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Source code for mktoc.wav

#  Copyright (c) 2011, Patrick C. McGinty
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#  under the terms of the Simplified BSD License.
#  See LICENSE text for more details.

   Utility classes for search and modifying WAV audio files.

   The following are a list of the classes provided in this module:

   * :class:`WavFileCache`
   * :class:`WavOffsetWriter`

import os
import sys
import re
import wave
import tempfile
import logging
import itertools as itr
import operator as op

from mktoc.base import *

__all__ = ['WavFileCache', 'WavOffsetWriter']

log = logging.getLogger('mktoc.wav')

[docs]class WavFileCache(object): """ Verifies the existence of a WAV file in the local file system. The class provides fuzzy logic name matching of cached results in the case that the specified file can not be found. The files system is only scanned once, and all lookups after the initial test come from the cache. The cache size is limited to prevent over aggressive file system access. """ # list of WAV files found in the local file system. _data = None # base search path location. _src_dir = None # complied search object that can be used to match file name strings ending # with the '.wav' extension. _WAV_REGEX = re.compile(r'\.wav$', re.IGNORECASE) def __init__(self, _dir=os.curdir): """ Initialize the class instance with the input :attr:`_dir` argument. If no argument is supplied it defaults to the current working dir. :param _dir: Base path location to perform the WAV file search. :type _dir: str .. Docuemnt private members .. automethod:: __call__ """ assert(_dir) self._src_dir = _dir
[docs] def __call__(self, file_): """ Search the cache for a fuzzy-logic match of the file name in :attr:`file_` parameter. This method will always return the exact file name if it exists before attempting fuzzy matches. :param file_: File name to search for. :type file_: str """ log.debug("looking for file '%s'",file_) tmp_name = file_ # convert a DOS file path to Linux tmp_name = tmp_name.replace('\\','/') # base case: file exists, and is has a 'WAV' extension if and os.path.exists(tmp_name): log.debug('-> FOUND\n'+'-'*5) return file_ # return match # case 2: file is locatable in path by stripping directories fn = os.path.basename(tmp_name) # strip leading path fn = os.path.splitext(fn)[0] # strip extension fn = fn.strip() # strip any whitespace log.debug("-> looking for file '%s'", os.sep + fn + '.wav') # escape any special characters in the file, and the '$' prevents # matching if any extra chars come after the name sep = re.escape(os.sep) fn_pat = sep + '.*' + re.escape(fn) + '.*' fn_pats = [fn_pat] # same as pat1, but replace spaces with underscores fn_us = fn.replace(' ','_') fn_pat = sep + '.*' + re.escape(fn_us) + '.*' fn_pats.append( fn_pat ) # same as pat1, but replace underscores with spaces fn_us = fn.replace('_',' ') fn_pat = sep + '.*' + re.escape(fn_us) + '.*' fn_pats.append( fn_pat ) file_regex = re.compile( '|'.join(set(fn_pats)), re.IGNORECASE) # search all WAV files using pattern 'file_regex' matchi = itr.imap(, self._get_cache() ) # create tuple with input file and search results matches = itr.izip( self._get_cache(), matchi ) matches = filter( op.itemgetter(1), matches ) if len(matches) == 1: # success if ONE match is found log.debug("--> FOUND '%s'" % matches[0][0]) return matches[0][0] elif len(matches) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError, file_ # zero or multiple matches is an error else: raise TooManyFilesMatchError, (file_, [m[0] for m in matches])
def _get_cache(self): """ Helper function used to lookup the WAV file cache. The first call to this method will cause the creation of the cache. """ if self._data is None: self._init_cache() return self._data def _init_cache(self): """ Create a list of WAV files in the vicinity of the current working dir. The list is store in the object member '_data'. """ self._data = [] fc = 0 log.debug("Initializing file cache @ '%s'", self._src_dir) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self._src_dir): if fc > 1000: break # only cache first n files fc += len(files) f_tup = zip( [root]*len(files), files ) wav_files = [os.path.join(r,f) for r,f in f_tup \ if] self._data.extend( wav_files ) self._is_init = True log.debug('-> Found %d files:' % len(self._data) ) map( lambda f: log.debug('--> %s' % f), self._data ) ##############################################################################
[docs]class WavOffsetWriter(object): """ Shift the audio data in a set of WAV files by a desired postive or negative sample offset. The module will never modify the input WAV files, and always write to either a new directory in the 'cwd' or in the :file:`/tmp` directory. The WAV files are treated as a set of data, in that, the direction of shift will cause audio sample data to be taken from either a previous or next WAV file. The shift in sample data will cause either the first or last WAV file to contain 'sample count' of NULL samples. """ # number of samples to copy for each cycle. This value affects the memory # required by this class and the frequency the progress bar is update. _COPY_SIZE = 256*1024 # sample shift offset value. _offset = None # reference to a :class:`ProgressBar` instance to provide progress updates. _pb = None # string of the program name (i.e. mktoc) used when creating directories in # /tm. _progName = None def __init__(self, offset_samples, pb_class, pb_args): """ :param offset_samples: Sample shift value :type offset_samples: int :param pb_class: outputs status updates to the user. First argument of the class init routine specifies the maximum value of the progress bar and is calulated by this class. :type pb_class: :class:`ProgressBar` :param pb_args: Argument list used to initialize progress bar. However, the first argument of the progress bar init routine is calculated by this class. :type pb_args: list .. Document private members .. automethod:: __call__ """ self._offset = offset_samples self._pb_class = pb_class self._pb_args = pb_args self._progName = os.path.basename( sys.argv[0] )
