Source code for nucleon.amqp.channels

import logging
from functools import partial
from collections import deque
from cStringIO import StringIO

import gevent
from gevent.queue import Queue
from gevent.event import AsyncResult

from .message import Message
from .encoding import encode_message

from . import spec
from . import exceptions

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class EventRegister(object):
    """Handle event registration according to AMQP semantics.

    Effectively, we register synchronous events to be received once only, while
    some events (eg. connection close) can be handled at any time, and persist.

    def __init__(self):
        self.permanent = {}
        self.once = deque()

    def set_handler(self, method, callback):
        """Set a permanent handler for an event."""
        self.permanent[method] = callback

    def unset_handler(self, method):
        """Unset a permanent handler for an event."""

    def wait_event(self, methods, on_success, on_error):
        """Set a temporary handler for one or more events."""
        self.once.append((frozenset(methods), on_success, on_error))

    def cancel_event(self, methods, on_success, on_error):
        """Cancel a temporary handler for one or more events."""
            self.once.remove((frozenset(methods), on_success, on_error))
        except ValueError:

    def get_error_handlers(self):
        """Get all error handlers."""
        hs = [on_error for _, _, on_error in self.once]
        return hs

    def get(self, method):
        """Get the callbacks for a method.

        This method returns at most one temporary callback and one permanent

        cbs = []
        for handler in self.once:
            methods, on_success, _ = handler
            if method in methods:

        except KeyError:
        return cbs

class Channel(spec.FrameWriter):
    """A communication channel.

    Multiple channels are multiplexed onto the same connection.
    def __init__(self, connection, id):
        self.connection = connection = id
        self.exc = None
        self._method = None
        self.listeners = EventRegister()
        self.queue = Queue()
        self.listeners.set_handler('channel.close', self.on_channel_close)
        self.listeners.set_handler('channel.close-ok', self.on_channel_close)
        self.listeners.set_handler('connection.close', self.on_connection_close)
        self.listeners.set_handler('connection.close-ok', self.on_connection_close)

        # Start an initial dispatcher

    def on_connection_close(self, frame):
        """Handle a connection close error."""
        exc = exceptions.exception_from_frame(frame)

        # Let the connection class dispatch this to all channels

    def on_error(self, exc):
        """Handle an error that is causing this channel to close."""
        self.exc = exc
        self.connection = None
        for handler in self.listeners.get_error_handlers():
            self.queue.put((handler, (exc,)))

    def on_channel_close(self, frame):
        """Handle a channel.close method."""
        exc = exceptions.exception_from_frame(frame)
        if == 'channel.close':

    def _send(self, frame):
        """Send one frame over the channel."""
        if self.exc:
            raise self.exc
        self.connection._send_frames(, frame.encode())

    def _send_message(self, frame, headers, payload):
        """Send method, header and body frames over the channel."""
        if self.exc:
            raise self.exc
        fs = encode_message(frame, headers, payload, self.connection.frame_max)
        self.connection._send_frames(, fs)

    def _on_method(self, frame):
        """Called when the channel has received a method frame."""
        if frame.has_content:
            self._method = frame
            self.dispatch(, frame)

    def _on_headers(self, size, props):
        """Called when the channel has received a headers frame."""
        self._headers = props
        self._to_read = size
        self._body = StringIO()

    def _on_body(self, payload):
        """Called when the channel has received a body frame."""
        self._to_read -= len(payload)

    def _on_content_receive(self):
        """Check whether a full message has been read, and if so, dispatch it.

        No payload frame is sent if the body was empty.
        if self._to_read <= 0:
            if self._headers is None or self._method is None:

            m = Message(self,
            self.dispatch(, m)
            self._headers = None
            self._method = None
            self._body = None

    def _call_sync(self, method, responses, *args, **kwargs):
        """Call a method, using AsyncResult to wait on the response."""
        result = AsyncResult()

        self.listeners.wait_event(responses, result.set, result.set_exception)

            method(*args, **kwargs)
                responses, result.set, result.set_exception

        return result.get()

    def dispatch(self, method, *args):
        """Fire the listener for a given method.

