Source code for pychemia.searcher.swarm2

import math

from .searcher import Searcher
from pychemia import pcm_log

[docs]class ParticleSwarm(Searcher): def __init__(self, population, params=None, generation_size=32, stabilization_limit=10): """ Implementation fo the Firefly algorithm for global minimization This searcher uses a metric to compute the attractiveness and the vector displacement to move one firefly in the direction of another one :param population: :param params: (dict) Parameters to setup the Searcher :param generation_size: (int) :param stabilization_limit: (int) :return: """ # Mandatory objects self.population = population # Parameters self.gamma = None self.elites = None self.set_params(params) # Constrains self.generation_size = generation_size self.stabilization_limit = stabilization_limit # Initializing objects Searcher.__init__(self, self.population, generation_size, stabilization_limit)
[docs] def set_params(self, params): if params is None: self.gamma = 0.1 self.elites = 3 else: assert ('gamma' in params) assert (params['gamma'] >= 0.0) self.gamma = params['gamma'] if 'elites' in params: self.elites = params['elites']
[docs] def get_params(self): return {'gamma': self.gamma, 'elites': self.elites}
[docs] def run_one(self): # Get a static selection of the values in the generation that are relaxed selection = self.population.ids_sorted(self.actives_in_generation) # Minus sign because we are searching for minima intensity = self.population.get_values(selection) for entry_id in intensity: intensity[entry_id] *= -1 moves = {} new_selection = {} for entry_id in selection: new_selection[entry_id] = None # Move all the fireflies (Except the most brightness) # as the selection is sorted it means that the first one will no move pcm_log.debug('No Moving %d %s. Intensity: %7.3f' % (0, str(selection[0]), intensity[selection[0]])) # The best elites = selection[:self.elites] for i in range(self.elites, len(selection)): entry_id = selection[i] pcm_log.debug('Moving %d %s. Intensity: %7.3f' % (i, str(entry_id), intensity[entry_id])) distances = [self.population.distance(entry_id, entry_jd) for entry_jd in elites] target = elites[distances.index(min(distances))] distance = min(distances) atractiveness = math.exp(-self.gamma * distance) * intensity[target] pcm_log.debug('[%s] Distance: %7.3f. Intensity: %7.3f. Atractiveness: %7.3f' % (str(target), distance, intensity[target], atractiveness)) if intensity[entry_id] < atractiveness: new_selection[entry_id] = self.population.move(entry_id, target, in_place=False) for entry_id in selection: pcm_log.debug('Deciding fate for firefly: %s' % str(entry_id)) if new_selection[entry_id] is not None: pcm_log.debug('Moved to a new location %s ' % str(entry_id)) self.replace_by_other(entry_id, new_selection[entry_id], reason=None) else: pcm_log.debug('Promoted to new generation ') self.pass_to_new_generation(entry_id, reason='No other firefly is more attractive')