Source code for metaseq._genomic_signal

The classes in this module enable random access to a variety of file formats
(BAM, bigWig, bigBed, BED) using a uniform syntax, and allow you to compute
coverage across many features in parallel or just a single feature.

Using classes in the :mod:`metaseq.integration` and :mod:`metaseq.minibrowser`
modules, you can connect these objects to matplotlib figures that show a window
into the data, making exploration easy and interactive.

Generally, the :func:`genomic_signal` function is all you need -- just provide
a filename and the format and it will take care of the rest, returning
a genomic signal of the proper type.

Adding support for a new format is straightforward:

    * Write a new adapter for the format in :mod:`metaseq.filetype_adapters`
    * Subclass one of the existing classes below, setting the `adapter`
      attribute to be an instance of this new adapter
    * Add the new class to the `_registry` dictionary to enable support for the
      file format.

Note that to support parallel processing and to avoid repeating code, these
classes delegate their local_coverage methods to the
:func:`metaseq.array_helpers._local_coverage` function.

import os
import sys
import subprocess

import numpy as np
from bx.bbi.bigwig_file import BigWigFile

import pybedtools

from array_helpers import _array, _array_parallel, _local_coverage, \
import filetype_adapters
import helpers
from helpers import rebin

[docs]def supported_formats(): """ Returns list of formats supported by metaseq's genomic signal objects. """ return _registry.keys()
[docs]def genomic_signal(fn, kind): """ Factory function that makes the right class for the file format. Typically you'll only need this function to create a new genomic signal object. :param fn: Filename :param kind: String. Format of the file; see metaseq.genomic_signal._registry.keys() """ try: klass = _registry[kind.lower()] except KeyError: raise ValueError( 'No support for %s format, choices are %s' % (kind, _registry.keys())) m = klass(fn) m.kind = kind return m
[docs]class BaseSignal(object): """ Base class to represent objects from which genomic signal can be calculated/extracted. `__getitem__` uses the underlying adapter the instance was created with (e.g., :class:`metaseq.filetype_adapters.BamAdapter` for a :class:`BamSignal` object). """
[docs] def __init__(self, fn): self.fn = fn
[docs] def array(self, features, processes=None, chunksize=1, ragged=False, **kwargs): """ Creates an MxN NumPy array of genomic signal for the region defined by each feature in `features`, where M=len(features) and N=(bins or feature length) Parameters ---------- features : iterable of interval-like objects An iterable of interval-like objects; see docstring for `local_coverage` method for more details. processes : int or None If not None, then create the array in parallel, giving each process chunks of length `chunksize` to work on. chunksize : int `features` will be split into `chunksize` pieces, and each piece will be given to a different process. The optimum value is dependent on the size of the features and the underlying data set, but `chunksize=100` is a good place to start. ragged : bool If False (default), then return a 2-D NumPy array. This requires all rows to have the same number of columns, which you get when supplying `bins` or if all features are of uniform length. If True, then return a list of 1-D NumPy arrays Notes ----- Additional keyword args are passed to local_coverage() which performs the work for each feature; see that method for more details. """ if processes is not None: arrays = _array_parallel( self.fn, self.__class__, features, processes=processes, chunksize=chunksize, **kwargs) else: arrays = _array(self.fn, self.__class__, features, **kwargs) if not ragged: stacked_arrays = np.row_stack(arrays) del arrays return stacked_arrays else: return arrays
[docs] def local_coverage(self, features, *args, **kwargs): processes = kwargs.pop('processes', None) if not processes: return _local_coverage(self.adapter, features, *args, **kwargs) if isinstance(features, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError( "only single features are supported for parallel " "local_coverage") # we don't want to have self.array do the binning bins = kwargs.pop('bins', None) # since if we got here processes is not None, then this will trigger # a parallel array creation features = helpers.tointerval(features) x = np.arange(features.start, features.stop) features = list(helpers.split_feature(features, processes)) ys = self.array( features, *args, bins=None, processes=processes, ragged=True, **kwargs) # now we ravel() and re-bin y = np.column_stack(ys).ravel() if bins: xi, yi = rebin(x, y, bins) del x, y return xi, yi return x, y
local_coverage.__doc__ = _local_coverage.__doc__
[docs]class BigWigSignal(BaseSignal):
[docs] def __init__(self, fn): """ Class for operating on bigWig files """ super(BigWigSignal, self).__init__(fn) self.adapter = filetype_adapters.BigWigAdapter(fn)
[docs]class IntervalSignal(BaseSignal):
[docs] def __init__(self, fn): """ Abstract class for bed, BAM and bigBed files. """ BaseSignal.__init__(self, fn)
[docs] def local_count(self, *args, **kwargs): return _local_count(self.adapter, *args, **kwargs)
local_count.__doc__ = _local_count.__doc__
[docs]class BamSignal(IntervalSignal):
[docs] def __init__(self, fn): """ Class for operating on BAM files. """ BaseSignal.__init__(self, fn) self._readcount = None self.adapter = filetype_adapters.BamAdapter(self.fn)
[docs] def genome(self): """ "genome" dictionary ready for pybedtools, based on the BAM header. """ # This gets the underlying pysam Samfile object f = self.adapter.fileobj d = {} for ref, length in zip(f.references, f.lengths): d[ref] = (0, length) return d
[docs] def mapped_read_count(self, force=False): """ Counts total reads in a BAM file. If a file self.bam + '.scale' exists, then just read the first line of that file that doesn't start with a "#". If such a file doesn't exist, then it will be created with the number of reads as the first and only line in the file. The result is also stored in self._readcount so that the time-consuming part only runs once; use force=True to force re-count. Parameters ---------- force : bool If True, then force a re-count; otherwise use cached data if available. """ # Already run? if self._readcount and not force: return self._readcount if os.path.exists(self.fn + '.mmr') and not force: for line in open(self.fn + '.mmr'): if line.startswith('#'): continue self._readcount = float(line.strip()) return self._readcount cmds = ['samtools', 'view', '-c', '-F', '0x4', self.fn] p = subprocess.Popen( cmds, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if stderr: sys.stderr.write('samtools says: %s' % stderr) return None mapped_reads = int(stdout) # write to file so the next time you need the lib size you can access # it quickly if not os.path.exists(self.fn + '.mmr'): fout = open(self.fn + '.mmr', 'w') fout.write(str(mapped_reads) + '\n') fout.close() self._readcount = mapped_reads return self._readcount
[docs]class BigBedSignal(IntervalSignal):
[docs] def __init__(self, fn): """ Class for operating on bigBed files. """ IntervalSignal.__init__(self, fn) self.adapter = filetype_adapters.BigBedAdapter(fn)
[docs]class BedSignal(IntervalSignal):
[docs] def __init__(self, fn): """ Class for operating on BED files. """ IntervalSignal.__init__(self, fn) self.adapter = filetype_adapters.BedAdapter(fn)
_registry = { 'bam': BamSignal, 'bed': BedSignal, 'gff': BedSignal, 'gtf': BedSignal, 'vcf': BedSignal, 'bigwig': BigWigSignal, 'bigbed': BigBedSignal, }