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Feb 14, 2012
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3.1. mktoc.base

Standard defines used by all modules.

All modules in this package import this file into its root namespace.

exception mktoc.base.MkTocError[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

A base exception class for all mktoc exceptions classes.

exception mktoc.base.FileNotFoundError[source]

Bases: mktoc.base.MkTocError

Exception class used whenever a file can not be located and is required by the system.

exception mktoc.base.TooManyFilesMatchError(src_file, found_files)[source]

Bases: mktoc.base.MkTocError

Exception class used whenever multiple files are found that match the source file required by the system.

exception mktoc.base.ParseError[source]

Bases: mktoc.base.MkTocError

Exception class indicates that a CUE file could not be parsed do to unknown data.

exception mktoc.base.UnderflowError[source]

Bases: mktoc.base.MkTocError

Exception class used by the disc module to indicate that a track time subtraction has caused and underflow.

exception mktoc.base.EmptyCueData[source]

Bases: mktoc.base.MkTocError

Exception class indicates that the input CUE file or STDIN data was empty. The mktoc application interprets this as a normal condition and does not raise an error to the user other than returning a non-zero exit code.


Project version number string.