Package gchecky :: Module gxml :: Class Field
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Class Field

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object --+
Known Subclasses:
String, Any, Boolean, Complex, Decimal, Double, Long, List, Timestamp

Holds all the meta-information about mapping the current field value into/from the xml DOM tree.

An instance of the class specifies the exact path to the DOM node/subnode/attribute that contains the field value. It also holds other field traits such as:

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, path, **kwargs)
Specify initial parameters for this field instance.
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get_initial_value(self) source code
save(self, node, data)
Save the field data value into the DOM node.
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load(self, node)
Load the field data from the xml DOM node.
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validate(self, data)
Validate data according to this fields parameters.
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data2str(self, data)
Override this method in subclasses
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str2data(self, str)
Override this method in subclasses
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create_node_for_path(self, parent, reuse_nodes=True)
Create (if needed) a XML DOM node that will hold this field data.
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get_nodes_for_path(self, parent)
Retrieve all the nodes that hold data supposed to be assigned to this field.
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get_one_node_for_path(self, parent)
Same as 'get_nodes_path' but checks that there is exactly one result and returns it.
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get_any_node_for_path(self, parent)
Same as 'get_nodes_path' but checks that there is no more than one result and returns it, or None if the list is empty.
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Return the string representing the field traits.
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Used in documentation.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__

Class Methods [hide private]
deconstruct_path(cls, path)
Deconstruct a path string into pieces suitable for xml DOM processing.
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reconstruct_path(cls, chunks, attribute)
Reconstruct the path back into the original form using the deconstructed form.
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Instance Variables [hide private]
  path = ''
the path to the xml DOM node/attribute to store the field data
  required = True
required or optional
  empty = False
weither the field value could be empty (an empty XML tag)
  default = None
the default value for the field
  values = None
the list of acceptable values
  save_node_and_xml = False
a boolean that specifies if the original xml and DOM element should be saved.
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

deconstruct_path(cls, path)
Class Method

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Deconstruct a path string into pieces suitable for xml DOM processing.
  • path - a string in the form of /chunk1/chunk2/.../chunk_n/@attribute. It denotes a DOM node or an attibute which holds this fields value. This corresponds to an hierarchy of type:
      \- chunk2
          \- chunk_n
              \- @attribute

    Where chunk_n are DOM nodes and @attribute is a DOM attribute.

    Chunks and @attribute are optional.

    An empty string denotes the current DOM node.
(chunks, attribute) - a list of chunks and attribute value (or None).

See Also: reconstruct_path

reconstruct_path(cls, chunks, attribute)
Class Method

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Reconstruct the path back into the original form using the deconstructed form. A class method.
  • chunks - a list of DOM sub-nodes.
  • attribute - a DOM attribute.
a string path denoting the DOM node/attribute which should contain the field value.

See Also: deconstruct_path

__init__(self, path, **kwargs)

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Specify initial parameters for this field instance. The list of actual parameters depends on the subclass.
  • path - The path determines the DOM node/attribute to be used to store/retrieve the field data value. It will be directly passed to deconstruct_path.
Overrides: object.__init__

save(self, node, data)

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Save the field data value into the DOM node. The value is stored accordingly to the field path which could be the DOM node itself or its subnodes (which will be automatically created), or (a sub)node attribute.
  • node - The DOM node which (or subnodes of which) will contain the field data value.
  • data - The data value for the field to be stored.

load(self, node)

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Load the field data from the xml DOM node. The value is retrieved accordingly to the field path and other traits.
  • node - The xml NODE that (or subnodes or attribute of which) contains the field data value. @see save, __init__

validate(self, data)

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Validate data according to this fields parameters.

@return True if data is ok, otherwise return a string (!) describing
        why the data is invalid.

Note that this method returns either True or an error string, not False!

The Field class considers any data as valid and returns True.

create_node_for_path(self, parent, reuse_nodes=True)

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Create (if needed) a XML DOM node that will hold this field data.
  • parent - The parent node that should hold this fields data.
  • reuse_nodes - Reuse the existing required node if it is already present.
Return the XML DOM node to hold this field's data. The node created as a subnode (or an attribute, or a grand-node, etc.) of parent.

get_nodes_for_path(self, parent)

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Retrieve all the nodes that hold data supposed to be assigned to this field. If this field path matches a subnode (or a 'grand' subnode, or an atribute, etc) of the 'parent' node, then it is included in the returned list.
  • parent - The node to scan for this field data occurences.
The list of nodes that corresponds to this field.


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Return the string representing the field traits.

See Also: __repr__

(Representation operator)

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Used in documentation. This method is called from subclasses __repr__ method to generate a human-readable description of the current field instance.
Overrides: object.__repr__

Instance Variable Details [hide private]


a boolean that specifies if the original xml and DOM element should be saved. Handly for fields that could contain arbitrary data such as 'merchant-private-data' and 'merchant-private-item-data'. The original xml text is saved into <field>_xml. The corresponding DOM node is stored into <field>_dom.