Source code for glimpse.backends.scipy_backend

"""Implementation of filter operations using Scipy's ndimage.correlate()."""

# Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Mick Thomure
# All rights reserved.
# Please see the file LICENSE.txt in this distribution for usage terms.

import scipy
from scipy.ndimage import maximum_filter
import numpy as np

from glimpse.util import docstring
from glimpse.backends.misc import IBackend

def Correlate(data, kernel, output = None):
  """Apply a multi-band filter to a set of 2D arrays.

  This is done by applying Scipy's :func:`scipy.ndimage.correlate` to each 2D
  input array and then summing across bands.

  :param data: Input data.
  :type data: ndarray of float
  :param kernel: Kernel array.
  :type kernel: ndarray of float
  :param output: Array in which to store result. If None, a new array will be
  :type output: ndarray of float
  :return: Output of correlation.
  :rtype: ndarray of float

  assert data.ndim >= 2
  assert data.shape[:-2] == kernel.shape[:-2]
  if output == None:
    output = np.zeros(data.shape[-2:], data.dtype)
    assert output.shape == data.shape[-2:]
    output[:] = 0
  temp = np.empty_like(output)
  data_ = data.reshape((-1,) + data.shape[-2:])
  kernel_ = kernel.reshape((-1,) + kernel.shape[-2:])
  # TODO consider changing the following to:
  #   scipy.signal.convolve(data_, kernel_, mode='valid')
  for dband, kband in zip(data_, kernel_):
    scipy.ndimage.correlate(dband, kband, output = temp)
    output += temp
  return output

def PruneArray(data, kernel_shape, scaling):
  """Crop correlation results.

  Scipy's :func:`scipy.ndimage.correlate` applies kernel to border units (in the
  last two dimensions), and performs no subsampling. This function returns a
  cropped view of the result array, in which border units have been removed, and
  subsampling has been performed.

  :param data: Result from one or more :func:`scipy.ndimage.correlate` calls
  :type data: ndarray of float
  :param kernel_shape: Shape of the kernel passed to
     :func:`scipy.ndimage.correlate`. If None, then cropping is disabled and
     only subsampling is performed.
  :type kernel_shape: tuple of int
  :param scaling: Subsampling factor.
  :type scaling: positive int
  :return: Cropped, sampled view (not copy) of the input data.
  :rtype: ndarray of float

  if kernel_shape == None:
    # Keep all bands
    band_indices = [slice(None)] * (data.ndim - 2)
    # Perform subsampling of maps
    map_indices = [slice(None, None, scaling)] * 2
    # Keep all bands
    band_indices = [slice(None)] * (data.ndim - 2)
    # Crop borders of maps by half the kernel width, and perform subsampling.
    assert len(kernel_shape) >= 2
    h, w = kernel_shape[-2:]
    hh = int(h / 2)
    hw = int(w / 2)
    map_indices = [slice(hh, -hh, scaling), slice(hw, -hw, scaling)]
  return data[band_indices + map_indices]

[docs]class ScipyBackend(object): """:class:`IBackend` implementation using calls to :mod:`scipy` functions.""" @docstring.copy(IBackend.ContrastEnhance) def ContrastEnhance(self, data, kwidth, bias, scaling, out = None): assert data.ndim == 2 kshape = (kwidth, kwidth) # x - mu / std k = np.ones(kshape) k /= k.size mu = Correlate(data, k) # XXX does it matter whether we add the bias before or after apply sqrt()? sigma = np.sqrt(Correlate((data - mu)**2, k) + bias) result = (data - mu) / sigma return PruneArray(result, kshape, scaling) @docstring.copy(IBackend.DotProduct) def DotProduct(self, data, kernels, scaling = None, out = None, **ignore): assert scaling != None assert data.ndim == 3 assert kernels.ndim == 4 output_bands = np.empty((kernels.shape[0],) + data.shape[-2:], data.dtype) for k, o in zip(kernels, output_bands): Correlate(data, k, o) output_bands = PruneArray(output_bands, kernels.shape, scaling) return output_bands @docstring.copy(IBackend.NormDotProduct) def NormDotProduct(self, data, kernels, bias = None, scaling = None, out = None, **ignore): assert bias != None assert scaling != None assert data.ndim == 3 assert kernels.ndim == 4 assert np.allclose(np.array(map(np.linalg.norm, kernels)), 1), \ "Expected kernels to have unit norm" def Op(k, o): # dot product of kernel with local input patches d = Correlate(data, k, o) # norm of local input patches n = Correlate(data**2, np.ones(k.shape)) # use conditional bias n[ n < bias ] = bias # normalized dot product o /= n output_bands = np.empty((kernels.shape[0],) + data.shape[-2:], data.dtype) for k, o in zip(kernels, output_bands): Op(k, o) output_bands = PruneArray(output_bands, kernels.shape, scaling) if out != None: out[:] = output_bands.flat return out return output_bands @docstring.copy(IBackend.Rbf) def Rbf(self, data, kernels, beta = None, scaling = None, out = None, **ignore): assert beta != None assert scaling != None assert data.ndim == 3 assert kernels.ndim == 4 def Op(k, o): # (a,a) is squared input patch length input_norm = Correlate(data**2, np.ones(k.shape)) # (b,b) is squared kernel length kernel_norm =, k.flat) # (a,b) is convolution conv = Correlate(data, k) # squared distance between input patches and kernel is # ||a-b||^2 = (a,a) + (b,b) - 2(a,b) # where a is data and b is kernel. square_dist = input_norm + kernel_norm - 2 * conv # Gaussian radial basis function o[:] = np.exp(-1 * beta * square_dist) output_bands = np.empty((kernels.shape[0],) + data.shape[-2:], data.dtype) for k, o in zip(kernels, output_bands): Op(k, o) output_bands = PruneArray(output_bands, kernels.shape, scaling) if out != None: out[:] = output_bands.flat return out return output_bands @docstring.copy(IBackend.NormRbf) def NormRbf(self, data, kernels, bias = None, beta = None, scaling = None, out = None, **ignore): assert bias != None assert beta != None assert scaling != None nd = self.NormDotProduct(data, kernels, bias, scaling) y = np.exp(-2 * beta * (1 - nd)) if out != None: out[:] = y.flat return out return y @docstring.copy(IBackend.LocalMax) def LocalMax(self, data, kwidth, scaling, out = None): assert len(data.shape) == 3, \ "Unsupported shape for input data: %s" % (data.shape,) kshape = (kwidth, kwidth) output = np.empty_like(data) for d, o in zip(data, output): maximum_filter(d, kshape, output = o) output_bands = PruneArray(output, kshape, scaling) if out != None: out[:] = output_bands.flat return out return output_bands @docstring.copy(IBackend.GlobalMax) def GlobalMax(self, data, out = None): assert len(data.shape) == 3, \ "Unsupported shape for input data: %s" % (data.shape,) return data.reshape(data.shape[0], -1).max(1, out) @docstring.copy(IBackend.OutputMapShapeForInput) def OutputMapShapeForInput(self, kheight, kwidth, scaling, iheight, iwidth): oheight = iheight / scaling - kheight + 1 owidth = iwdith / scaling - kheight + 1 @docstring.copy(IBackend.InputMapShapeForOutput) def InputMapShapeForOutput(self, kheight, kwidth, scaling, oheight, owidth): iheight = oheight * scaling + kheight - 1 iwidth = owidth * scaling + kwidth - 1 return iheight, iwidth @docstring.copy(IBackend.PrepareArray) def PrepareArray(self, array): return array