

Link to code

Wraps command fslmaths

Use fslmaths to apply a binary mask to another image.


in_file: (an existing file name)
        image to operate on
        flag: %s, position: 2
mask_file: (an existing file name)
        binary image defining mask space
        flag: -mas %s, position: 4

args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None and with values which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None, nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
internal_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for calculations (default is float)
        flag: -dt %s, position: 1
nan2zeros: (a boolean)
        change NaNs to zeros before doing anything
        flag: -nan, position: 3
out_file: (a file name)
        image to write
        flag: %s, position: -2
output_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for output (default uses input type)
        flag: -odt %s, position: -1
output_type: (u'NIFTI_PAIR' or u'NIFTI_PAIR_GZ' or u'NIFTI_GZ' or
        FSL output type
terminal_output: (u'stream' or u'allatonce' or u'file' or u'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored


out_file: (an existing file name)
        image written after calculations


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Wraps command fslmaths

Use fslmaths to perform mathematical operations using a second image or a numeric value.


in_file: (an existing file name)
        image to operate on
        flag: %s, position: 2
operand_file: (an existing file name)
        second image to perform operation with
        flag: %s, position: 5
        mutually_exclusive: operand_value
operand_value: (a float)
        value to perform operation with
        flag: %.8f, position: 5
        mutually_exclusive: operand_file
operation: (u'add' or u'sub' or u'mul' or u'div' or u'rem' or u'max'
         or u'min')
        operation to perform
        flag: -%s, position: 4

args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None and with values which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None, nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
internal_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for calculations (default is float)
        flag: -dt %s, position: 1
nan2zeros: (a boolean)
        change NaNs to zeros before doing anything
        flag: -nan, position: 3
out_file: (a file name)
        image to write
        flag: %s, position: -2
output_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for output (default uses input type)
        flag: -odt %s, position: -1
output_type: (u'NIFTI_PAIR' or u'NIFTI_PAIR_GZ' or u'NIFTI_GZ' or
        FSL output type
terminal_output: (u'stream' or u'allatonce' or u'file' or u'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored


out_file: (an existing file name)
        image written after calculations


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Wraps command fslmaths

Use fslmaths to change the datatype of an image.


in_file: (an existing file name)
        image to operate on
        flag: %s, position: 2
output_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        output data type
        flag: -odt %s, position: -1

args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None and with values which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None, nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
internal_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for calculations (default is float)
        flag: -dt %s, position: 1
nan2zeros: (a boolean)
        change NaNs to zeros before doing anything
        flag: -nan, position: 3
out_file: (a file name)
        image to write
        flag: %s, position: -2
output_type: (u'NIFTI_PAIR' or u'NIFTI_PAIR_GZ' or u'NIFTI_GZ' or
        FSL output type
terminal_output: (u'stream' or u'allatonce' or u'file' or u'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored


out_file: (an existing file name)
        image written after calculations


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Wraps command fslmaths

Use fslmaths to perform a spatial dilation of an image.


in_file: (an existing file name)
        image to operate on
        flag: %s, position: 2
operation: (u'mean' or u'modal' or u'max')
        filtering operation to perfoem in dilation
        flag: -dil%s, position: 6

args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None and with values which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None, nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
internal_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for calculations (default is float)
        flag: -dt %s, position: 1
kernel_file: (an existing file name)
        use external file for kernel
        flag: %s, position: 5
        mutually_exclusive: kernel_size
kernel_shape: (u'3D' or u'2D' or u'box' or u'boxv' or u'gauss' or
         u'sphere' or u'file')
        kernel shape to use
        flag: -kernel %s, position: 4
kernel_size: (a float)
        kernel size - voxels for box/boxv, mm for sphere, mm sigma for gauss
        flag: %.4f, position: 5
        mutually_exclusive: kernel_file
nan2zeros: (a boolean)
        change NaNs to zeros before doing anything
        flag: -nan, position: 3
out_file: (a file name)
        image to write
        flag: %s, position: -2
output_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for output (default uses input type)
        flag: -odt %s, position: -1
output_type: (u'NIFTI_PAIR' or u'NIFTI_PAIR_GZ' or u'NIFTI_GZ' or
        FSL output type
terminal_output: (u'stream' or u'allatonce' or u'file' or u'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored


out_file: (an existing file name)
        image written after calculations


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Wraps command fslmaths

Use fslmaths to perform a spatial erosion of an image.


