The example below although written for Linux, should work on another operating system if adjusted accordingly.
For this example, a virtual machine running Ubuntu 14.04 will be setup to tune DE and PSO to the CEC‘05 problems using tMOPSO.
On your new virtual machine, with a fresh Ubuntu 14.04 installed, in a terminal
$ sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy python-matplotlib # python modules which optTune depends on
$ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools #install optTune for the local user
$ easy_install --user optTune
f2py and batchOpenMPI are used for speed: f2py as to easily interface with the DE and PSO fortran codes, and batchOpenMPI for parallelization. For these you will need the following software
$ sudo apt-get install gfortran openmpi-bin openmpi-common libopenmpi-dev
$ easy_install --user mpi4py
$ easy_install --user batchOpenMPI
Next download and extract the CEC 2005 tuning example files located at cec05examples.tar.gz
$ wget
$ tar -xf cec05examples.tar.gz
$ cd cec05examples/
$ ls
The first thing to do is to compile and then validate the fortran codes
$ ./
$ sudo apt-get install octave #octave is used in the testing scripts ...
$ ./
Examine the testing data, and if acceptable
# to tune DE using 4 processors
$ mpirun -np 4
# or to tune PSO
$ mpirun -np 4
Have fun.