Trees | Indices | Help |
The JSONPatch module provides for the alteration of JSON data compliant to RFC6902. The emphasis of the design combines low resource requirement with features designed for the application of large filters onto large JSON based data structures. The patch list itself is defined by RFC6902 as a JSON array. The entries could be either constructed in-memory, or imported from a persistent storage. The export feature provides for the persistent storage of a modified patch list for later reuse. The module contains the following classes: * **JSONPatch**: The controller for the application of patches on in-memory data structures provided by the package 'json'. * **JSONPatchItem**: Representation of one patch entry in accordance to RFC6902. * **JSONPatchItemRaw**: Representation of one patch entry read as a raw entry in accordance to RFC6902. * **JSONPatchFilter**: Selection filter for the application on the current patch list entries JSONPatchItem. * **JSONPatchException**: Specific exception for this module. The address of the the provided 'path' components for the entries are managed by the class JSONPointer in accordance to RFC6901.
Version: 0.2.14
Author: Arno-Can Uestuensoez
Copyright: Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Arno-Can Uestuensoez @Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez
License: Artistic-License-2.0 + Forced-Fairplay-Constraints
JSONPatchException | |||
JSONPatchItemException | |||
JSONPatchItem Record entry for list of patch tasks. |
JSONPatchItemRaw Adds native patch strings or an unsorted dict for RFC6902. |
JSONPatchFilter Filtering capabilities on the entries of patch lists. |
JSONPatch Representation of a JSONPatch task list for RFC6902. |
__maintainer__ =
__uuid__ =
version =
_appname =
_interactive = False
RFC6902_ADD = 1
RFC6902_COPY = 2
RFC6902_MOVE = 3
RFC6902_REMOVE = 4
RFC6902_TEST = 6
op2str =
str2op =
__package__ =
Trees | Indices | Help |
Generated by Epydoc 3.0.1 on Mon Feb 6 07:50:51 2017 | |