in_file: (an existing file name)
        image to operate on
        flag: %s, position: 2

args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None and with values which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None, nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
internal_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for calculations (default is float)
        flag: -dt %s, position: 1
kernel_file: (an existing file name)
        use external file for kernel
        flag: %s, position: 5
        mutually_exclusive: kernel_size
kernel_shape: (u'3D' or u'2D' or u'box' or u'boxv' or u'gauss' or
         u'sphere' or u'file')
        kernel shape to use
        flag: -kernel %s, position: 4
kernel_size: (a float)
        kernel size - voxels for box/boxv, mm for sphere, mm sigma for gauss
        flag: %.4f, position: 5
        mutually_exclusive: kernel_file
minimum_filter: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        if true, minimum filter rather than erosion by zeroing-out
        flag: %s, position: 6
nan2zeros: (a boolean)
        change NaNs to zeros before doing anything
        flag: -nan, position: 3
out_file: (a file name)
        image to write
        flag: %s, position: -2
output_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for output (default uses input type)
        flag: -odt %s, position: -1
output_type: (u'NIFTI_PAIR' or u'NIFTI_PAIR_GZ' or u'NIFTI_GZ' or
        FSL output type
terminal_output: (u'stream' or u'allatonce' or u'file' or u'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored


out_file: (an existing file name)
        image written after calculations


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Wraps command fslmaths

Use fslmaths to spatially smooth an image with a gaussian kernel.


fwhm: (a float)
        fwhm of smoothing kernel [mm]
        flag: -s %.5f, position: 4
        mutually_exclusive: sigma
in_file: (an existing file name)
        image to operate on
        flag: %s, position: 2
sigma: (a float)
        sigma of smoothing kernel [mm]
        flag: -s %.5f, position: 4
        mutually_exclusive: fwhm

args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None and with values which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None, nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
internal_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for calculations (default is float)
        flag: -dt %s, position: 1
nan2zeros: (a boolean)
        change NaNs to zeros before doing anything
        flag: -nan, position: 3
out_file: (a file name)
        image to write
        flag: %s, position: -2
output_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for output (default uses input type)
        flag: -odt %s, position: -1
output_type: (u'NIFTI_PAIR' or u'NIFTI_PAIR_GZ' or u'NIFTI_GZ' or
        FSL output type
terminal_output: (u'stream' or u'allatonce' or u'file' or u'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored


out_file: (an existing file name)
        image written after calculations


Link to code

Wraps command fslmaths


in_file: (an existing file name)
        image to operate on
        flag: %s, position: 2

args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None and with values which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None, nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
internal_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for calculations (default is float)
        flag: -dt %s, position: 1
nan2zeros: (a boolean)
        change NaNs to zeros before doing anything
        flag: -nan, position: 3
out_file: (a file name)
        image to write
        flag: %s, position: -2
output_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for output (default uses input type)
        flag: -odt %s, position: -1
output_type: (u'NIFTI_PAIR' or u'NIFTI_PAIR_GZ' or u'NIFTI_GZ' or
        FSL output type
terminal_output: (u'stream' or u'allatonce' or u'file' or u'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored


out_file: (an existing file name)
        image written after calculations


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Wraps command fslmaths

Use fslmaths to generate a max image across a given dimension.


>>> from nipype.interfaces.fsl.maths import MaxImage
>>> maxer = MaxImage()
>>> maxer.inputs.in_file = "functional.nii"  
>>> maxer.dimension = "T"
>>> maxer.cmdline  
'fslmaths functional.nii -Tmax functional_max.nii'


in_file: (an existing file name)
        image to operate on
        flag: %s, position: 2

args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
dimension: (u'T' or u'X' or u'Y' or u'Z', nipype default value: T)
        dimension to max across
        flag: -%smax, position: 4
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None and with values which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None, nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
internal_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for calculations (default is float)
        flag: -dt %s, position: 1
nan2zeros: (a boolean)
        change NaNs to zeros before doing anything
        flag: -nan, position: 3
out_file: (a file name)
        image to write
        flag: %s, position: -2
output_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for output (default uses input type)
        flag: -odt %s, position: -1
output_type: (u'NIFTI_PAIR' or u'NIFTI_PAIR_GZ' or u'NIFTI_GZ' or
        FSL output type
terminal_output: (u'stream' or u'allatonce' or u'file' or u'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored


out_file: (an existing file name)
        image written after calculations


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Wraps command fslmaths

Use fslmaths to generate a mean image across a given dimension.


