Source code for pychemia.code.vasp.task.relax

import json
import logging.handlers
import os
import shutil
import time

import numpy as np

from pychemia import pcm_log
from pychemia.crystal import KPoints
from pychemia.utils.serializer import generic_serializer
from pychemia.utils.mathematics import round_small
from ..incar import InputVariables
from ..outcar import VaspOutput, read_vasp_stdout
from ..poscar import read_poscar
from ..vasp import VaspJob, VaspAnalyser
from ...relaxator import Relaxator
from ...tasks import Task

__author__ = 'Guillermo Avendano-Franco'

[docs]class IonRelaxation(Relaxator, Task): def __init__(self, structure, workdir='.', target_forces=1E-3, waiting=False, binary='vasp', encut=1.3, kp_grid=None, kp_density=1E4, relax_cell=True, max_calls=10): Relaxator.__init__(self, target_forces) self.target_forces = target_forces self.waiting = waiting self.vaspjob = VaspJob() self.relaxed = False if kp_grid is not None: self.kpoints = KPoints(kmode='gamma', grid=kp_grid) else: self.kpoints = KPoints.optimized_grid(structure.lattice, kp_density=kp_density) self.vaspjob.initialize(workdir=workdir, structure=structure, kpoints=self.kpoints, binary=binary) self.encut = encut self.relax_cell = relax_cell self.max_calls = max_calls task_params = {'target_forces': self.target_forces, 'encut': self.encut, 'relax_cell': self.relax_cell, 'max_calls': self.max_calls} Task.__init__(self, structure=structure, task_params=task_params, workdir=workdir, binary=binary)
[docs] def create_dirs(self, clean=False): if not os.path.isdir(self.workdir): os.makedirs(self.workdir) elif clean: for i in os.listdir(self.workdir): shutil.rmtree(self.workdir + os.sep + i)
[docs] def update(self): """ This routine determines how to proceed with the relaxation for one specific work directory :return: """ vj = self.vaspjob if os.path.isfile(self.workdir + os.sep + 'OUTCAR'): vj.get_outputs() max_force, max_stress = self.get_max_force_stress() if max_force is not None and max_stress is not None: pcm_log.debug('Max Force: %9.3E Stress: %9.3E' % (max_force, max_stress)) vo = VaspOutput(self.workdir + os.sep + 'OUTCAR') info = vo.relaxation_info() pcm_log.debug('Avg Force: %9.3E Stress: %9.3E %9.3E' % (info['avg_force'], info['avg_stress_diag'], info['avg_stress_non_diag'])) else: print('Failure to get forces and stress') return False vo = VaspOutput(self.workdir + os.sep + 'OUTCAR') info = vo.relaxation_info() if len(info) != 3: print(' Missing some data in OUTCAR (forces or stress)') # Conditions to consider the structure relaxed if info['avg_force'] < self.target_forces: if info['avg_stress_diag'] < self.target_forces: if info['avg_stress_non_diag'] < self.target_forces: wf = open(self.workdir + os.sep + 'RELAXED', 'w') for i in info: wf.write("%15s %12.3f" % (i, info[i])) wf.close() wf = open(self.workdir + os.sep + 'COMPLETE', 'w') for i in info: wf.write("%15s %12.3f" % (i, info[i])) wf.close() # How to change ISIF if info['avg_force'] < 0.1 and self.relax_cell: if info['avg_stress_diag'] < 0.1: if info['avg_stress_non_diag'] < 0.1: vj.input_variables['ISIF'] = 3 else: vj.input_variables['ISIF'] = 3 else: vj.input_variables['ISIF'] = 3 else: vj.input_variables['ISIF'] = 2 # How to change IBRION # if info['avg_force'] < 0.1 and info['avg_stress_diag'] < 0.1 and info['avg_stress_non_diag'] < 0.1: # vj.input_variables['IBRION'] = 1 # elif info['avg_force'] < 1 and info['avg_stress_diag'] < 1 and info['avg_stress_non_diag'] < 1: # vj.input_variables['IBRION'] = 2 # else: # vj.input_variables['IBRION'] = 3 # if vj.input_variables['EDIFFG'] < - 2 * self.target_forces: # vj.input_variables['EDIFFG'] = round_small(vj.input_variables['EDIFFG'] / 2) # else: # vj.input_variables['EDIFFG'] = - self.target_forces # # How to change EDIFFG if max_force > self.target_forces or max_stress > self.target_forces: if self.relax_cell: vj.input_variables['EDIFFG'] = np.min(round_small(-0.01 * max(max_force, max_stress)), -self.target_forces) else: vj.input_variables['EDIFFG'] = np.min(round_small(-0.01 * max_force), -self.target_forces) pcm_log.debug('Current Values: ISIF: %2d IBRION: %2d EDIFF: %7.1E \tEDIFFG: %7.1E' % (vj.input_variables['ISIF'], vj.input_variables['IBRION'], vj.input_variables['EDIFF'], vj.input_variables['EDIFFG'])) # How to change EDIFF if vj.input_variables['EDIFF'] > -0.01 * vj.input_variables['EDIFFG']: vj.input_variables['EDIFF'] = round_small(-0.01 * vj.input_variables['EDIFFG']) else: vj.input_variables['EDIFF'] = 1E-4 vj.input_variables['LWAVE'] = False # Print new values pcm_log.debug('New Values: ISIF: %2d IBRION: %2d EDIFF: %7.1E \tEDIFFG: %7.1E' % (vj.input_variables['ISIF'], vj.input_variables['IBRION'], vj.input_variables['EDIFF'], vj.input_variables['EDIFFG'])) for i in ['POSCAR', 'INCAR', 'OUTCAR', 'vasprun.xml']: if not os.path.exists(self.workdir + os.sep + i): wf = open(self.workdir + os.sep + i, 'w') wf.write('') wf.close() log = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(self.workdir + os.sep + i, maxBytes=1, backupCount=1000) log.doRollover() vj.structure = self.get_final_geometry() vj.set_inputs() vj.save_json(self.workdir + os.sep + 'vaspjob.json') return True
[docs] def first_run(self, nparal=4): vj = self.vaspjob vj.clean() inp = InputVariables() inp.set_rough_relaxation() vj.set_input_variables(inp) vj.input_variables['LWAVE'] = False vj.write_potcar() vj.input_variables.set_encut(ENCUT=self.encut, POTCAR=self.workdir + os.sep + 'POTCAR') vj.input_variables.set_density_for_restart() vj.set_kpoints(self.kpoints) vj.set_inputs() print('Launching VASP using %d processes' % nparal), mpi_num_procs=nparal) if self.waiting: vj.runner.wait()
[docs] def cleaner(self): files = [x for x in os.listdir(self.workdir) if os.path.isfile(self.workdir + os.sep + x)] for i in files: if i[:5] in ['INCAR', 'POSCA', 'OUTCA', 'vaspr']: os.remove(self.workdir + os.sep + i)
[docs] def run(self, nparal=1): self.started = True self.cleaner() vj = self.vaspjob ncalls = 1 self.first_run(nparal) while True: if vj.runner is not None and vj.runner.poll() is not None:'Execution completed. Return code %d' % vj.runner.returncode) filename = self.workdir + os.sep + 'vasp_stdout.log' if os.path.exists(filename): read_vasp_stdout(filename=filename) ncalls += 1 va = VaspAnalyser(self.workdir) max_force, max_stress = self.get_max_force_stress() print('Max Force: %9.3E Stress: %9.3E (target forces= %E)' % (max_force, max_stress, self.target_forces)) if max_force is not None and max_force < self.target_forces: # Conditions to finish the run if max_stress < self.target_forces: self.success = True break elif not self.relax_cell: self.success = True break elif ncalls >= self.max_calls: self.success = False break self.update(), mpi_num_procs=nparal) if self.waiting: vj.runner.wait() else: filename = self.workdir + os.sep + 'vasp_stdout.log' if os.path.exists(filename): vasp_stdout = read_vasp_stdout(filename=filename) if len(vasp_stdout['iterations']) > 0: pcm_log.debug('[%s] SCF: %s' % (os.path.basename(self.workdir), str(vasp_stdout['iterations']))) # if len(vasp_stdout['energies']) > 2: # energy_str = ' %9.3E' % vasp_stdout['energies'][0] # for i in range(1, len(vasp_stdout['energies'])): # if vasp_stdout['energies'][i] < vasp_stdout['energies'][i-1]: # energy_str += ' >' # else: # energy_str += ' <' # pcm_log.debug(energy_str) time.sleep(30) outcars = sorted([x for x in os.listdir(self.workdir) if x.startswith('OUTCAR')])[::-1] vo = VaspOutput(self.workdir + os.sep + outcars[0]) forces = vo.forces stress = vo.stress if len(outcars) > 1: for i in outcars[1:]: vo = VaspOutput(self.workdir + os.sep + i) forces = np.concatenate((forces, vo.forces)) stress = np.concatenate((stress, vo.stress)) vj.get_outputs() self.output = {'forces': generic_serializer(forces), 'stress': generic_serializer(stress), 'energy':, 'energies': generic_serializer(vj.outcar.energies)} if vj.outcar.is_finished: self.finished = True
