PanicAdminUsers propertyΒΆ

The PanicAdminUsers property will contain all users enabled to modify an alarm.

Although, any user identified as an email receiver of an alarm will be allowed to change it.

The propery is check from the get_admins_for_alarm() method in AlarmAPI.

The method will be used to call the setAllowedUsers() of a validator plugin.

The methods that the i*ValidatedWidget decorator requires of a validator are:

  • setLogging()
  • setAllowedUsers()
  • setLogMessage()
  • exec_()

User validation in the GUI will be kept for consecutive actions as long as the allowed users list for each action doesn’t change. If a new action is required on an Alarm with different receivers, the login will be asked again.

The login will be kept for a time defined by PyAlarm.PanicUserTimeout property. This time is 60 seconds by default.