

Element type for an array of Glimpse activation values.


Backend name used by MakeBackend when no name is supplied.


Return an instance of the given backend.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of requested backend.
class InputLoadError(source=None)

Thrown when an input source can not be loaded.

source = None

The source of the exception. This is generally an InputSource object.

class InputSource(image_path=None)

Describes the input to a hierarchical model.


Load a still image from disk.

>>> source = InputSource(image_path = "/tmp/MyImage.jpg")

Reads image from this input source.

Return type:PIL.Image
image_path = None

Path to the image file.

exception BackendError(msg=None, source=None, layer=None, scale=None)

Thrown when an unexpected error occurs during backend processing.

layer = None

The model layer that was being computed.

scale = None

The scale band that was being computed.

source = None

The source of the exception. This is generally an InputSource object.

exception InputSizeError(msg=None, source=None, layer=None, scale=None)

Thrown when an input array was too small (spatially).

class IBackend

The interface implemented by all backend implementations.

ContrastEnhance(data, kwidth, bias, scaling, out=None)

Apply local contrast stretch to an array.

Given a local input neighborhood \(X\), the output is

\[y = \frac{x_c - \mu}{\max(\sigma, \epsilon)}\]

where \(x_c\) is the center of the input neighborhood, \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\) are the mean and standard deviation of \(X\), and \(\epsilon\) is a bias term. This term is used to avoid the amplificiation of noise and to ensure a non-zero divisor.

  • data (2D ndarray of float) – Input data.
  • kwidth (int) – Kernel width.
  • bias (float) – Normalizing term \(\epsilon\) in denominator.
  • scaling (positive int) – Subsampling factor.
  • out (2D ndarray of float) – Array in which to store result. If None, a new array will be created.
Return type:

2D ndarray of float

DotProduct(data, kernels, scaling=None, out=None, **ignore)

Convolve an array with a set of kernels.

This function compares each kernel \(W\) and input neigborhood \(X\) using a dot product, where the output is given by

\[y = X^T W \, ,\]

where \(X^T\) denotes the matrix transpose.

  • data (3D ndarray of float) – Input data.
  • kernels (4D ndarray of float) – Array of 3D kernels.
  • scaling (positive int) – Subsampling factor.
  • out (3D ndarray of float) – Array in which to store result. If None, a new array will be created.
Return type:

3D ndarray of float

GlobalMax(data, out=None)

Find the per-band maxima.

  • data (3D ndarray of float) – Input data.
  • out (1D ndarray of float) – Array in which to store result. If None, a new array will be created.
Return type:

1D ndarray of float

InputMapShapeForOutput(kheight, kwidth, scaling, oheight, owidth)

Given an output map with the given dimensions, compute the shape of the corresponding input map.

This is the inverse of OutputMapShapeForInput().

  • kheight (positive int) – Kernel height.
  • kwidth (positive int) – Kernel width.
  • scaling (positive int) – Subsampling factor.
  • oheight (positive int) – Output map height.
  • owidth (positive int) – Output map width.

Input map height and width, in that order.

Return type:

2-tuple of int

LocalMax(data, kwidth, scaling, out=None)

Convolve maps with local 2-D max filter.

The output for each local input neighborhood \(X\) is

\[y = max_i \ x_i \, .\]
  • data (3D ndarray of float) – Input data.
  • kwidth (positive int) – Width of pooling neighborhood.
  • scaling (positive int) – Subsampling factor.
  • out (3D ndarray of float) – Array in which to store result. If None, a new array will be created.
Return type:

3D ndarray of float

NormDotProduct(data, kernels, bias=None, scaling=None, out=None, **ignore)

Convolve an array with a set of kernels, normalizing the response by the vector length of the input neighborhood.

The output for each kernel \(W\) and input neighborhood \(X\) is given by

\[y = \frac{X^T W}{\left\Vert X \right\Vert \left\Vert W \right\Vert} \, ,\]

where \(\left\Vert \cdot \right\Vert\) denotes the Euclidean norm.

  • data (3D ndarray of float) – Input data.
  • kernels (4D ndarray of float) – Array of 3D kernels, where each kernel is expected to have unit vector length.
  • bias (float) – Threshold for denominator.
  • scaling (positive int) – Subsampling factor.
  • out (3D ndarray of float) – Array in which to store result. If None, a new array will be created.
Return type:

3D ndarray of float

NormRbf(data, kernels, bias=None, beta=None, scaling=None, out=None, **ignore)
Compare kernels to input data using the RBF activation function with
normed inputs.

The output for each kernel \(W\) and input neighborhood \(X\) is given by

\[y = \exp \left\{ - 2\beta \left(1 - \text{NDP}(X, W) \right) \right\} \, ,\]

where \(\text{NDP}(\cdot)\) is the normalized dot product.

  • data (3D ndarray of float) – Input data.
  • kernels (4D ndarray of float) – Array of 3D kernels, where each kernel is expected to have unit length.
  • bias (float) – Additive term in denominator.
  • beta (float) – Tuning parameter for radial basis function.
  • scaling (positive int) – Subsampling factor.
  • out (3D ndarray of float) – Array in which to store result. If None, a new array will be created.
Return type:

3D ndarray of float

OutputMapShapeForInput(kheight, kwidth, scaling, iheight, iwidth)

Given an input map with the given dimensions, compute the shape of the corresponding output map.

  • kheight (positive int) – Kernel height.
  • kwidth (positive int) – Kernel width.
  • scaling (positive int) – Subsampling factor.
  • iheight (positive int) – Input map height.
  • iwidth (positive int) – Input map width.

Output map height and width, in that order.

Return type:

2-tuple of int


Prepare array to be passed to backend methods.

Parameters:array (ndarray of float) – Array to be prepared, which will not be modified.
Return type:ndarray of float
Rbf(data, kernels, beta=None, scaling=None, out=None, **ignore)

Compare kernels to input data using the RBF activation function.

The output for each kernel \(W\) and input neighborhood \(X\) is given by

\[y = \exp \left\{ - \beta \left\Vert X - W \right\Vert ^2 \right\} \, ,\]

where \(\beta\) controls the sensitivity of the RBF.

  • data (3D ndarray of float) – Input data.
  • kernels (4D ndarray of float) – Array of 3D kernels.
  • beta (float) – Tuning parameter for radial basis function.
  • scaling (positive int) – Subsampling factor.
  • out (3D ndarray of float) – Array in which to store result. If None, a new array will be created.
Return type:

3D ndarray of float

base_backend Module

class BaseBackend[source]

IBackend implementation using vanilla C++ code.

scipy_backend Module

class ScipyBackend[source]

IBackend implementation using calls to scipy functions.

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