A real-valued set function defined on the power set of a possibility space.
Bases: collections.MutableMapping, cdd.NumberTypeable
Construct a set function on the power set of the given possibility space.
Parameters: |
>>> SetFunction(pspace=3, data={(): 1, (0, 2): 2.1, (0, 1, 2): '1/3'})
data={(): 1.0,
(0, 2): 2.1,
(0, 1, 2): 0.333...},
>>> SetFunction(pspace=3, data={(): '1.0', (0, 2): '2.1', (0, 1, 2): '1/3'})
data={(): 1,
(0, 2): '21/10',
(0, 1, 2): '1/3'},
>>> print(SetFunction(pspace='abc', data={'': '1', 'ac': '2', 'abc': '3.1'}))
: 1
a c : 2
a b c : 31/10
Calculate the Choquet integral of the set function as a basic belief assignment.
Parameters: | gamble – dict or similar; see Gambles |
The Choquet integral of a set function is given by
the formula:
where is the Mobius transform of
In general, improb.setfunction.SetFunction.get_choquet() is far more efficient.
See also
Calculate the Choquet integral of the given gamble.
Parameters: | gamble – dict or similar; see Gambles |
The Choquet integral of a set function is given by
the formula:
for any gamble (note that it is usually assumed that
). For the discrete case dealt with here,
this becomes
where are the
unique values of
sorted in increasing order
are the
level sets induced.
>>> s = SetFunction(pspace='abc', data={'': 0,
... 'a': 0, 'b': 0, 'c': 0,
... 'ab': .5, 'bc': .5, 'ca': .5,
... 'abc': 1})
>>> s.get_choquet([1, 2, 3])
>>> s.get_choquet([1, 2, 2])
>>> s.get_choquet([1, 2, 1])
The set function must be defined for all level sets
induced by the argument gamble.
>>> s = SetFunction(pspace='abc', data={'ab': .5, 'bc': .5, 'ca': .5,
... 'abc': 1})
>>> s.get_choquet([1, 2, 2])
>>> s.get_choquet([2, 2, 1])
>>> s.get_choquet([-1, -1, -2])
>>> s.get_choquet([1, 2, 3])
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: Event(pspace=PSpace(['a', 'b', 'c']), elements=set(['c']))
Yields constraints for basic belief assignments with given monotonicity.
Parameters: |
This follows the algorithm described in Proposition 2 (for 1-monotonicity) and Proposition 4 (for n-monotonicity) of Chateauneuf and Jaffray, 1989. Some characterizations of lower probabilities and other monotone capacities through the use of Mobius inversion. Mathematical Social Sciences 17(3), pages 263-283:
A set function defined on the power set of
-monotone if and only if its Mobius
for all , with
This implementation iterates over all , with
, and yields each
constraint as an iterable of the events
. For example, you can then check
the constraint by summing over this iterable.
As just mentioned, this method returns the constraints
corresponding to the latter equation for
equal to monotonicity. To get all the
constraints for n-monotonicity, call this method with
monotonicity=xrange(1, n + 1).
The rationale for this approach is that, in case you already know that (n-1)-monotonicity is satisfied, then you only need the constraints for monotonicity=n to check for n-monotonicity.
The trivial constraints that the empty set must have mass zero, and that the masses must sum to one, are not included: so for monotonicity=0 this method returns an empty iterator.
>>> pspace = "abc"
>>> for mono in xrange(1, len(pspace) + 1):
... print("{0} monotonicity:".format(mono))
... print(" ".join("{0:<{1}}".format("".join(i for i in event), len(pspace))
... for event in PSpace(pspace).subsets()))
... constraints = SetFunction.get_constraints_bba_n_monotone(pspace, mono)
... constraints = [set(constraint) for constraint in constraints]
... constraints = [[1 if event in constraint else 0
... for event in PSpace(pspace).subsets()]
... for constraint in constraints]
... for constraint in sorted(constraints):
... print(" ".join("{0:<{1}}"
... .format(value, len(pspace))
... for value in constraint))
1 monotonicity:
a b c ab ac bc abc
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1
2 monotonicity:
a b c ab ac bc abc
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
3 monotonicity:
a b c ab ac bc abc
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Calculate the value of the Mobius transform of the given
event. The Mobius transform of a set function is
given by the formula:
for any event .