[docs] def __call__(self, files, use_tmp_dir): """ Initiate the WAV offsetting algorithm. New output files are written to either :file:`wav[+,-]n/` or :file:`/tmp/mktoc.[random]/` :param files: WAV files read to apply the sample shifting process to. :type files: list :param use_tmp_dir: :data:`True` indicates new WAV files are created in :file:`/tmp`. :type use_tmp_dir: bool """ # initialize the progress bar class, set the maximum progress bar value self._pb = self._pb_class( bar_max=self._get_total_samp(files), *self._pb_args) # set the dir name generation function, and create out_file list if not use_tmp_dir: outdir = self._get_new_name else : outdir = self._get_tmp_name out_files = map( outdir, files ) # positive offset correction, insert silence in first track, # all other tracks insert end data of previous track if self._offset > 0: offsetter_fnct = self._insert_prv_end # create a list of 'previous' file names f2_list = [None] + files[:-1] # negative offset correction, append silence to end of last track, # all other tracks append start data of next track elif self._offset < 0: offsetter_fnct = self._append_nxt_start # create a list of 'next' file names f2_list = files[1:] + [None] map( offsetter_fnct, out_files, files, f2_list ) # return a list of the new files names return out_files
def _append_nxt_start(self, out_fn, fn, nxt_fn): """Negative offset correction algorithm for a single WAV file. Copies the current WAV file data and then appends start of the next files WAV data into a new WAV file. The basic steps are: 1) perform a positive 'n' sample seek into input WAV file. 2) copy data from location to start of new WAV file until EOF of input. 3) Either, a) open 'nxt_fn' WAV file and finish writing the last 'n' samples. b) pad the new WAV file with n samples of NULL data. Parameters: out_fn : String of output WAV file name. fn : String of intput WAV file name. nxt_fn : String of N+1 input WAV file name.""" wav_out =, 'w') wav_in = # setup the output parameters bytes_p_samp = wav_in.getsampwidth() * wav_in.getnchannels() offset_bytes = abs(self._offset) * bytes_p_samp wav_out.setparams( wav_in.getparams() ) # seek ahead sample offset amount wav_in.setpos( abs(self._offset) ) # copy all frame date from 1st file into new file while True: data = wav_in.readframes(self._COPY_SIZE) if len(data) == 0: break self._write_frames(wav_out, data, bytes_p_samp) wav_in.close() # finally copy the remaining data from the next track, or silence if nxt_fn: # copy offset frame date from next file into new file wav_in = data = wav_in.readframes( abs(self._offset) ) assert len(data) == offset_bytes self._write_frames(wav_out, data, bytes_p_samp) else: # write silence to end of last track self._write_frames(wav_out, '\x00'*offset_bytes, bytes_p_samp) # print the progress bar wav_in.close() wav_out.close() def _get_new_name(self, f): """Generates a new name a location to write 'wav[+,-]n/' WAV files.""" dir_,name = os.path.split(f) new_dir = os.path.join(dir_, 'wav%+d' % self._offset) if not os.path.exists(new_dir): os.mkdir( new_dir ) return os.path.join( new_dir, name) def _get_total_samp(self, files): """Helper function to return the total sample count of a list of WAV files. Used to set the ProgressBar 'max' value. Parameter: files : List of WAV files to read.""" return sum(itr.imap( lambda f:, files)) def _get_tmp_name(self, f): """Generates a new name a location to write '/tmp/mktoc.[random]/' WAV files.""" if not hasattr(self, '_tmp_dir'): self._tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp( prefix=self._progName+'.' ) return os.path.join( self._tmp_dir, os.path.basename(f) ) def _insert_prv_end(self, out_fn, fn, prv_fn): """Positive offset correction algorithm for a single WAV file. Inserts the end of the previous files WAV data and then copies the current WAV files data into a new WAV file. The basic steps are: 1) Either, a) perform a positive (EOF - 'n') sample seek into 'prv_fn' WAV file. b) if no 'prv_fn' use NULL data 2) copy n samples of data to start of new WAV file. 3) Open 'fn' WAV file and copy the full WAV file - 'n' samples to the output WAV. Parameters: out_fn : String of output WAV file name. fn : String of intput WAV file name. prv_fn : String of N-1 input WAV file name.""" wav_out =, 'w') wav_in = # setup the output parameters bytes_p_samp = wav_in.getsampwidth() * wav_in.getnchannels() offset_bytes = self._offset * bytes_p_samp wav_out.setparams( wav_in.getparams() ) wav_in.close() # if previous file exists, insert end of stream to new file if prv_fn: wav_in = pos = wav_in.getnframes() - self._offset # seek position wav_in.setpos( pos ) # seek to EOF - offset data = wav_in.readframes( self._offset ) assert len(data) == offset_bytes self._write_frames(wav_out, data ,bytes_p_samp) wav_in.close() else: # insert silence if no previous file self._write_frames(wav_out ,'\x00'*offset_bytes, bytes_p_samp) # add original file data to output stream wav_in = fn ) samples = wav_in.getnframes() - self._offset while samples: data = wav_in.readframes( min(samples,self._COPY_SIZE) ) samples -= len(data) / bytes_p_samp self._write_frames(wav_out, data, bytes_p_samp) wav_in.close() wav_out.close() def _write_frames(self, fh, data,bps): """Wrapper for writing data wav files. A secondary side effect is that each call udpates the progress bar.""" fh.writeframes(data) self._pb += len(data) / bps # update progress bar sys.stderr.write(str(self._pb)) # print the progress bar