
class msaf.algorithms.olda.Segmenter(file_struct, in_bound_idxs=None, feature='pcp', annot_beats=False, framesync=False, features=None, **config)[source]

This class implements the algorithm described here:

McFee, B. and Ellis, D.P.W., Learning to segment songs with ordinal linear discriminant analysis. International conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing (ICASSP). 2014 (PDF).

__init__(file_struct, in_bound_idxs=None, feature='pcp', annot_beats=False, framesync=False, features=None, **config)

Inits the Segmenter.


file_struct: ``

Object with the file paths.

in_bound_idxs: np.array

Array containing the frame indeces of the previously find boundaries. None for computing them.

feature: str

Identifier of the features (e.g., pcp, mfcc)

annot_beats: boolean

Whether to use annotated beats or estimated ones.

framesync: boolean

Whether to use frame-synchronous or beat-synchronous features.

features: dict

Previously computed features. None for reading them.

config: dict

Configuration for the given algorithm (see module’s __config.py__).


__init__(file_struct[, in_bound_idxs, ...]) Inits the Segmenter.
processFlat() Main process for flat segmentation.
processHierarchical() Main process for hierarchical segmentation.