API Shortcuts - filesysobjects

The applicable match scope for a filepathname input is displayed in the column [scope].

The search path list is supported as literal only.

  • L,l: literal
  • R,r: regexpr by ‘re’
  • G,g: ‘glob’

The case of the characters for resolution ‘[scope]’ indicate their handling:

  • upper case - L, R, G - Upper case letters indicate active resolution including in-memory processing and filesystem access.
  • lower case - l, r, g - Lower case letters indicate passive string acceptance with some in-memory processing.

The column ‘[fs]’ displays whether the filesystem is accessed, or in mem file search paths only. Function calls which access the filesystem are marked in the column ‘[fs]’ with ‘X’.


Filesystem Positions and Navigation for sys.path, and extended alternatives. [docs]

Canonical Node Address