Package ndg :: Package saml :: Package utils :: Module m2crypto :: Class X509Cert
[hide private]

Class X509Cert

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NDG X509 Certificate Handling

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, filePath=None, m2CryptoX509=None)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
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read(self, filePath=None, format=None, warningStackLevel=3, **isValidTimeKw)
Read a certificate from PEM encoded DER format file
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parse(self, certTxt, format=None, warningStackLevel=3, **isValidTimeKw)
Read a certificate input as a string
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__setM2CryptoX509(self, m2CryptoX509=None)
Private method allows class members to be updated from the current M2Crypto object.
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__getM2CryptoX509(self, m2CryptoX509=None)
Return M2Crypto X.509 cert object
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toString(self, **kw)
Return certificate file content as a PEM format string
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asPEM(self, filePath=None)
Return certificate file content as a PEM format string
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Return certificate file content in DER format
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Get X500 Distinguished Name.
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Get X.509 Certificate version
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Get Serial Number
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Get not before validity time as datetime type
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Get not after validity time as datetime type
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Get public key
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Get Certificate issuer
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Get Certificate subject
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isValidTime(self, raiseExcep=False, expiryWarning=True, nDaysBeforeExpiryLimit=30, warningStackLevel=2)
Check Certificate for expiry
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__m2CryptoUTC2datetime(self, m2CryptoUTC)
Convert M2Crypto UTC time string as returned by get_not_before/ get_not_after methods into datetime type
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verify(self, pubKey, **kw)
Verify a certificate against the public key of the issuer
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]
Read(cls, filePath, warningStackLevel=4, **isValidTimeKw)
Create a new X509 certificate read in from a file
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Parse(cls, x509CertTxt, warningStackLevel=4, **isValidTimeKw)
Create a new X509 certificate from string of file content
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fromM2Crypto(cls, m2CryptoX509)
Convenience method to instantiate a new object from an M2Crypto X.509 certificate object
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Class Variables [hide private]
  formatPEM = 1
  formatDER = 0
Properties [hide private]
M2Crypto.X509.X509 type
X.509 Distinguished Name
X.509 Certificate version
X.509 Certificate Serial Number
Not before validity time as datetime type
Not after validity time as datetime type
Public Key
Certificate Issuer
Certificate subject

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, filePath=None, m2CryptoX509=None)

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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

read(self, filePath=None, format=None, warningStackLevel=3, **isValidTimeKw)

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Read a certificate from PEM encoded DER format file

  • filePath (basestring) - file path of PEM format file to be read
  • format (int) - format of input file - PEM is the default. Set to X509Cert.formatDER for DER format
  • isValidTimeKw (dict) - keywords to isValidTime() call

parse(self, certTxt, format=None, warningStackLevel=3, **isValidTimeKw)

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Read a certificate input as a string

  • certTxt (basestring) - PEM encoded certificate to parse
  • format (int) - format of input file - PEM is the default. Set to X509Cert.formatDER for DER format
  • isValidTimeKw (dict) - keywords to isValidTime() call

__setM2CryptoX509(self, m2CryptoX509=None)

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Private method allows class members to be updated from the current M2Crypto object. __m2CryptoX509 must have been set.


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Get public key

Returns: M2Crypto.RSA.RSA_pub
RSA public key for certificate

isValidTime(self, raiseExcep=False, expiryWarning=True, nDaysBeforeExpiryLimit=30, warningStackLevel=2)

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Check Certificate for expiry

  • raiseExcep (bool) - set True to raise an exception if certificate is invalid
  • expiryWarning (bool) - set to True to output a warning message if the certificate is due to expire in less than nDaysBeforeExpiryLimit days. Message is sent using warnings.warn and through logging.warning. No message is set if the certificate has an otherwise invalid time
  • nDaysBeforeExpiryLimit (int) - used in conjunction with the expiryWarning flag. Set the number of days in advance of certificate expiry from which to start outputing warnings
  • warningStackLevel (int) - set where in the stack to flag the warning from. Level 2 will flag it at the level of the caller of this method. Level 3 would flag at the level of the caller of the caller and so on.

verify(self, pubKey, **kw)

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Verify a certificate against the public key of the issuer

  • pubKey (M2Crypto.RSA.RSA_pub) - public key of cert that issued self
  • **kw - keywords to pass to M2Crypto.X509.X509 - 'pkey'
Returns: bool
True if verifies OK, False otherwise

Property Details [hide private]


M2Crypto.X509.X509 type

Get Method:
__getM2CryptoX509(self, m2CryptoX509=None) - Return M2Crypto X.509 cert object
Set Method:
__setM2CryptoX509(self, m2CryptoX509=None) - Private method allows class members to be updated from the current M2Crypto object.


X.509 Distinguished Name

Get Method:
__getDN(self) - Get X500 Distinguished Name.


X.509 Certificate version

Get Method:
__getVersion(self) - Get X.509 Certificate version


X.509 Certificate Serial Number

Get Method:
__getSerialNumber(self) - Get Serial Number


Not before validity time as datetime type

Get Method:
__getNotBefore(self) - Get not before validity time as datetime type


Not after validity time as datetime type

Get Method:
__getNotAfter(self) - Get not after validity time as datetime type


Public Key

Get Method:
__getPubKey(self) - Get public key


Certificate Issuer

Get Method:
__getIssuer(self) - Get Certificate issuer


Certificate subject

Get Method:
__getSubject(self) - Get Certificate subject