Source code for metaseq.filetype_adapters

This module provides classes that make a file format conform to a uniform API.
These are not generally needed by end-users, rather, they are used internally
by higher-level code like :mod:`metaseq.genomic_signal`.

File-type adapters accept a filename of the appropriate format (which is not
checked) as the only argument to their constructor.

Subclasses must define __getitem__ to accept a pybedtools.Interval and return
an iterator of pybedtools.Intervals

Subclasses must define make_fileobj(), which returns an object to be iterated
over in __getitem__
from bx.bbi.bigbed_file import BigBedFile
from bx.bbi.bigwig_file import BigWigFile
import numpy as np
import subprocess
import pysam
import pybedtools
import os
import sys

strand_lookup = {16: '-', 0: '+'}

[docs]class BaseAdapter(object): """ Base class for filetype adapters """
[docs] def __init__(self, fn): self.fn = fn self.fileobj = None self.fileobj = self.make_fileobj()
def __getitem__(self, key): raise ValueError('Subclasses must define __getitem__') def make_fileobj(self): raise ValueError('Subclasses must define make_fileobj')
[docs]class BamAdapter(BaseAdapter): """ Adapter that provides random access to BAM objects using Pysam """
[docs] def __init__(self, fn): super(BamAdapter, self).__init__(fn)
def make_fileobj(self): return pysam.Samfile(self.fn, 'rb') def __getitem__(self, key): iterator = self.fileobj.fetch( key.chrom, key.start, key.stop) for r in iterator: start = r.pos curr_end = r.pos for op, bp in r.cigar: start = curr_end curr_end += bp if op == 0: interval = pybedtools.Interval( self.fileobj.references[r.rname], start, curr_end, strand=strand_lookup[r.flag & 0x0010]) interval.file_type = 'bed' yield interval
[docs]class BedAdapter(BaseAdapter): """ Adapter that provides random access to BED files via Tabix """
[docs] def __init__(self, fn): super(BedAdapter, self).__init__(fn)
def make_fileobj(self): obj = pybedtools.BedTool(self.fn) if not obj._tabixed(): obj = obj.sort().tabix(in_place=False, force=False, is_sorted=True) self.fn = obj.fn return obj def __getitem__(self, key): bt = self.fileobj.tabix_intervals( '%s:%s-%s' % (key.chrom, key.start, key.stop)) for i in bt: yield i del bt
[docs]class BigBedAdapter(BaseAdapter): """ Adapter that provides random access to bigBed files via bx-python """
[docs] def __init__(self, fn): super(BigBedAdapter, self).__init__(fn)
def make_fileobj(self): return BigBedFile(open(self.fn)) def __getitem__(self, key): chrom = key.chrom start = key.start stop = key.end bx_intervals = self.fileobj.get(chrom, start, stop) if bx_intervals is None: raise StopIteration for i in bx_intervals: interval = pybedtools.create_interval_from_list(i.fields) interval.file_type = 'bed' yield interval
class BigWigAdapter(BaseAdapter): """ Adapter that provides random access to bigWig files bia bx-python """ def __init__(self, fn): super(BigWigAdapter, self).__init__(fn) def make_fileobj(self): return self.fn def __getitem__(self, key): raise NotImplementedError( "__getitem__ not implemented for %s" % self.__class__.__name__) def summarize(self, interval, bins=None, method='summarize', function='mean'): # We may be dividing by zero in some cases, which raises a warning in # NumPy based on the IEEE 754 standard (see # # numpy.seterr.html) # # That's OK -- we're expecting that to happen sometimes. So temporarily # disable this error reporting for the duration of this method. orig = np.geterr()['invalid'] np.seterr(invalid='ignore') if (bins is None) or (method == 'get_as_array'): bw = BigWigFile(open(self.fn)) s = bw.get_as_array( interval.chrom, interval.start, interval.stop,) if s is None: s = np.zeros((interval.stop - interval.start,)) else: s[np.isnan(s)] = 0 elif method == 'ucsc_summarize': if function in ['mean', 'min', 'max', 'std', 'coverage']: return self.ucsc_summarize(interval, bins, function=function) else: raise ValueError('function "%s" not supported by UCSC\'s' 'bigWigSummary') else: bw = BigWigFile(open(self.fn)) s = bw.summarize( interval.chrom, interval.start, interval.stop, bins) if s is None: s = np.zeros((bins,)) else: if function == 'sum': s = s.sum_data if function == 'mean': s = s.sum_data / s.valid_count s[np.isnan(s)] = 0 if function == 'min': s = s.min_val s[np.isinf(s)] = 0 if function == 'max': s = s.max_val s[np.isinf(s)] = 0 if function == 'std': s = (s.sum_squares / s.valid_count) s[np.isnan(s)] = 0 # Reset NumPy error reporting np.seterr(divide=orig) return s def ucsc_summarize(self, interval, bins=None, function='mean'): if bins is None: bins = len(interval) y = np.zeros(bins) cmds = [ 'bigWigSummary', self.fn, interval.chrom, str(interval.start), str(interval.stop), str(bins), '-type=%s' % function] p = subprocess.Popen( cmds, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) def gen(): try: for line in p.stdout: yield line finally: if p.poll() is None: return else: p.wait() err = if p.returncode not in (0, None): if err.startswith('no data'): return raise ValueError( "cmds: %s: %s" % (' '.join(cmds), if len(err) != 0: sys.stderr.write(err) for line in gen(): for i, x in enumerate(line.split('\t')): try: y[i] = float(x) except ValueError: pass return np.array(y)