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Feb 14, 2012
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Source code for mktoc.progress_bar

#  Copyright (c) 2011, Patrick C. McGinty
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#  under the terms of the Simplified BSD License.
#  See LICENSE text for more details.

   Module for mktoc that prints a progress indication.

   The default usage is to prompt the user when an operation is running that
   the user must wait for. The following object classes are:

import time

from mktoc.base import *

__all__ = ['ProgressBar']

[docs]class ProgressBar( object ): """ Creates a progress bar string to be printed by the calling function. """ #: The maximum input input value expected by the progress bar. This value #: should be set before trying to print the progress bar. All percentage #: calculations are based from this value. It is OK to update this value as #: many times as needed, however it might confuse the user. bar_max = None # String to contain a message printed alongside the progress bar. _notice_text = None # The total integer count of the 'progress'. This value is modified by the # overloaded '+=' operator. This value can never go above 'bar_max'. _size = None def __init__(self, notice_txt, bar_max=0): """ Initialize object defaults. :param notice_txt: Message printed alongside the progress bar. :type notice_txt: str :param bar_max: Maximum size of the progress bar class. :type bar_max: int """ self._notice_txt = notice_txt self._size = 0 self.bar_max = bar_max def __iadd__(self, other): """+= operator that increments the current state of the progress bar. The input value can be of any range, but the progress bar value will be fixed at 'bar_max'.""" self._size += min(other, self.bar_max - self._size) return self def __str__(self): """Returns a progress bar string.""" if not self.bar_max: raise Exception("You must initialize ProgressBar.bar_max first") if not hasattr(self,'_start_time'): self._start_time = time.time() time_dif = 0 else: time_dif = time.time() - self._start_time # compute time from start percent = float(self._size) / self.bar_max * 100 if time_dif: rate = self._size / time_dif # calculate sample/sec # estimate time left remain_time = (self.bar_max - self._size) / rate remain_str = '\tETA [%d:%02d]' % divmod(remain_time,60) else: remain_str = '\tETA [?:??]' return '%s %3d%% %s\r' % (self._notice_txt, percent, remain_str)