Madiolahb JSON Schemata

Madiolahb promotes a simple JSON schema for interacting with and/or interchanging Bhaloidam data.

The formats themselves are meant to be self-documenting and easy to implement given a reasonable familiarity with Bhaloidam. This document serves to present the formats in a simple overview and to provide a place for any necessary further disambiguation. This document, as all Madiolahb documents, is CC by-sa, but the formats presented here in any such aspects as may be deemed copyrightable are open for use under CC0 or other such similar public domain right or license.


The Lifewheel format (referred at times in Madiolahb as “Character” or “Char” format) is of course the central data structure in Madiolahb.


Either elaborate why the “Character” name remains in use in madiolahb or clean those up.

    // Madiolahb metadata
    "owner": "",
    "name": "Name of this Life Wheel",
    "active": true, // Currently involved in play

    // Source Values
    "ego": 0,
    "will": 0,

    // "Drained" Spots // TODO: 11-10-24 Update these names
    "ego_spilt": 0,
    "will_spot": 0,
    "will_spent": 0,

    // Elements of Ego
    "life": 0,
    "earth": 0,
    "water": 0,

    // Elements of Will
    "energy": 0,
    "air": 0,
    "fire": 0,

    // Professions // TODO: Replace with Embellishments
    "job1": 0,
    "job2": 0,
    "job3": 0,

    // Time Track
    "time": 0,
    "recovery": 0, // TODO: What does this mean, again?

    // Influences
    "mastery": 0,
    "persistence": 0,
    "design": 0,
    "poise": 0,
    "sleight": 0,
    "charm": 0,

    // Domains
    "mind": 0,
    "body": 0,
    "spirit": 0,

    // Position, Presumably Hex Map Coordinates
    "x": 0,
    "y": 0,

    // Performance state tracking
    "last_influence": "sleight",

    // Process reporting
    "errors": [],
    "warnings": []

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