Tuning an optimization algorithm under multiple OFE budgets using optTune consists of three parts:
optTune runs the optimization algorithm using the CPV tuple being assessed as to gauge performance at multiple OFE budgets. The assessment function for tMOPSO is in the form of
Parameters: |
Returns: | Two lists : [ Utility_values, OFE_eval_made ] |
Other factors such as the tuning bounds, OFE budgets to tune under, resampling size, also need to be decided upon.
Example setup for tuning Differential Evolution ( DE ; see DE Code ) to the gerneralised Rossenbrock function.
from DE_code import DE_opt, numpy
from optTune import get_F_vals_at_specified_OFE_budgets
def Ros_ND(x) :
"gerneralised Rossenbrock function"
return sum([100*(x[ii+1]-x[ii]**2)**2 + (1-x[ii])**2 for ii in range(len(x)-1)])
prob_d = 6
def run_DE_on_Ros_ND(CPV_tuple, OFE_budgets, randomSeed):
X_min, f_best_hist, X_hist, F_hist = DE_opt(
objfun = Ros_ND,
x_lb = -5.0 * numpy.ones(prob_d),
x_ub = 5.0 * numpy.ones(prob_d),
Np = int(CPV_tuple[0]),
Cr = CPV_tuple[1],
F = CPV_tuple[2],
evals = max(OFE_budgets),
F = numpy.array(f_best_hist)
OFEs_made = int(CPV_tuple[0])*numpy.arange(1,len(X_hist)+1)
return get_F_vals_at_specified_OFE_budgets(F, OFEs_made, OFE_budgets)
def CPV_validity_checks(CPV_array, OFE_budget):
'check tuning constraints'
N, Cr, F = CPV_array
if OFE_budget < N :
return False, 'OFE_budget < N'
if N < 5:
return False, 'N < 5'
if Cr < 0 or Cr > 1 :
return False, 'Cr not in [0,1]'
if F < 0:
return False, 'F < 0'
return True, ""
#initilization bounds
CPV_lb = numpy.array([ 5, 0.0, 0.0 ])
CPV_ub = numpy.array([ 50, 1.0, 1.0 ])
OFE_budgets_to_tune_under = numpy.logspace(1,3,30).astype(int)
sampleSizes = [2,8,20]
tuningBudget = 50*1000*30 # tuning budget is equvialent of assessing 50 CPV tuples upto 1000 OFEs using 30 resampling runs each
Refer to the Quirks section as to why the get_F_vals_at_specified_OFE_budgets function is nessary.
After the tuning problem has been defined, then tuning algorithm can applied. Example:
import DE_tuning_setup
from optTune import tMOPSO, linearFunction
tuningOpt = tMOPSO(
optAlg = DE_tuning_setup.run_DE_on_Ros_ND,
CPV_lb = DE_tuning_setup.CPV_lb,
CPV_ub = DE_tuning_setup.CPV_ub,
CPV_validity_checks = DE_tuning_setup.CPV_validity_checks,
OFE_budgets= DE_tuning_setup.OFE_budgets_to_tune_under,
sampleSizes = DE_tuning_setup.sampleSizes,
gammaBudget = DE_tuning_setup.tuningBudget,
continuing with the tMOPSO tuning DE example
from matplotlib import pyplot
OFE_budgets = [ d.fv[0] for d in tuningOpt.PFA.designs ]
Fmin_values = [ d.fv[1] for d in tuningOpt.PFA.designs ]
log_OFE_budgets = [ d.xv[0] for d in tuningOpt.PFA.designs ]
N_values = [ int(d.xv[1]) for d in tuningOpt.PFA.designs ]
Cr_values = [ d.xv[2] for d in tuningOpt.PFA.designs ]
F_values = [ d.xv[3] for d in tuningOpt.PFA.designs ]
line_Cr = pyplot.semilogx(OFE_budgets, Cr_values, 'b^')[0]
line_F = pyplot.semilogx(OFE_budgets, F_values, 'rx')[0]
pyplot.ylabel('Cr, F')
line_N = pyplot.semilogx(OFE_budgets, N_values, 'go')[0]
pyplot.ylim( 0, max(N_values)*1.1)
pyplot.legend([line_Cr,line_F,line_N], ['Cr','F','N'], loc='upper center')
pyplot.xlabel('OFE budget')
pyplot.title('Optimal CPVs for different OFE budgets')