        This enqueues all currently registered listeners for eventual dispatch
        by the dispatcher greenlet.

        This means that if the dispatcher greenlet abdicates, the new
        dispatcher can pick up with the next listener to be called.

        l = self.listeners.get(method)
        if l:
            for h in l:
                self.queue.put((h, args))
            print "Unhandled method", method

    def stop_dispatcher(self):
        """Tell the dispatcher to stop after processing all current events"""
        self.queue.put((None, None))

    def start_dispatcher(self):
        """Dispatch callbacks, intended to be run as a separate greenlet.

        Loops until the connection is closed or the current greenlet is no
        longer the dispatcher. In the latter case, don't execute any more
        callbacks, as they will be executed by the real dispatcher.

        while True:
            callback, args = self.queue.get()
            if callback is None:    # None tells the dispatcher to stop

            except Exception:
                import traceback
            if not self.current_is_dispatcher():

    def must_now_block(self):
        """Signal that something is about to block on this connection.

        If the current greenlet is the dispatcher, we stop being so, and spawn
        a new dispatcher to provide us with the result we need to unblock

        if self.current_is_dispatcher():

    def current_is_dispatcher(self):
        """Return True if the calling greenlet is the dispatcher."""

        return gevent.getcurrent() is self.dispatcher

    def replace_dispatcher(self):
        """Spawn a new dispatcher greenlet, replacing the current one.

        This automatically triggers the old dispatcher to stop dispatching
        after processing the current callback.

        self.dispatcher = gevent.spawn(self.start_dispatcher)

class StartChannel(Channel):
    """A channel to handle connection.

    The is the initial control channel opened by the server; we pre-register
    events so as to handle connection start.

    From the AMQP spec:

    * The server responds with its protocol version and other properties,
      including a list of the security mechanisms that it supports (the Start

    * The client selects a security mechanism (Start-Ok).

    * The server starts the authentication process, which uses the SASL
      challenge-response model. It sends the client a challenge (Secure).

    * The client sends an authentication response (Secure-Ok). For example
      using the "plain" mechanism, the response consist of a login name and

    * The server repeats the challenge (Secure) or moves to negotiation,
      sending a set of parameters such as maximum frame size (Tune).

    * The client accepts or lowers these parameters (Tune-Ok).

    * The client formally opens the connection and selects a virtual host

    * The server confirms that the virtual host is a valid choice (Open-Ok).

    def __init__(self, connection, id):
        super(StartChannel, self).__init__(connection, id)
        self.listeners.set_handler('connection.start', self.on_start)
        self.listeners.set_handler('connection.tune', self.on_tune)
        self.listeners.set_handler('connection.close-ok', self.on_close_ok)

    def on_start(self, frame):
        """Handle the start frame."""
        # TODO: support SASL authentication
        assert 'PLAIN' in frame.mechanisms.split(), "Only PLAIN auth supported."

        auth = '\0%s\0%s' % (
            self.connection.username, self.connection.password
        scapa = frame.server_properties.get('capabilities', {})
        ccapa = {}
        if scapa.get('consumer_cancel_notify'):
            ccapa['consumer_cancel_notify'] = True

            {'product': 'nucleon.amqp', 'capabilities': ccapa},

    def on_close_ok(self, frame):

    def on_tune(self, frame):
        """Handle the tune message.

