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How to install

Install Python and NodeJS, LESS, CoffeeScript

Mac OS X

  1. Install Xcode from AppStore
  2. Install Command Line Tools from Xcode's preference
  3. Install MacPorts or Homebrew
  4. Install Python 2.7 and NodeJS
    • sudo port install python27 nodejs npm if you choose MacPorts
    • I don't know how to do with Homebrew
  5. Install LESS, CoffeeScript
    • npm install -g less coffee-script

You don't have to install NodeJS, LESS and CoffeeScript if you don't use them.

Windows & Linux

I don't known how to do. Please write this section!

Install with pip or easy_install

Easiest way to install

with pip

$ pip install linkdown

with easy_install

$ easy_install linkdown

Install with tarball

  1. Download from Gitub
  2. Run python install

Let's start!