A simple exampleΒΆ
We have used one of the available databases example from PonyORM
, the universities. To run de example, you should go to the console and do:
$ python
Then import the example and using pw.search("smith")
you will be able to perform a simple search over the entire database.
Here is the source code of the example file.
from datetime import date
from pony.orm import *
from ponywhoosh import PonyWhoosh
pw = PonyWhoosh()
# configurations
pw.search_string_min_len = 1
pw.indexes_path = 'ponyindexes'
pw.writer_timeout = 2
db = Database()
@pw.register_model('number', 'name')
class Department(db.Entity):
number = PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
name = Required(str, unique=True)
groups = Set("Group")
courses = Set("Course")
@pw.register_model('number', 'major')
class Group(db.Entity):
number = PrimaryKey(int)
major = Required(str)
dept = Required("Department")
students = Set("Student")
@pw.register_model('name', 'semester', 'lect_hours', 'lab_hours', 'credits')
class Course(db.Entity):
name = Required(str)
semester = Required(int)
lect_hours = Required(int)
lab_hours = Required(int)
credits = Required(int)
dept = Required(Department)
students = Set("Student")
PrimaryKey(name, semester)
@pw.register_model('name', 'tel', 'gpa')
class Student(db.Entity):
id = PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
name = Required(str)
dob = Required(date)
tel = Optional(str)
picture = Optional(buffer, lazy=True)
gpa = Required(float, default=0)
group = Required(Group)
courses = Set(Course)
db.bind('sqlite', 'example.sqlite', create_db=True)
def populate_database():
if select(s for s in Student).count() > 0:
d1 = Department(name="Department of Computer Science")
d2 = Department(name="Department of Mathematical Sciences")
d3 = Department(name="Department of Applied Physics")
c1 = Course(name="Web Design", semester=1, dept=d1,
lect_hours=30, lab_hours=30, credits=3)
c2 = Course(name="Data Structures and Algorithms", semester=3, dept=d1,
lect_hours=40, lab_hours=20, credits=4)
c3 = Course(name="Linear Algebra", semester=1, dept=d2,
lect_hours=30, lab_hours=30, credits=4)
c4 = Course(name="Statistical Methods", semester=2, dept=d2,
lect_hours=50, lab_hours=25, credits=5)
c5 = Course(name="Thermodynamics", semester=2, dept=d3,
lect_hours=25, lab_hours=40, credits=4)
c6 = Course(name="Quantum Mechanics", semester=3, dept=d3,
lect_hours=40, lab_hours=30, credits=5)
g101 = Group(number=101, major='B.E. in Computer Engineering', dept=d1)
g102 = Group(number=102, major='B.S./M.S. in Computer Science', dept=d1)
g103 = Group(number=103, major='B.S. in Applied Mathematics and Statistics', dept=d2)
g104 = Group(number=104, major='B.S./M.S. in Pure Mathematics', dept=d2)
g105 = Group(number=105, major='B.E in Electronics', dept=d3)
g106 = Group(number=106, major='B.S./M.S. in Nuclear Engineering', dept=d3)
s1 = Student(name='John Smith', dob=date(1991, 3, 20), tel='123-456', gpa=3, group=g101,
courses=[c1, c2, c4, c6])
s2 = Student(name='Matthew Reed', dob=date(1990, 11, 26), gpa=3.5, group=g101,
courses=[c1, c3, c4, c5])
s3 = Student(name='Chuan Qin', dob=date(1989, 2, 5), gpa=4, group=g101,
courses=[c3, c5, c6])
s4 = Student(name='Rebecca Lawson', dob=date(1990, 4, 18), tel='234-567', gpa=3.3, group=g102,
courses=[c1, c4, c5, c6])
s5 = Student(name='Maria Ionescu', dob=date(1991, 4, 23), gpa=3.9, group=g102,
courses=[c1, c2, c4, c6])
s6 = Student(name='Oliver Blakey', dob=date(1990, 9, 8), gpa=3.1, group=g102,
courses=[c1, c2, c5])
s7 = Student(name='Jing Xia', dob=date(1988, 12, 30), gpa=3.2, group=g102,
courses=[c1, c3, c5, c6])
if __name__ == "__main__":