in_file: (an existing file name)
        image to operate on
        flag: %s, position: 2

args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
dimension: (u'T' or u'X' or u'Y' or u'Z', nipype default value: T)
        dimension to mean across
        flag: -%smean, position: 4
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None and with values which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None, nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
internal_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for calculations (default is float)
        flag: -dt %s, position: 1
nan2zeros: (a boolean)
        change NaNs to zeros before doing anything
        flag: -nan, position: 3
out_file: (a file name)
        image to write
        flag: %s, position: -2
output_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for output (default uses input type)
        flag: -odt %s, position: -1
output_type: (u'NIFTI_PAIR' or u'NIFTI_PAIR_GZ' or u'NIFTI_GZ' or
        FSL output type
terminal_output: (u'stream' or u'allatonce' or u'file' or u'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored


out_file: (an existing file name)
        image written after calculations


Link to code

Wraps command fslmaths

Use fslmaths to perform a sequence of mathematical operations.


>>> from nipype.interfaces.fsl import MultiImageMaths
>>> maths = MultiImageMaths()
>>> maths.inputs.in_file = "functional.nii"
>>> maths.inputs.op_string = "-add %s -mul -1 -div %s"
>>> maths.inputs.operand_files = ["functional2.nii", "functional3.nii"]
>>> maths.inputs.out_file = "functional4.nii"
>>> maths.cmdline 
'fslmaths functional.nii -add functional2.nii -mul -1 -div functional3.nii functional4.nii'


in_file: (an existing file name)
        image to operate on
        flag: %s, position: 2
op_string: (a string)
        python formatted string of operations to perform
        flag: %s, position: 4
operand_files: (a list of items which are an existing file name)
        list of file names to plug into op string

args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None and with values which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None, nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
internal_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for calculations (default is float)
        flag: -dt %s, position: 1
nan2zeros: (a boolean)
        change NaNs to zeros before doing anything
        flag: -nan, position: 3
out_file: (a file name)
        image to write
        flag: %s, position: -2
output_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for output (default uses input type)
        flag: -odt %s, position: -1
output_type: (u'NIFTI_PAIR' or u'NIFTI_PAIR_GZ' or u'NIFTI_GZ' or
        FSL output type
terminal_output: (u'stream' or u'allatonce' or u'file' or u'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored


out_file: (an existing file name)
        image written after calculations


Link to code

Wraps command fslmaths

Use fslmaths to spatially filter an image.


in_file: (an existing file name)
        image to operate on
        flag: %s, position: 2
operation: (u'mean' or u'median' or u'meanu')
        operation to filter with
        flag: -f%s, position: 6

args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None and with values which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None, nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
internal_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for calculations (default is float)
        flag: -dt %s, position: 1
kernel_file: (an existing file name)
        use external file for kernel
        flag: %s, position: 5
        mutually_exclusive: kernel_size
kernel_shape: (u'3D' or u'2D' or u'box' or u'boxv' or u'gauss' or
         u'sphere' or u'file')
        kernel shape to use
        flag: -kernel %s, position: 4
kernel_size: (a float)
        kernel size - voxels for box/boxv, mm for sphere, mm sigma for gauss
        flag: %.4f, position: 5
        mutually_exclusive: kernel_file
nan2zeros: (a boolean)
        change NaNs to zeros before doing anything
        flag: -nan, position: 3
out_file: (a file name)
        image to write
        flag: %s, position: -2
output_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for output (default uses input type)
        flag: -odt %s, position: -1
output_type: (u'NIFTI_PAIR' or u'NIFTI_PAIR_GZ' or u'NIFTI_GZ' or
        FSL output type
terminal_output: (u'stream' or u'allatonce' or u'file' or u'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored


out_file: (an existing file name)
        image written after calculations


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Wraps command fslmaths

Use fslmaths to generate a standard deviation in an image across a given dimension.


