
This tutorial is intended as an introduction to working with HP3PARClient.


Before we start, make sure that you have the HP3PARClient distribution installed. In the Python shell, the following should run without raising an exception:

>>> import hp3parclient

This tutorial also assumes that a 3PAR array is up and running and the WSAPI service is enabled and running.

Create the Client and login

The first step when working with HP3PARClient is to create a HP3ParClient to the 3PAR drive array and logging in to create the session. You must login() prior to calling the other APIs to do work on the 3PAR. Doing so is easy:

from hp3parclient import client, exceptions
# this creates the client object and sets the url to the
# 3PAR server with IP on port 8008.
cl = client.HP3ParClient("")

# SSL certification verification is defaulted to False. In order to
# override this, set secure=True. or secure='/path/to/cert.crt'
# cl = client.HP3ParClient("",
#                          secure=True)
# Or, to use ca certificates as documented by Python Requests,
# pass in the ca-certificates.crt file
# http://docs.python-requests.org/en/v1.0.4/user/advanced/
# cl = client.HP3ParClient("",
#                          secure='/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt')

# Set the SSH authentication options for the SSH based calls.
cl.setSSHOptions(ip_address, username, password)

    cl.login(username, password)
    print "Login worked!"
except exceptions.HTTPUnauthorized as ex:
    print "Login failed."

When you are done with the the client, it’s a good idea to logout from the 3PAR so there isn’t a stale session sitting around.

print "logout worked"

Getting a list of Volumes

After you have logged in, you can start making calls to the 3PAR APIs. A simple example is getting a list of existing volumes on the array with a call to getVolumes().

import pprint
   volumes = cl.getVolumes()
except exceptions.HTTPUnauthorized as ex:
   print "You must login first"
except Exception as ex:
   #something unexpected happened
   print ex


volumes is an array of volumes in the above call

Using the File Persona Client

The HP3PARFilePersonaClient extends the HP3PARClient adding File Persona capabilities. When you need File Persona capabilities, create a HP3ParFilePersonaClient instead of the HP3ParClient. For example, the following code shows how to use this client to get volumes like above and also get File Provisioning Groups with the extended client making a call to getfpg().

import pprint

from hp3parclient import file_client

username = 'your-3PAR-user-name'
password = 'your-3PAR-password'
ip = ''

cl = file_client.HP3ParFilePersonaClient("https://%s:8080/api/v1" % ip)
# to override SSL certificate verification pass secure=True
# cl = file_client.HP3ParFilePersonaClient("https://%s:8080/api/v1" % ip,
#                                          secure=True)
# Or, to use ca certificates as documented by Python Requests,
# pass in the ca-certificates.crt file
# http://docs.python-requests.org/en/v1.0.4/user/advanced/
# cl = client.HP3ParClient("",
#                          secure='/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt')
cl.setSSHOptions(ip, username, password)
cl.login(username, password)

volumes = cl.getVolumes()

fpgs = cl.getfpg()


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