**3 + np.log(kmax/k)) else: J_general = 4/3 * C * (k**(n-3)*3/(n*(3-n)) + kmax**(n-3)/(n-3) - kmin**n/(n*k**3)) return J_general
[docs] def J_A1(self, k, Cterms, **kwargs): """Solution for J_A which is the integral for A in terms of constants C1 and C2.""" C1 = Cterms[0] C2 = Cterms[1] J_A1 = self.J_general_Atype(k, C1, 2) + self.J_general_Atype(k, C2, 4) return J_A1
[docs] def J_A2(self, k, Cterms, **kwargs): """Solution for J_A which is the integral for A in terms of constants C1 and C2.""" C17 = Cterms[16] C18 = Cterms[17] J_A2 = self.J_general_Atype(k, C17, 2) + self.J_general_Atype(k, C18, 4) return J_A2
[docs] def J_B1(self, k, Cterms, **kwargs): """Solution for J_B which is the integral for B in terms of constants C3 and C4.""" C3 = Cterms[2] #multiplies q**3 C4 = Cterms[3] #multiplies q**5 J_B1 = self.J_general_Btype(k, C3, 3) + self.J_general_Btype(k, C4, 5) return J_B1
[docs] def J_B2(self, k, Cterms, **kwargs): """Solution for J_B which is the integral for B in terms of constants C3 and C4.""" C19 = Cterms[18] #multiplies q**3 J_B2 = self.J_general_Btype(k, C19, 3) return J_B2
[docs] def J_C1(self, k, Cterms, **kwargs): """Second method for J_C""" C5 = Cterms[4] J_C1 = self.J_general_Atype(k, C5, 2) return J_C1
[docs] def J_C2(self, k, Cterms, **kwargs): """Second method for J_C""" C20 = Cterms[19] J_C2 = self.J_general_Atype(k, C20, 2) return J_C2
[docs] def J_D1(self, k, Cterms, **kwargs): """Solution for J_D which is the integral for D in terms of constants C6 and C7.""" C6 = Cterms[5] C7 = Cterms[6] J_D1 = self.J_general_Btype(k, C6, 1) + self.J_general_Btype(k, C7, 3) return J_D1
[docs] def J_D2(self, k, Cterms, **kwargs): """Solution for J_D which is the integral for D in terms of constants C6 and C7.""" C21 = Cterms[20] J_D2 = self.J_general_Btype(k, C21, 1) return J_D2
[docs] def J_E1(self, k, Cterms, **kwargs): """Solution for J_D which is the integral for D in terms of constants C6 and C7.""" C8 = Cterms[7] C9 = Cterms[8] J_E1 = self.J_general_Etype(k, C8, 2) + self.J_general_Etype(k, C9, 4) return J_E1
[docs] def J_E2(self, k, Cterms, **kwargs): """Solution for J_D which is the integral for D in terms of constants C6 and C7.""" C10 = Cterms[9] J_E2 = self.J_general_Etype(k, C10, 2) return J_E2
[docs] def J_F1(self, k, Cterms, **kwargs): """Solution for J_D which is the integral for D in terms of constants C6 and C7.""" C11 = Cterms[10] C12 = Cterms[11] J_F1 = self.J_general_Ftype(k, C11, 2) + self.J_general_Ftype(k, C12, 4) return J_F1
[docs] def J_F2(self, k, Cterms, **kwargs): """Solution for J_D which is the integral for D in terms of constants C6 and C7.""" C13 = Cterms[12] J_F2 = self.J_general_Ftype(k, C13, 2) return J_F2
[docs] def J_G1(self, k, Cterms, **kwargs): """Solution for J_D which is the integral for D in terms of constants C6 and C7.""" C14 = Cterms[13] C15 = Cterms[14] J_G1 = self.J_general_Ftype(k, C14, 2) + self.J_general_Ftype(k, C15, 4) return J_G1
[docs] def J_G2(self, k, Cterms, **kwargs): """Solution for J_D which is the integral for D in terms of constants C6 and C7.""" C16 = Cterms[15] J_G2 = self.J_general_Ftype(k, C16, 2) return J_G2
[docs]class SimpleInverseFull(AnalyticSolution): r"""Analytic solution using a simple inverse solution as the first order solution and with no phase information. .. math:: \delta\varphi_1 = 1/k \delta\varphi^\dagger_1 = 1/k """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SimpleInverseFull, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.calculate_Cterms = self.srceqns.calculate_Cterms self.J_params = self.srceqns.J_params self.J_terms = dict([(Jkey,self.J_factory(Jkey)) for Jkey in self.J_params.iterkeys()])
[docs] def J_factory(self, Jkey): pretermix = self.J_params[Jkey]["pretermix"] if pretermix == 0: J_func = self.J_general_Atype elif pretermix == 1: J_func = self.J_general_Btype elif pretermix == 2: J_func = self.J_general_Atype elif pretermix == 3: J_func = self.J_general_Btype elif pretermix == 4: J_func = self.J_general_Etype elif pretermix == 5: J_func = self.J_general_Ftype elif pretermix == 6: J_func = self.J_general_Ftype def newJfunc(k, Cterms, **kwargs): return J_func(k, Cterms[Jkey], self.J_params[Jkey]["n"]) return newJfunc
[docs] def J_general_Atype(self, k, C, n): kmin = k[0] kmax = k[-1] if n == 1: J_general = 2*C*(1/n * k**(n-1) - np.log(k) + np.log(kmax) - kmin**n/(k*n)) else: J_general = 2*C*(-1/(n*(n-1))*k**(n-1) + kmax**(n-1)/(n-1) - kmin**n/(k*n)) return J_general
[docs] def J_general_Btype(self, k, C, n): kmin = k[0] kmax = k[-1] if n == 2: J_general = 2/3*C*(1/(k**2*(n-1)) * (k**(n+1) - kmin**(n+1)) + k*np.log(kmax/k)) else: J_general = 2/3*C*(-3/((n+1)*(n-2))*k**(n-1) + k*kmax**(n-2)/(n-2) - kmin**(n+1)/(k**2*(n+1))) return J_general
[docs] def J_general_Etype(self, k, C, n): kmin = k[0] kmax = k[-1] if n == 1: J_general = 2/3 * C * (23/15 + np.log(kmax/k) - kmin/k -2/5 * (k/kmax)**2 + 1/3 * (kmin/k)**3) elif n == 3: J_general = 2/3 * C * (-13/150*k**2 + 0.5*kmax**2 - 1/3*kmin**3/k + 2/5*(k**2*np.log(kmax/k) - 0.2*kmin**5/k**3)) else: J_general = 2/3 * C * (-k**(n-1)*(1/(n*(n-1)) + 2/((n+2)*(n-3))) + kmax**(n-1)/(n-1) - kmin**n/(k*n) + 2/5*(k**2*kmax**(n-3)/(n-3) - kmin**(n+2)/(k**3*(n+2)))) return J_general
[docs] def J_general_Ftype(self, k, C, n): kmin = k[0] kmax = k[-1] if n == 3: J_general = 4/3 * k**2 * C * (1/3 - 1/3 * (kmin/k)**3 + np.log(kmax/k)) else: J_general = 4/3 * k**2 * C * (k**(n-3)*3/(n*(3-n)) + kmax**(n-3)/(n-3) - kmin**n/(n*k**3)) return J_general