The set function must be defined for all subsets of the given event.
>>> setfunc = SetFunction(pspace='ab', data={'': 0, 'a': 0.25, 'b': 0.3, 'ab': 1})
>>> print(setfunc)
: 0.0
a : 0.25
b : 0.3
a b : 1.0
>>> inv = SetFunction(pspace='ab',
... data=dict((event, setfunc.get_mobius(event))
... for event in setfunc.pspace.subsets()))
>>> print(inv)
: 0.0
a : 0.25
b : 0.3
a b : 0.45
Calculate the value of the zeta transform (inverse Mobius
transform) of the given event. The zeta transform of a set
function is given by the formula:
for any event (note that it is usually assumed that
The set function must be defined for all subsets of the given event.
>>> setfunc = SetFunction(
... pspace='ab',
... data={'': 0, 'a': 0.25, 'b': 0.3, 'ab': 0.45})
>>> print(setfunc)
: 0.0
a : 0.25
b : 0.3
a b : 0.45
>>> inv = SetFunction(pspace='ab',
... data=dict((event, setfunc.get_zeta(event))
... for event in setfunc.pspace.subsets()))
>>> print(inv)
: 0.0
a : 0.25
b : 0.3
a b : 1.0
Is the set function, as basic belief assignment, n-monotone, given that it is (n-1)-monotone?
To check for n-monotonicity, call this method with monotonicity=xrange(n + 1).
For convenience, 0-montonicity is defined as empty set and possibility space having lower probability 0 and 1 respectively.
The set function must be defined for all events.
Yield extreme basic belief assignments with given monotonicity.
Currently this doesn’t work very well except for the cases below.
>>> bbas = list(SetFunction.make_extreme_bba_n_monotone('abc', monotonicity=2))
>>> len(bbas)
>>> all(bba.is_bba_n_monotone(2) for bba in bbas)
>>> all(bba.is_bba_n_monotone(3) for bba in bbas)
>>> bbas = list(SetFunction.make_extreme_bba_n_monotone('abc', monotonicity=3))
>>> len(bbas)
>>> all(bba.is_bba_n_monotone(2) for bba in bbas)
>>> all(bba.is_bba_n_monotone(3) for bba in bbas)
>>> bbas = list(SetFunction.make_extreme_bba_n_monotone('abcd', monotonicity=2))
>>> len(bbas)
>>> all(bba.is_bba_n_monotone(2) for bba in bbas)
>>> all(bba.is_bba_n_monotone(3) for bba in bbas)
>>> all(bba.is_bba_n_monotone(4) for bba in bbas)
>>> bbas = list(SetFunction.make_extreme_bba_n_monotone('abcd', monotonicity=3))
>>> len(bbas)
>>> all(bba.is_bba_n_monotone(2) for bba in bbas)
>>> all(bba.is_bba_n_monotone(3) for bba in bbas)
>>> all(bba.is_bba_n_monotone(4) for bba in bbas)
>>> bbas = list(SetFunction.make_extreme_bba_n_monotone('abcd', monotonicity=4))
>>> len(bbas)
>>> all(bba.is_bba_n_monotone(2) for bba in bbas)
>>> all(bba.is_bba_n_monotone(3) for bba in bbas)
>>> all(bba.is_bba_n_monotone(4) for bba in bbas)
>>> # cddlib hangs on larger possibility spaces
>>> #bbas = list(SetFunction.make_extreme_bba_n_monotone('abcde', monotonicity=2))