Calculates Interclass Correlation Coefficient (3,1) as defined in P. E. Shrout & Joseph L. Fleiss (1979). “Intraclass Correlations: Uses in Assessing Rater Reliability”. Psychological Bulletin 86 (2): 420-428. This particular implementation is aimed at relaibility (test-retest) studies.
mask: (an existing file name)
subjects_sessions: (a list of items which are a list of items which
are an existing file name)
n subjects m sessions 3D stat files
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
interface fails to run
icc_map: (an existing file name)
session_var_map: (an existing file name)
variance between sessions
subject_var_map: (an existing file name)
variance between subjects
the data Y are entered as a ‘table’ ie subjects are in rows and repeated measures in columns
One Sample Repeated measure ANOVA
Y = XB + E with X = [FaTor / Subjects]