        This message signals that we are allowed to open a virtual host.
        self.connection._tune(frame.frame_max, frame.channel_max)
        self.connection_tune_ok(frame.channel_max, frame.frame_max, 0)

        # open the connection

[docs]class MessageQueue(Queue): """A queue that can receive exceptions.""" def __init__(self, channel, consumer_tag): self.consumer_tag = consumer_tag = channel super(MessageQueue, self).__init__()
[docs] def get(self, block=True, timeout=None): if block: resp = super(MessageQueue, self).get(block=block, timeout=timeout) if isinstance(resp, Exception): raise resp return resp
[docs] def get_nowait(self): self.get(False)
[docs] def cancel(self):
class MessageChannel(Channel): """A channel that adds useful semantics for publishing and consuming messages. Semantics that are added: * Support for registering consumers to receive basic.deliver events. Consumers also receive errors and are automatically deregistered when basic_cancel is received. * Support for the RabbitMQ extension confirm_select, which makes basic_publish block * Can check for messages returned with basic_return """ def __init__(self, connection, id): super(MessageChannel, self).__init__(connection, id) self.consumer_id = 1 self.consumers = {} self.returned = AsyncResult() self.listeners.set_handler('basic.deliver', self.on_deliver) self.listeners.set_handler('basic.return', self.on_basic_return) self.listeners.set_handler('basic.cancel-ok', self.on_cancel_ok) def on_deliver(self, message): """Called when a message is received. Dispatches the message to the registered consumer. """ self.consumers[message.consumer_tag](message) def on_basic_return(self, msg): """When we receive a basic.return message, store it. The value can later be checked using .check_returned(). """ self.returned.set(msg)
[docs] def check_returned(self): """Raise an error if a message has been returned. This also clears the returned frame, with the intention that each basic.return message may cause at most one MessageReturned error. """ if self._method and == 'basic.return': self.must_now_block() returned = self.returned.get() else: try: returned = self.returned.get_nowait() except gevent.Timeout: return self.clear_returned() if returned: raise exceptions.return_exception_from_frame(returned)
def clear_returned(self): """Discard any returned message.""" if self.returned.ready(): # we can only replace returned if it is ready - otherwise anything # that was blocked waiting would wait forever. self.returned = AsyncResult() def on_error(self, exc): """Override on_error, to pass error to all consumers.""" for consumer in self.consumers.values(): self.queue.put((consumer, exc)) super(MessageChannel, self).on_error(exc) def on_cancel_ok(self, frame): """The server has cancelled a consumer. We can remove its consumer tag from the registered consumers.""" del(self.consumers[frame.consumer_tag])
[docs] def basic_consume(self, callback=None, **kwargs): """Register a consumer for an AMQP queue. If a callback is given, this will be called on any message. """ tag = 'ct-%d' % self.consumer_id self.consumer_id += 1 kwargs['consumer_tag'] = tag if callback is not None: self.consumers[tag] = callback return super(MessageChannel, self).basic_consume(**kwargs) else: queue = MessageQueue(self, tag) self.consumers[tag] = queue.put queue.consumer_tag = tag super(MessageChannel, self).basic_consume(**kwargs) return queue
def basic_get(self, *args, **kwargs): """Wrap basic_get to return None if the response is basic.get-empty. This will be easier for users to check than testing whether a response is get-empty. """ r = super(MessageChannel, self).basic_get(*args, **kwargs) return r if isinstance(r, Message) else None def confirm_select(self, nowait=False): """Turn on RabbitMQ's publisher acknowledgements. See There are two things that need to be done: * Swap basic_publish to a version that blocks waiting for the corresponding ack. * Support nowait (because this method blocks or not depending on that argument) """ self.basic_publish = self.basic_publish_with_confirm if nowait: super(MessageChannel, self).confirm_select(nowait=nowait) else: # Send frame directly, as no callback will be received self._send(spec.FrameConfirmSelect(1)) def basic_publish_with_confirm(self, exchange='', routing_key='', mandatory=False, immediate=False, headers={}, body=''): """Version of basic publish that blocks waiting for confirm.""" method = super(MessageChannel, self).basic_publish self.clear_returned() ret = self._call_sync(method, ('basic.ack', 'basic.nack'), exchange, routing_key, mandatory, immediate, headers, body) if == 'basic.nack': raise exceptions.PublishFailed(ret) if mandatory or immediate: self.check_returned() return ret