Package gchecky :: Module tools :: Class encoder
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class encoder

source code

Instance Methods [hide private]
serialize(self, data, xml_node) source code
_create_element(self, tag) source code
_create_text(self, value) source code
_encode(self, data, node)
@param node Is either a string or an XML node.
source code
__mark(self, obj) source code
__unmark(self, obj) source code
Class Methods [hide private]
_encode_tag(clazz, tag) source code
_escape_string(clazz, str) source code
Method Details [hide private]

_encode(self, data, node)

source code 

@param node Is either a string or an XML node. If its a string then
            a node with such a name should be created, otherwise
            the existing xml node should be populated.