Source code for pychemia.code.octopus.input

Routines anc Classes to manipulate Octopus Inputs

import os as _os
import gzip as _gzip
import numpy as _np
import pychemia

[docs]def execute(basedir, num_threads=1, num_procs=2): """ Call octopus in parallel with a given number of threads and MPI process :param basedir: (str) Working directory for execution :param num_threads: (int) Number of OpenMP Threads to use :param num_procs: (int) Number of MPI processes to create """ wfile = open('', 'w') wfile.write('export OMP_NUM_THREADS=' + str(num_threads) + '\n') wfile.write('mpirun -np ' + str(num_procs) + ' octopus_mpi') wfile.close() pychemia.runner.execute(basedir, 'bash', '')
[docs]def get_vars(): """ Get a list of all the variables in octopus """ data = open(_os.path.dirname(pychemia.__path__[0]) + '/pychemia/octopus/octopus_variables.conf') oct_variables = {} for line in data.readlines(): line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0: continue elif line[0] == '[': section = line.strip()[1:-1] elif len(line.strip()) > 0: if section not in oct_variables.keys(): oct_variables[section] = [line] else: oct_variables[section].append(line) return oct_variables
[docs]class OpenDX: """ Manipulate the OpenDX file generated by octopus """ def __init__(self, filename): """ Creates an OpenDX file generated for octopus """ rfile = data = rfile.readlines() rfile.close() del rfile self.nsize = _np.array([int(x) for x in data[0].split()[-3:]]) self.origin = _np.array([float(x) for x in data[1].split()[-3:]]) = _np.array([[float(x.split()[i]) for i in [1, 2, 3]] for x in data[2:5]]) self.field = _np.array(map(float, data[ + 7])) self.field = self.field.reshape(tuple(self.nsize)) del data
[docs] def integrate_x(self): """ Compute the Integral in the X direction """ xvalue = _np.arange(self.origin[0], self.origin[0] +[0, 0] * self.nsize[0],[0, 0]) yvalue = _np.sum(_np.sum(self.field, axis=1), axis=1) return xvalue, yvalue
[docs]class InputVariables: """ Manipulate an octopus input file """ def __init__(self, filename=None): """ Converts a given octopus input file into a dictionary where the keys are variable names and the values are scalars or list if the variable is a block """ key = '' self.variables = {} if filename is None: return rfile = open(filename) multivalue = False values = None for line in rfile.readlines(): if multivalue: if line.strip()[0] == '%' and len(line.strip()) == 1: self.variables[key] = values multivalue = False values = None elif values is None: values = [x.strip() for x in line.split('|')] else: if type(values[0]) != list: values = [values] values.append([x.strip() for x in line.split('|')]) elif line == '\n': continue elif line.strip()[0] == '#': continue elif len(line.split('=')) == 2: key = line.split('=')[0].strip() value = line.split('=')[1].strip() self.variables[key] = value elif line.strip()[0] == '%' and len(line.strip()) > 1: key = line.strip()[1:] multivalue = True else: print('Line not parsed:', line) rfile.close()
[docs] def write(self, filename): """ Write an input dictionary into a file the variables are sort by kind and written in their respective place :param filename: (str) Filename for the octopus input that will be created """ wfile = open(filename, 'w') wfile.write(self.__str__()) wfile.close()
def __str__(self): """ Creates an string representation of the input as it will be written in a file """ oct_vars = get_vars() octvars = self.variables.keys() oct_str = "" # Writing the known groups for group in sorted(oct_vars.keys()): use = 0 for j in sorted(oct_vars[group]): if j in octvars: if use == 0: oct_str += '\n#' + 60 * '-' + '\n' oct_str += '#' + 3 * ' ' + ' ' + group + '\n' oct_str += '#' + 60 * '-' + '\n\n' use = 1 oct_str += _write_key(j, self.variables[j]) octvars.remove(j) oct_def = "" if len(octvars) > 0: # Writing others oct_def += '\n#' + 60 * '-' + '\n' oct_def += '#' + 3 * ' ' + ' ' + 'Definitions' + '\n' oct_def += '#' + 60 * '-' + '\n\n' print('Non grouped variables:') for j in octvars: oct_def += _write_key(j, self.variables[j]) print(' * ', j) return oct_def + oct_str
def _write_key(key, value): """ Write in the proper format the key and the value in a octopus input file """ oct_str = "" keylen = 20 if isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, float): oct_str = oct_str + (key.ljust(keylen) + " = " + str(value) + '\n') elif isinstance(value, str): if (key == 'XYZCoordinates' or key == 'XYZVelocities') and '"' not in value: oct_str = oct_str + (key.ljust(keylen) + ' = "' + value + '"\n') else: oct_str = oct_str + (key.ljust(keylen) + " = " + value + '\n') elif isinstance(value, list): oct_str += '\n%' + key + "\n" for itable in range(len(value)): if isinstance(value[itable], list): for jtable in range(len(value[itable])): oct_str += str(value[itable][jtable]).ljust(10) if jtable < len(value[itable]) - 1: oct_str += " | " if jtable == len(value[itable]) - 1 and itable < len(value) - 1: oct_str += "\n" else: oct_str += str(value[itable]) if itable < len(value) - 1: oct_str += " | " oct_str += "\n%\n\n" return oct_str