Basic Usage

Patron is command line utility and has an adaptive parser. It basically switches modes when you are working with a patron project root directory or not.

To view the help at any time run the command with -h or –help:

patron -h

Each respective command group has their own help, so just run a command and tack on a -h or –help:


patron project -h


When using the patron command outside of a patron project you only have 2 options available to you:

  • init
  • project

Anything dealing with patron itself is done through the init command group and has the following actions:

Patron checks to see if the (minimal) external commands are present on your path for running the front-end work flow.
Patron will create a user directory that contains user templates that can be overridden to the user’s liking. It will also install the necessary packages for the front-end work flow as a convenience so the user won’t have to wait FOREVER whenever using the frontend addon with multiple projects as they are symlink’d/mklink’d to this directory.
This option will open up the documentation that you are reading within a web browser for easier lookups on what types a generator supports.


The patron user directory on a linux/unix system is located at:


On a windows system, it is located at:


As of version 0.2.2, patron uses cookiecutter for scaffolding so you can change or use your own cookiecutter flask templates to be used with this tool. This is for user convenience. If you don’t like using jade or the code that is being generated, this would be the way to customize the scaffolding. This directory is hidden by default so you don’t delete it on accident.

If you need help in customizing the templates, you can read the cookiecutter documentation.

The next thing to do is learn how to create several types of projects.

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