
usage: landsat [-h] [--version] {search,download,process} ...

Landsat-util is a command line utility that makes it easy to
search, download, and process Landsat imagery.

   search [-p --pathrow] [--lat] [--lon] [-l LIMIT] [-s START] [-e END] [-c CLOUD] [-h]

            optional arguments:
                -p, --pathrow       Paths and Rows in order separated by comma. Use quotes "001,003".
                                    Example: path,row,path,row 001,001,190,204

                --lat               Latitude

                --lon               Longitude

                --address           Street address

                -l LIMIT, --limit LIMIT
                                    Search return results limit default is 10

                -s START, --start START
                                    Start Date - Most formats are accepted e.g.
                                    Jun 12 2014 OR 06/12/2014

                -e END, --end END   End Date - Most formats are accepted e.g.
                                    Jun 12 2014 OR 06/12/2014

                --latest N          Returns the N latest images within the last 365 days.

                -c CLOUD, --cloud CLOUD
                                    Maximum cloud percentage. Default: 20 perct

                --json              Returns a bare JSON response

                --geojson             Returns a geojson response

                -h, --help          Show this help message and exit

            landsat download sceneID [sceneID ...] [-h] [-b --bands]

            positional arguments:
                sceneID     Provide Full sceneIDs. You can add as many sceneIDs as you wish

                Example: landast download LC81660392014196LGN00

            optional arguments:
                -b --bands          If you specify bands, landsat-util will try to download the band from S3.
                                    If the band does not exist, an error is returned

                -h, --help          Show this help message and exit

                -d, --dest          Destination path

                -p, --process       Process the image after download

                --pansharpen        Whether to also pansharpen the processed image.
                                    Pansharpening requires larger memory

                --ndvi              Calculates NDVI and produce a RGB GTiff with seperate colorbar.

                --ndvigrey          Calculates NDVI and produce a greyscale GTiff.

                --clip              Clip the image with the bounding box provided. Values must be in WGS84 datum,
                                    and with longitude and latitude units of decimal degrees separated by comma.
                                    Example: --clip=-346.06658935546875,49.93531194616915,-345.4595947265625,50.2682767372753

                -u --upload         Upload to S3 after the image processing completed

                --key               Amazon S3 Access Key (You can also be set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID as
                                    Environment Variables)

                --secret            Amazon S3 Secret Key (You can also be set AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY as
                                    Environment Variables)

                --bucket            Bucket name (required if uploading to s3)

                --region            URL to S3 region e.g.

                --force-unzip       Force unzip tar file

   process path [-h] [-b --bands] [-p --pansharpen]

            positional arguments:
                path          Path to the landsat image folder or zip file

            optional arguments:
                -b --bands             Specify bands. The bands should be written in sequence with no spaces
                                    Default: Natural colors (432)
                                    Example --bands 432

                --pansharpen        Whether to also pansharpen the process image.
                                    Pansharpening requires larger memory

                --ndvi              Calculates NDVI and produce a RGB GTiff with seperate colorbar.

                --ndvigrey          Calculates NDVI and produce a greyscale GTiff.

                --clip              Clip the image with the bounding box provided. Values must be in WGS84 datum,
                                    and with longitude and latitude units of decimal degrees separated by comma.
                                    Example: --clip=-346.06658935546875,49.93531194616915,-345.4595947265625,50.2682767372753

                -v, --verbose       Show verbose output

                -h, --help          Show this help message and exit

                -u --upload         Upload to S3 after the image processing completed

                --key               Amazon S3 Access Key (You can also be set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID as
                                    Environment Variables)

                --secret            Amazon S3 Secret Key (You can also be set AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY as
                                    Environment Variables)

                --bucket            Bucket name (required if uploading to s3)

                --region            URL to S3 region e.g.

                --force-unzip       Force unzip tar file

positional arguments:
                        Landsat Utility
    search              Search Landsat metdata
    download            Download images from Google Storage
    process             Process Landsat imagery

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit