Bases: improb.lowprev.lowprob.LowProb
A belief function, implemented as a LowProb, except that it uses the Mobius transform to calculate the natural extension; see get_lower().
See also
Calculate the lower expectation of a gamble.
The default algorithm is to use the Mobius transform
of the lower probability
See also
To use the Mobius transform, the domain of the lower probability must contain all events. If needed, call extend():
>>> bel = BelFunc(2, lprob=['0.2', '0.25'])
>>> print(bel)
0 : 1/5
1 : 1/4
>>> bel.get_lower([1, 3]) # oops! fails...
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: ...
>>> # solve linear program instead of trying Mobius transform
>>> bel.get_lower([1, 3], algorithm='linprog') # 1 * 0.75 + 3 * 0.25 = 1.5
Fraction(3, 2)
>>> bel.extend()
>>> print(bel)
: 0
0 : 1/5
1 : 1/4
0 1 : 1
>>> # now try with Mobius transform; should give same result
>>> bel.get_lower([1, 3]) # now it works
Fraction(3, 2)
With the Mobius algorithm, this method will not raise an
exception even if the assessments are not completely
monotone, or even incoherent—the Mobius transform is in
such case still defined, although some of the values of
will be negative. In fact, if the assessments are
not 2-monotone, then
will be
incoherent as well.
>>> bel = BelFunc(
... pspace='abcd',
... lprob={'ab': '0.2', 'bc': '0.2', 'abc': '0.2', 'b': '0.1'})
>>> bel.extend()
>>> bel.is_n_monotone(2)
>>> # exact linear programming algorithm
>>> bel.get_lower([1, 2, 1, 0], algorithm='linprog')
Fraction(2, 5)
>>> # mobius algorithm: different result!!
>>> bel.get_lower([1, 2, 1, 0])
Fraction(3, 10)
>>> from improb.lowprev.belfunc import BelFunc
>>> from improb.lowprev.lowprob import LowProb
>>> from improb import PSpace
>>> pspace = PSpace(2)
>>> lowprob = LowProb(pspace, lprob=['0.3', '0.2'])
>>> lowprob.extend()
>>> lowprob.is_completely_monotone()
>>> print(lowprob)
: 0
0 : 3/10
1 : 1/5
0 1 : 1
>>> print(lowprob.mobius)
: 0
0 : 3/10
1 : 1/5
0 1 : 1/2
>>> lpr = BelFunc(pspace, bba=lowprob.mobius)
>>> lpr.is_completely_monotone()
>>> print(lpr)
: 0
0 : 3/10
1 : 1/5
0 1 : 1
>>> print(lpr.mobius)
: 0
0 : 3/10
1 : 1/5
0 1 : 1/2
>>> print(lpr.get_lower([1,0]))
>>> print(lpr.get_lower([0,1]))
>>> print(lpr.get_lower([4,9])) # 0.8 * 4 + 0.2 * 9
>>> print(lpr.get_lower([5,1])) # 0.3 * 5 + 0.7 * 1