Configuring Linesman

Configuration of linesman is done through the controlling process, such as Paster. Thus, this assumes that the configuration is similar to the instructions given in the Getting Started documentation.

use = egg:linesman#profiler

All options can be made under this section.

Configuring the Middleware


This is a path relative to the root of your webapp that can be used to access the profiler. For example, if the host is being run on localhost:5000, and the application is mounted on the / context, then specifying a profiler_path of __profiler__ will use localhost:5000/__profiler__.

Consequently, if the same application is NOT mounted under the root context, and is instead mounted at /webapp, the same profiler_path would match localhost:5000/webapp/__profiler__.


Takes the form of module:class_or_function, where class_or_function resolves to a class that implements Backend. To see which backends are available, take a look at the backends modules.

Additionally, you can specify _any_ module, regardless of rather or not its distributed with Linesman.


Space separated values that indicate which packages should be displayed in pie graph form. This is extremely useful for getting a high-level view of where your program is spending most of its time.

chart_packages = paste, repoze.who, webob

Be very careful when specifying parent and child packages. For example, assume chart_packages = paste, paste.script. If the time spent in paste was 10s, and the time spent in paste.script was 3s, then the graphed times would be 3s in paste.script, and 7s in paste. This is because child packages “take away” some of the duration for their parent packages.


Subpackages are always given priority over their parents. So in the above example, if linesman discovers paste.script.__init__(), it would add the time to pastescript.


Unless this configuration variable is specified, the graph is NOT displayed on the profile page.

Configuring the Backends

Whatever backend is set to, there are new sets of config values that can be used. This data differs depending on the plug-in, so in order to always keep the documentation up-to-date, visit the linesman.backends page. Whatever values __init__() accepts are values that can be passed in through the configuration file.

For example, PickleBackend defines a filename parameter. Thus, to set the Pickle filename, use the following config parameter:

filename = sessions.dat

Remember, always use the backends page for the most up-to-date info.

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