Source code for pychemia.code.vasp.incar

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from builtins import str
import math
import os
import re
from collections import MutableMapping
from numbers import Number
from pychemia.utils.computing import deep_unicode

import numpy as np

__author__ = "Guillermo Avendano-Franco"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016"
__version__ = "0.1"
__maintainer__ = "Guillermo Avendano-Franco"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"
__date__ = "May 13, 2016"

[docs]def read_incar(filename='INCAR'): """ Load the file INCAR in the directory 'path' or read directly the file 'path' and return an object 'inputvars' for pychemia :param filename: (str) Filename of a INCAR file format :return: """ if os.path.isfile(filename): filename = filename elif os.path.isdir(filename) and os.path.isfile(filename + '/INCAR'): filename += '/INCAR' else: raise ValueError('[ERROR] INCAR path not found: %s' % filename) iv = InputVariables(filename=filename) return iv
[docs]def write_incar(iv, filepath='INCAR'): """ Takes an object inputvars from pychemia and save the file INCAR in the directory 'path' or save the file 'path' as a VASP INCAR file :param iv: (InputVariables) VASP Input variables :param filepath: (str) File path to write the INCAR file """ if os.path.isdir(filepath): filename = filepath + '/INCAR' else: filename = filepath iv.write(filename)
[docs]class InputVariables(MutableMapping): """ VASP INCAR object It contains: data: variables = Dictionary whose keys are ABINIT variable names and contains the values as numpy arrays methods: write = Write the input into as a text file that ABINIT can use as an input file get_value = Get the value of a particular variable set_value = Set the value of a particular variable """ def __init__(self, filename=None, variables=None): if variables is not None: for i in variables: self.__dict__[i] = variables[i] if filename is not None and os.path.isfile(filename): try: self.__import_input(filename) except ValueError: print('File format not identified') def _clean_variables(self): for i in self.__dict__: value = self.__dict__[i] if isinstance(value, list): if len(value) == 1: self.__dict__[i] = value[0] def __import_input(self, filename): rf = open(filename, 'r') for line in rf.readlines(): line = line.partition('#')[0] line = line.rstrip() if '=' in line: varname = line.split('=')[0].strip().upper() value = line.split('=')[1].strip() if value[-1] == ';': value = value[:-1] if varname == '$SYSTEM': self.__dict__[varname] = value elif value.upper() == '.FALSE.': self.__dict__[varname] = False elif value.upper() == '.TRUE.': self.__dict__[varname] = True else: try: self.__dict__[varname] = int(value) except ValueError: try: self.__dict__[varname] = round(float(value), 10) except ValueError: self.__dict__[varname] = self._deep_parsing(value) rf.close() self._clean_variables() @staticmethod def _deep_parsing(value): # Try splitting val_splt = value.split() ret = [] if len(val_splt) == 1: ret = value else: for i in range(len(val_splt)): try: newval = [int(val_splt[i])] except ValueError: try: newval = [round(float(val_splt[i]), 10)] except ValueError: if '*' in val_splt[i] and len(val_splt[i].split('*')) == 2: # print 'Trying this', val_splt[i] newval = int(val_splt[i].split('*')[0]) * [float(val_splt[i].split('*')[1])] else: newval = [val_splt[i]] ret += newval return ret
[docs] def write(self, filename='INCAR'): """ Write an inputvars object into a text file that VASP can use as an INCAR file Args: filename: The path to 'INCAR' filename that will be written """ wf = open(filename, 'w') wf.write(self.__str__()) wf.close()
[docs] def write_key(self, varname): """ Receives an input variable and write their contents properly according with their kind and length Args: varname: The name of the input variable """ ret = (varname.ljust(15)) + " = " if varname not in self.__dict__: raise ValueError("[ERROR] input variable: '%s' is not declared" % varname) value = self.__dict__[varname] value = deep_unicode(value) if isinstance(value, bool): if value: ret += '.TRUE.' else: ret += '.FALSE.' elif isinstance(value, Number): ret += str(value) elif isinstance(value, str): ret += value else: # Assume that the variables are integer and test if such assumption # is true integer = True real = False string = False compact = True # Get the general kind of values for the input variable for j in self.