Tutorial ======== This tutorial is intended as an introduction to working with **HP3PARClient**. Prerequisites ------------- Before we start, make sure that you have the **HP3PARClient** distribution :doc:`installed `. In the Python shell, the following should run without raising an exception: .. code-block:: bash >>> import hp3parclient This tutorial also assumes that a 3PAR array is up and running and the WSAPI service is enabled and running. Create the Client and login --------------------------- The first step when working with **HP3PARClient** is to create a :class:`~hp3parclient.client.HP3ParClient` to the 3PAR drive array and logging in to create the session. You must :meth:`~hp3parclient.client.HP3ParClient.login` prior to calling the other APIs to do work on the 3PAR. Doing so is easy: .. code-block:: python from hp3parclient import client, exceptions # this creates the client object and sets the url to the # 3PAR server with IP on port 8008. cl = client.HP3ParClient("") # SSL certification verification is defaulted to False. In order to # override this, set secure=True. or secure='/path/to/cert.crt' # cl = client.HP3ParClient("", # secure=True) # Or, to use ca certificates as documented by Python Requests, # pass in the ca-certificates.crt file # http://docs.python-requests.org/en/v1.0.4/user/advanced/ # cl = client.HP3ParClient("", # secure='/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt') # Set the SSH authentication options for the SSH based calls. cl.setSSHOptions(ip_address, username, password) try: cl.login(username, password) print "Login worked!" except exceptions.HTTPUnauthorized as ex: print "Login failed." When you are done with the the client, it's a good idea to logout from the 3PAR so there isn't a stale session sitting around. .. code-block:: python cl.logout() print "logout worked" Getting a list of Volumes ------------------------- After you have logged in, you can start making calls to the 3PAR APIs. A simple example is getting a list of existing volumes on the array with a call to :meth:`~hp3parclient.client.HP3ParClient.getVolumes`. .. code-block:: python import pprint try: volumes = cl.getVolumes() pprint.pprint(volumes) except exceptions.HTTPUnauthorized as ex: print "You must login first" except Exception as ex: #something unexpected happened print ex .. note:: volumes is an array of volumes in the above call Using the File Persona Client ----------------------------- The **HP3PARFilePersonaClient** extends the **HP3PARClient** adding File Persona capabilities. When you need File Persona capabilities, create a :class:`~hp3parclient.file_client.HP3ParFilePersonaClient` instead of the :class:`~hp3parclient.client.HP3ParClient`. For example, the following code shows how to use this client to get volumes like above and also get File Provisioning Groups with the extended client making a call to :meth:`~hp3parclient.file_client.HP3ParFilePersonaClient.getfpg`. .. code-block:: python import pprint from hp3parclient import file_client username = 'your-3PAR-user-name' password = 'your-3PAR-password' ip = '' cl = file_client.HP3ParFilePersonaClient("https://%s:8080/api/v1" % ip) # to override SSL certificate verification pass secure=True # cl = file_client.HP3ParFilePersonaClient("https://%s:8080/api/v1" % ip, # secure=True) # Or, to use ca certificates as documented by Python Requests, # pass in the ca-certificates.crt file # http://docs.python-requests.org/en/v1.0.4/user/advanced/ # cl = client.HP3ParClient("", # secure='/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt') cl.setSSHOptions(ip, username, password) cl.login(username, password) volumes = cl.getVolumes() pprint.pprint(volumes) fpgs = cl.getfpg() pprint.pprint(fpgs) cl.logout()