in_file: (an existing file name)
        image to operate on
        flag: %s, position: 2

args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
dimension: (u'T' or u'X' or u'Y' or u'Z', nipype default value: T)
        dimension to standard deviate across
        flag: -%sstd, position: 4
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None and with values which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None, nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
internal_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for calculations (default is float)
        flag: -dt %s, position: 1
nan2zeros: (a boolean)
        change NaNs to zeros before doing anything
        flag: -nan, position: 3
out_file: (a file name)
        image to write
        flag: %s, position: -2
output_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for output (default uses input type)
        flag: -odt %s, position: -1
output_type: (u'NIFTI_PAIR' or u'NIFTI_PAIR_GZ' or u'NIFTI_GZ' or
        FSL output type
terminal_output: (u'stream' or u'allatonce' or u'file' or u'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored


out_file: (an existing file name)
        image written after calculations


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Wraps command fslmaths

Use fslmaths to apply a low, high, or bandpass temporal filter to a timeseries.


in_file: (an existing file name)
        image to operate on
        flag: %s, position: 2

args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None and with values which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None, nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables
highpass_sigma: (a float, nipype default value: -1)
        highpass filter sigma (in volumes)
        flag: -bptf %.6f, position: 4
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
internal_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for calculations (default is float)
        flag: -dt %s, position: 1
lowpass_sigma: (a float, nipype default value: -1)
        lowpass filter sigma (in volumes)
        flag: %.6f, position: 5
nan2zeros: (a boolean)
        change NaNs to zeros before doing anything
        flag: -nan, position: 3
out_file: (a file name)
        image to write
        flag: %s, position: -2
output_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for output (default uses input type)
        flag: -odt %s, position: -1
output_type: (u'NIFTI_PAIR' or u'NIFTI_PAIR_GZ' or u'NIFTI_GZ' or
        FSL output type
terminal_output: (u'stream' or u'allatonce' or u'file' or u'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored


out_file: (an existing file name)
        image written after calculations


Link to code

Wraps command fslmaths

Use fslmaths to apply a threshold to an image in a variety of ways.


in_file: (an existing file name)
        image to operate on
        flag: %s, position: 2
thresh: (a float)
        threshold value
        flag: %s, position: 4

args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
direction: (u'below' or u'above', nipype default value: below)
        zero-out either below or above thresh value
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None and with values which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None, nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
internal_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for calculations (default is float)
        flag: -dt %s, position: 1
nan2zeros: (a boolean)
        change NaNs to zeros before doing anything
        flag: -nan, position: 3
out_file: (a file name)
        image to write
        flag: %s, position: -2
output_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for output (default uses input type)
        flag: -odt %s, position: -1
output_type: (u'NIFTI_PAIR' or u'NIFTI_PAIR_GZ' or u'NIFTI_GZ' or
        FSL output type
terminal_output: (u'stream' or u'allatonce' or u'file' or u'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored
use_nonzero_voxels: (a boolean)
        use nonzero voxels to calculate robust range
        requires: use_robust_range
use_robust_range: (a boolean)
        interpret thresh as percentage (0-100) of robust range


out_file: (an existing file name)
        image written after calculations


Link to code

Wraps command fslmaths

Use fslmaths to perorm a variety of mathematical operations on an image.


in_file: (an existing file name)
        image to operate on
        flag: %s, position: 2
operation: (u'exp' or u'log' or u'sin' or u'cos' or u'tan' or u'asin'
         or u'acos' or u'atan' or u'sqr' or u'sqrt' or u'recip' or u'abs' or
         u'bin' or u'binv' or u'fillh' or u'fillh26' or u'index' or u'edge'
         or u'nan' or u'nanm' or u'rand' or u'randn' or u'range')
        operation to perform
        flag: -%s, position: 4

args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None and with values which are a newbytes or None or a
         newstr or None, nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
internal_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for calculations (default is float)
        flag: -dt %s, position: 1
nan2zeros: (a boolean)
        change NaNs to zeros before doing anything
        flag: -nan, position: 3
out_file: (a file name)
        image to write
        flag: %s, position: -2
output_datatype: (u'float' or u'char' or u'int' or u'short' or
         u'double' or u'input')
        datatype to use for output (default uses input type)
        flag: -odt %s, position: -1
output_type: (u'NIFTI_PAIR' or u'NIFTI_PAIR_GZ' or u'NIFTI_GZ' or
        FSL output type
terminal_output: (u'stream' or u'allatonce' or u'file' or u'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored


out_file: (an existing file name)
        image written after calculations