The ggeotop script

GC3Apps provide a script drive execution of multiple GEOtop jobs. It uses the generic gc3libs.cmdline.SessionBasedScript framework.

From GEOtop’s “read me” file:

# Run this simulation by calling the executable (GEOtop_1.223_static)
# and giving the simulation directory as an argument.
# ls2:/group/geotop/sim/tmp/000001>./GEOtop_1.223_static ./
# When GEOtop terminates due to an internal error, it mostly reports this
# by writing a corresponding file (_FAILED_RUN or _FAILED_RUN.old) in the
# simulation directory. When is terminates sucessfully this file is
# When a simulation is started again with the same arguments as described
# above (RUNNING), then it continues from the last saving point. If
# GEOtop finds a file indicating a successful/failed run, it terminates.


ggeotop driver script acan the specified INPUT directories recursively for simulation directories and submit a job for each one found; job progress is monitored and, when a job is done, its output files are retrieved back into the simulation directory itself.

A simulation directory is defined as a directory containing a geotop.inpts file, an in and an out folders.

The ggeotop command keeps a record of jobs (submitted, executed and pending) in a session file (set name with the -s option); at each invocation of the command, the status of all recorded jobs is updated, output from finished jobs is collected, and a summary table of all known jobs is printed. New jobs are added to the session if new input files are added to the command line.

Options can specify a maximum number of jobs that should be in ‘SUBMITTED’ or ‘RUNNING’ state; ggeotop will delay submission of newly-created jobs so that this limit is never exceeded.

Options can specify a maximum number of jobs that should be in ‘SUBMITTED’ or ‘RUNNING’ state; ggeotop will delay submission of newly-created jobs so that this limit is never exceeded.

In more detail, ggeotop does the following:

  1. Reads the session (specified on the command line with the --session option) and loads all stored jobs into memory. If the session directory does not exist, one will be created with empty contents.

  2. Recursively scans trough input folder searching for any valid folder.

    ggeotop will generate a collection of jobs one for each valid input folder. Each job will transfer the input folder to the remote execution node and run GEOTop. GEOTop reads geotop.inpts files for getting instructions on how to find the input data, what and how to process and where to place generated output results. Extracted from a generic geotop.inpts file:

DemFile = "in/dem"
MeteoFile = "in/meteo"
SkyViewFactorMapFile = "in/svf"
SlopeMapFile = "in/slp"
AspectMapFile = "in/asp"

SoilAveragedTempTensorFile = "out/maps/T"
SWEMapFile= "out/maps/SWE"
AirTempMapFile = "out/maps/Ta"
  1. Updates the state of all existing jobs, collects output from finished jobs, and submits new jobs generated in step 2.

  2. For each of the terminated jobs, a post-process routine is executed to check and validate the consistency of the generated output. If no _SUCCESSFUL_RUN or _FAILED_RUN file is found, the related job will be resubmitted together with the current input and output folders. GEOTop is capable of restarting an interrupted claculation by inspecting the intermediate results generated in out folder.

    Finally, a summary table of all known jobs is printed. (To control the amount of printed information, see the -l command-line option in the Introduction to session-based scripts section.)

  1. If the -C command-line option was given (see below), waits the specified amount of seconds, and then goes back to step 3.

    The program ggeotop exits when all jobs have run to completion, i.e., when all valid input folders have been computed.

Execution can be interrupted at any time by pressing Ctrl+C. If the execution has been interrupted, it can be resumed at a later stage by calling ggeotop with exactly the same command-line options.

Command-line invocation of ggeotop

The ggeotop script is based on GC3Pie’s session-based script model; please read also the Introduction to session-based scripts section for an introduction to sessions and generic command-line options.

A ggeotop command-line is constructed as follows:

  1. Each argument (at least one should be specified) is considered as a folder reference.
  2. -x option is used to specify the path to the GEOtop executable file.

Example 1. The following command-line invocation uses ggeotop to run GEOTop on all valid input folder found in the recursive check of input_folder:

$ ggeotop -x /apps/geotop/bin/geotop_1_224_20120227_static ./input_folder

Example 2.

