Getting Started

This document will cover setting up Linesman in your WSGI application.

Installing Linesman

To install the latest stable version of Linesman, you can use:

$ easy_install -U linesman

To install Linesman from source, you will need to clone the repository and run:

$ python install

This will install Linesman into site-packages and make it available to all other Python scripts. No other setup is required.

Setting up middleware

Via Configuration (Paster)

Now, you’ll need to tell your WSGI application how to use Linesman. Assuming you’re using Paster, you can do this very easily in your development.ini (or similar) config file. Add a new filter section:

use = egg:linesman#profiler

Then, find the section for your specific application. Typically, it will have a section header that looks like [app:main]. Add the following config option somewhere within this section:

filter-with = linesman

Voila! Once you start your paster server, you’ll be all set. Verify that all is working correctly by accessing pages on your server. This will also create profile entries for the next step.

Via Code

This requires manually wrapping the WSGI calls in the middleware. This is only recommended if you are unable to setup a filter. Before beginning, please check your respective WSGI server documentation to see if running your app through Paster is possible (i.e., gunicorn), as this requires zero code changes.

First off, you’ll have to open up the area where your app declares middleware. Typically, this will just be called app, but it is heavily dependant on the framework. Pylons creates the application in <project>/config/

Then, you can create the middleware by passing in the app to the middleware constructor, like so:

from linesman.middleware import make_linesman_middleware


app = make_linesman_middleware(app)
# Or, if you have config options...
# app = make_linesman_middleware(app, profiler_path="/__profiler")

For a complete list of configurable parameters, please see the Configuring Linesman documentation.

Accessing the profiles

This will assume that your application is mounted at the root directory, /, and that your server is running on localhost at port 5000. If not, make sure you adjust your URLs accordingly.

Access the URL at, which should present you with a list of profiles and times, with a link to the stats page. If you can see this (and view the profiles), then you’re all set!

Happy profiling!

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