[docs] def get_forces_stress_energy(self): filename = self.workdir + os.sep + 'OUTCAR' if os.path.isfile(filename): self.vaspjob.get_outputs() if self.vaspjob.outcar.has_forces_stress_energy(): forces = self.vaspjob.outcar.forces[-1] stress = self.vaspjob.outcar.stress[-1] total_energy = self.vaspjob.outcar.final_data['energy']['free_energy'] else: forces = None stress = None total_energy = None else: forces = None stress = None total_energy = None return forces, stress, total_energy
[docs] def get_final_geometry(self): filename = self.workdir + os.sep + 'CONTCAR' structure = None if os.path.isfile(filename): try: structure = read_poscar(filename) except ValueError: print('Error reading CONTCAR') return structure
[docs] def plot(self, filedir=None, file_format='pdf'): if filedir is None: filedir = self.workdir import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.switch_backend('agg') plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.08, right=0.95, top=0.95, wspace=None, hspace=None) forces = np.array(self.output['forces']) maxforce = [np.max(np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, 1, x)) for x in forces] avgforce = [np.mean(np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, 1, x)) for x in forces] if np.max(maxforce) > 0.0 and np.max(avgforce) > 0.0: plt.semilogy(maxforce, 'b.-', label='Max force') plt.semilogy(avgforce, 'r.-', label='Mean force') else: plt.plot(maxforce, 'b.-', label='Max force') plt.plot(avgforce, 'r.-', label='Mean force') plt.xlabel('Ion movement iteration') plt.ylabel('Max Force') plt.savefig(filedir + os.sep + 'forces.' + file_format) plt.clf() plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.08, right=0.95, top=0.95, wspace=None, hspace=None) stress = np.array(self.output['stress']) diag_stress = [np.trace(np.abs(x)) for x in stress] offdiag_stress = [np.sum(np.abs(np.triu(x, 1).flatten())) for x in stress] plt.semilogy(diag_stress, 'b.-', label='diagonal') plt.semilogy(offdiag_stress, 'r.-', label='off-diagonal') plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Ion movement iteration') plt.ylabel(r'$\sum |stress|$ (diag, off-diag)') plt.savefig(filedir + os.sep + 'stress.' + file_format)
[docs] def report(self, file_format='html'): from lxml.builder import ElementMaker, E self.plot(filedir=self.report_dir, file_format='jpg') element_maker = ElementMaker(namespace=None, nsmap={None: ""}) html = element_maker.html(E.head(E.title("VASP Ion Relaxation")), E.body(E.h1("VASP Ion Relaxation"), E.h2('Initial Structure'), E.pre(str(self.structure)), E.h2('Forces Minimization'), E.p(E.img(src='forces.jpg', width="800", height="600", alt="Forces")), E.h2('Stress Minimization'), E.p(E.img(src='stress.jpg', width="800", height="600", alt="Stress")) )) return self.report_end(html, file_format)
[docs] def load(self, filename=None): if filename is None: filename = self.workdir + os.sep + 'task.json' rf = open(filename) data = json.load(rf) rf.close() self.task_params = data['task_params'] self.output = data['output'] self.encut = self.task_params['encut'] self.target_forces = self.task_params['target_forces'] self.relax_cell = self.task_params['relax_cell'] self.max_calls = self.task_params['max_calls']