__dict__[varname]: try: if not float(j).is_integer(): # This is the case of non integer values integer = False real = True string = False if len(str(float(j))) > 7: compact = False except ValueError: # This is the case of '*1' that could not # be converted because we do not know the size # of the array integer = False real = False string = True if len(self.__dict__[varname]) > 1: print(varname) tmp = [(self.__dict__[varname][0], 1)] prev = self.__dict__[varname][0] for i in self.__dict__[varname][1:]: if i == prev: tmp[-1] = (i, tmp[-1][1] + 1) else: tmp.append((i, 1)) prev = i counter = 0 for j in tmp: if j[1] > 3: if real: if compact: ret += (" %d*%g" % (j[1] - j[1] % 3, j[0])).rjust(8) else: ret += " %d*%g" % (j[1] - j[1] % 3, j[0]) elif integer: ret += " %d*%d" % (j[1] - j[1] % 3, j[0]) else: ret += " %d*%s" % (j[1] - j[1] % 3, j[0]) if j[1] % 3 != 0: for i in range(j[1] % 3): if real: if compact: ret += (" %g" % j[0]).rjust(8) else: ret += " %17.10e" % j[0] elif integer: ret += " %d" % j[0] else: ret += " %s" % j[0] counter += j[1] else: for i in range(j[1]): if real: if compact: ret += (" %g" % j[0]).rjust(8) else: ret += " %17.10e" % j[0] elif integer: ret += " %d" % j[0] elif string: ret += " %s" % j[0] counter += 1 ret += ";\n" return ret
[docs] def set_encut(self, ENCUT=300, POTCAR=None): self.__dict__['ENCUT'] = ENCUT if POTCAR is not None and ENCUT < 10: maxvalue = 0 if not os.path.isfile(POTCAR): raise ValueError('Not such file', POTCAR) rf = open(POTCAR) for line in rf.readlines(): if 'ENMAX' in line: list4line = line.split() assert (list4line[0].strip() == 'ENMAX') value = list4line[2].strip() if value[-1] == ';': value = value[:-1] value = float(value) if value > maxvalue: maxvalue = value rf.close() if ENCUT < 10: self.__dict__['ENCUT'] = int(math.ceil(ENCUT * maxvalue)) else: self.__dict__['ENCUT'] = maxvalue
# pcm_log.debug('ENCUT: %7.3f' % self.variables['ENCUT'])
[docs] def set_ismear(self, kpoints): if > 27: self.__dict__['ISMEAR'] = -5 else: self.__dict__['ISMEAR'] = 0
[docs] def set_ion_relax(self, NSW=50, ISIF=2, IBRION=2, EDIFFG=-1E-3): self.__dict__['IBRION'] = IBRION self.__dict__['NSW'] = NSW self.__dict__['ISIF'] = ISIF self.__dict__['EDIFFG'] = EDIFFG
[docs] def set_electron_scf(self, NELM=60, NELMIN=2, EDIFF=1E-4, IALGO=48): self.__dict__['NELMIN'] = NELMIN self.__dict__['NELM'] = NELM self.__dict__['EDIFF'] = EDIFF self.__dict__['IALGO'] = IALGO
[docs] def set_rough_relaxation(self): self.set_minimum(PREC='Normal', ISPIN=1, LREAL=False, ISMEAR=0, LORBIT=11) self.set_electron_scf(NELM=60, NELMIN=2, EDIFF=1E-4, IALGO=48) self.set_ion_relax(NSW=50, ISIF=2, IBRION=2, EDIFFG=-1E-2) self.__dict__['NPAR'] = 2
[docs] def set_mit_settings(self): self.set_minimum(PREC='Accurate', ISPIN=2, LREAL=False, ISMEAR=-5, LORBIT=11) self.set_electron_scf(NELM=100, NELMIN=6, EDIFF=5E-5, IALGO=48) self.set_ion_relax(NSW=99, ISIF=3, IBRION=2, EDIFFG=-1E-3) self.__dict__['LWAVE'] = False self.__dict__['SIGMA'] = 0.05 self.__dict__['LDAU'] = True self.__dict__['LDAUTYPE'] = 2 self.__dict__['ICHARG'] = 1
[docs] def set_minimum(self, PREC='Normal', ISPIN=2, LREAL=False, ISMEAR=0, LORBIT=11): self.__dict__['PREC'] = PREC if LREAL is not None: self.__dict__['LREAL'] = LREAL else: self.__dict__['LREAL'] = 'Auto' self.__dict__['ISMEAR'] = ISMEAR self.__dict__['ISPIN'] = ISPIN self.__dict__['LORBIT'] = LORBIT self.__dict__['NPAR'] = 2 self.__dict__['LASPH'] = True
[docs] def set_density_for_restart(self): self.__dict__['ICHARG'] = 1
[docs] def get_defined_variables(self): return list(self.keys())
# The next five methods are requirements of the ABC. def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.__dict__[key] = value def __getitem__(self, key): return self.__dict__[key] def __delitem__(self, key): del self.__dict__[key] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.__dict__) def __len__(self): return len(self.__dict__) # The final two methods aren't required, but nice for demo purposes: def __str__(self): """ returns simple dict representation of the mapping """ ret = '' for i in sorted(self.__dict__.keys()): ret += self.write_key(i) return ret def __repr__(self): """ echoes class, id, & reproducible representation in the REPL """ return '{}, {}(variables={})'.format(super(self.__class__, self).__repr__(), self.__class__.__name__, self.__dict__)