Script jsondatacheck
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Script jsondatacheck

A command line interface for the validation of JSON based data.

The command line interface is implemented as a front-end for the package

The interface provides a callable generic validator(default:=Draft4) for arbitrary
JSON data files. The validation is performed with a main JSON schema file linking 
additional sub-configuration for an optional set of an arbitrary number of branches.
It provides the validation of JSON based data/files by their corresponding JSONschemas.
The call interface is Linux/Unix command line standard - on other supported OS too - 
with a few conventions related to default values of file names and paths.

The application of this call interface is mainly intended for the purposes::
1. as a developer utility for the development of JSON based data
2. as a user tool in order to enumerate the list of actually 
   used JSON sources
3. as a user tools in order to verify the present JSON data
4. as a automation and test tool for various JSON specifications,
   and JSON based applications

Therefore the assembly of data tree models with basic branch functions 
in accordance/complance to RFC6901 and RFC6902 is provided for the 
incremental setup and serialization of JSON data.

When no explicit filenames are provided the following convention is applied
as default:

    appname: "-a"

    JSON-schema: "-s"
        dirname(__file__)/<appname>.jsd ("jsondata.jsd")

    JSON-data: "-c"
        <appname>.json ("jsondata.json")

    Search-path-data: "-p"
        Search path for JSON-data - refer to __file__=JSONData/
        default:= ../dirname(__file__)/:dirname(__file__)/:/etc/:$HOME/

  jsondatacheck [OPTIONS]

  -a, --appname= <appname>
     Name of application.
     default: jsondatacheck
  -c, --configfile= <configfile>
     A single configuration file including path with JSON data.
     default: jsondatacheck.json
  -D, --print-data
     Pretty print data.
  -f --filelist= <list-of-filenames>
     List of colon seperated filenames to be searched for. These 
     could be relative pathnames too.
  -j, --json= (json|ujson)
      Use as scanner and parser one of the verified packages:
          'json': standard package
          'ujson': ultra-json for performance, check platform availability,
              and eventually run unit tests.
  -n, --no-default-path
     Supress load of default path.
     default: False
  -N, --no-sub-data
     Supress load of sub-data files, e.g. from plugins.
     default: False
  -p, --pathlist= <search-path-JSON-data>
     Search path for JSON data file(s), standard list for current platform.
     default:= ../dirname(__file__)/:dirname(__file__)/:/etc/:$HOME/
  -P, --plugins-pathlist= <search-path-JSON-data-branches>
     Search path for JSON data file(s) to be inserted as additional branches,
     standard list for current platform.
     default:= ../dirname(__file__)/:dirname(__file__)/:/etc/:$HOME/
  -s, --schemafile= <schemafile>
     Schema file - JSONschema.
     default: jsondatacheck.jsd
  -S, --print-schema
     Pretty print schema.
  -V, --validator= <validator>
     Alternate validator provided by module 'jsonschema'
     - default: validate
     - draft3: Draft3Validator
     - off: None
    default:= validate

  -i, --interactive
     Dialog mode, displays formatted for interactive JSON and 
     JSONschema design.
  -d, --debug
     Debug entries, does NOT work with 'python -O ...'.
     Developer output, aimed for filtering.
  -v, --verbose
     Verbose, some relevant states for basic analysis.
     When '--selftest' is set, repetition raises the display level.
     Performs a basic functional selftest by load, verify, and validate.
     0. jsondata/data.json + jsondata/schema.jsd
     1. jsondata/selftest.json + jsondata/selftest.jsd

     Current version - terse.
     Current version - detailed.

  -h, --help
     This help.

  -O, -OO
   Eliminates '__debug__' code.

Version: 0.2.10

Author: Arno-Can Uestuensoez

Copyright: Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Arno-Can Uestuensoez @Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez

License: Artistic-License-2.0 + Forced-Fairplay-Constraints

Functions [hide private]
Variables [hide private]
  __uuid__ = '63b597d6-4ada-4880-9f99-f5e0961351fb'
  _APPNAME = "jsondatacheck"
  _kargs = {}
  _longopts = ["help", "debug", "verbose", "version", "Version",...
  _selftest = False
  _verbose = 0
  _appname = "selftest"
  stest = runselftest(_appname,** _kargs)
  configdata = ConfigData(_appname,** _kargs)
Variables Details [hide private]


["help", "debug", "verbose", "version", "Version", "appname=", "config\
file=", "schemafile=", "validator=", "no-default-path", "no-sub-data",\
 "pathlist=", "plugins-pathlist=", "print-schema", "print-data", "inte\
ractive", "filelist=", "selftest", "json="]