arr : array-like
x : 1D array
X values to use. If None, use range(arr.shape[1])
ax : matplotlib.Axes
If not None, then only plot the array on the provided axes. This will
ignore any additional arguments provided that apply to figure-level
configuration or to the average line plot. For example, figsize,
width_ratios, height_ratios, subplot_params, line_kwargs, and
fill_kwargs will all be ignored.
vmin, vmax : float
percentile : bool
If True, then treat values for vmin and vmax as percentiles rather
than absolute values.
strip : bool
Include a strip plot alongside the array
features : pybedtools.BedTool or string filename
Features used to construct the array
conf : float
Confidence interval to use in line plot.
sort_by : array-like
Use the provided array to sort the array (e.g., an array of expression
values). This array will be argsorted to get the proper order.
line_kwargs, fill_kwargs : dict
Passed directly to ci_plot.
figsize : tuple
(Width, height) of the figure to create.
imshow_kwargs : dict
Passed directly to matplotlib.pyplot.imshow. By default, arguments
used are origin=’lower’, aspect=”auto” and a colormap from
colormap_adjust.smart_colormap generated using the provided vmin and
width_ratios, height_ratios: tuple
These tuples are passed to the new_shell function. The default
values set up a 2x2 configuration of panels for heatmap, line plot,
colorbar axes, and optional strip plot. However modifying
width_ratios or height_ratios can be used to create more or fewer panels.
subplot_params : dict
Passed to Figure.subplots_adjust
subset_by : array
An array of any type (but usually int or str) that contains a class
label for each row in the heatmap array. For example, to subset by
expression, an array the values of “up”, “down”, or “unchanged” at each
of the positions could be provided.
Note that the heatmap array is first sorted by sort_by and then split
into groups according to subset_by, so each subset remains sorted by
subset_order : list-like
This provides the order in which the subsets are plotted. Since the
default imshow arguments contain origin=”lower”, these will be
plotted in order starting at the bottom of the heatmap.