
Creating a project

Generate a project:

patron project NameOfProject

Generate a project under a different directory name:

patron project -d server NameOfProject

The project layout is fairly common within the flask community but I tried not to make any assumptions (ex: everybody uses bootstrap).

The base directory structure is as follows:

  |-- project_name.fcgi
  |-- project_name-requirements.txt
  |-- project_name.wsgi
  |-- htaccess
  |-- patron.json
  |-- tests/
  |-- tmp/
  `-- project_name/                       <-- flask project
        |--                   <-- contains app factory
        |-- public/
        |     |--
        |     |--
        |     |--
        |     |--
        |     `-- templates/
        |           |-- index.jade
        |           `-- public_base.jade
        |-- static/
        `-- templates/
              |-- 401.jade
              |-- 403.jade
              |-- 404.jade
              |-- 500.jade
              |-- base.jade
              `-- includes/
                    |-- footer.jade
                    |-- meta.jade
                    `-- navigation.jade

The project scaffold does not provide anything extra other than what it needs. The requirements file already contains the minimum for installation of all dependencies (excluding add-ons). Just pip install the requirements file with a virtualenv already activated. Whenever you use an add-on, patron will tell you what it added to the requirements file and then just pip install the requirements file again to use the add-on.

The base project dependencies:

  • Flask
  • Flask-Migrate
  • Flask-SQLAlchemy
  • Flask-Script
  • Flask-Bcrypt
  • Flask-DebugToolbar
  • Flask-Cache
  • Flask-WTF
  • pyjade
  • fabric

If you prefer to make any changes or would like to use another cookiecutter scaffold with patron, you should look under the ‘templates/base’ subdirectory that is generated in the patron user directory. Also, you will have to change some values in the ‘patron.json’ file. (In the next release, I’ll create an interactive config generator so you can use the tooling with a non patron generated project – without the crazy auto injections).

Creating tasks

Tasks are things done outside of your flask application. There are several tools that exist in the python community (paver comes to mind) but I have chosen to use fabric in order to get that rake functionality for python. This is the only python 2.x project dependency and will be switching over to invoke+patchwork some time in the future.

To create a task, run the following command within a generated project:

patron task name_of_task "description of task"

This will create a stub in the file in the project root directory. You can view the fabric documentation for more help.

So, what’s next? Resources.

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