$ ggeotop --session SAMPLE_SESSION -w 24 -x /apps/geotop/bin/geotop_1_224_20120227_static ./input_folder

In this example, job information is stored into session SAMPLE_SESSION (see the documentation of the --session option in Introduction to session-based scripts). The command above creates the jobs, submits them, and finally prints the following status report:

Status of jobs in the 'SAMPLE_SESSION' session: (at 10:53:46, 02/28/12)
NEW   0/50    (0.0%)
RUNNING   0/50    (0.0%)
STOPPED   0/50    (0.0%)
SUBMITTED   50/50   (100.0%)
TERMINATED   0/50    (0.0%)
TERMINATING   0/50    (0.0%)
total   50/50   (100.0%)

Calling ggeotop over and over again will result in the same jobs being monitored;

The -C option tells ggeotop to continue running until all jobs have finished running and the output files have been correctly retrieved. On successful completion, the command given in example 2. above, would print:

Status of jobs in the 'SAMPLE_SESSION' session: (at 11:05:50, 02/28/12)
NEW   0/50    (0.0%)
RUNNING   0/50    (0.0%)
STOPPED   0/540    (0.0%)
SUBMITTED   0/50    (0.0%)
TERMINATED   50/50   (100.0%)
TERMINATING   0/50    (0.0%)
ok   50/50   (100.0%)
total   50/50   (100.0%)

Each job will be named after the folder name (e.g. 000002) (you could see this by passing the -l option to ggeotop).; each of these jobs will fill the related input folder with the produced outputs.

For each job, the set of output files is automatically retrieved and placed in the locations described below.

Output files for ggeotop

Upon successful completion, the output directory of each ggeotop job contains:

  • the out folder will contains what has been produced during the computation of the related job.

Example usage

This section contains commented example sessions with ggeotop.

Manage a set of jobs from start to end

In typical operation, one calls ggeotop with the -C option and lets it manage a set of jobs until completion.

So, to analyse all valid folders under input_folder, submitting 200 jobs simultaneously each of them requesting 2GB of memory and 8 hours of wall-clock time, one can use the following command-line invocation:

$ ggeotop -s example -C 120 -x
/apps/geotop/bin/geotop_1_224_20120227_static -w 8 input_folder

The -s example option tells ggeotop to store information about the computational jobs in the directory.

The -C 120 option tells ggeotop to update job state every 120 seconds; output from finished jobs is retrieved and new jobs are submitted at the same interval.

The above command will start by printing a status report like the following:

Status of jobs in the 'example.csv' session:
SUBMITTED   1/1 (100.0%)

It will continue printing an updated status report every 120 seconds until the requested parameter range has been computed.

In GC3Pie terminology when a job is finished and its output has been successfully retrieved, the job is marked as TERMINATED:

Status of jobs in the 'example.csv' session:
TERMINATED   1/1 (100.0%)

Using GC3Pie utilities

GC3Pie comes with a set of generic utilities that could be used as a complemet to the ggeotop command to better manage a entire session execution.

gkill: cancel a running job

To cancel a running job, you can use the command gkill. For instance, to cancel job.16, you would type the following command into the terminal:

gkill job.16


gkill -s example job.16

gkill could also be used to cancel jobs in a given state

gkill -s example -l UNKNOWN


There’s no way to undo a cancel operation! Once you have issued a gkill command, the job is deleted and it cannot be resumed. (You can still re-submit it with gresub, though.)

ginfo: accessing low-level details of a job

It is sometimes necessary, for debugging purposes, to print out all the details about a job; the ginfo command does just that: prints all the details that GC3Utils know about a single job.

For instance, to print out detailed information about job.13 in session example, you would type

ginfo -s example job.13

For a job in RUNNING or SUBMITTED state, only little information is known: basically, where the job is running, and when it was started:

$ ginfo -s example job.13
    cores: 2
        SUBMITTED at Tue May 15 09:52:05 2012
        Submitted to 'wsl' at Tue May 15 09:52:05 2012
        RUNNING at Tue May 15 10:07:39 2012
    lrms_jobid: gsi
    lrms_jobname: GC3Pie_00002
    original_exitcode: -1
    queue: smscg.q
    resource_name: wsl
    state_last_changed: 1337069259.18
    stderr_filename: ggeotop.log
    stdout_filename: ggeotop.log
        RUNNING: 1337069259.18
        SUBMITTED: 1337068325.26
    unknown_iteration: 0
    used_cputime: 1380
    used_memory: 3382706

If you omit the job number, information about all jobs in the session will be printed.

Most of the output is only useful if you are familiar with GC3Utils inner working. Nonetheless, ginfo output is definitely something you should include in any report about a misbehaving job!

For a finished job, the information is more complete and can include error messages in case the job has failed:

$ ginfo -c -s example job.13
    _arc0_state_last_checked: 1337069259.18
    _exitcode: 0
    _signal: None
    _state: TERMINATED
    cores: 2
    download_dir: /data/geotop/results/00002
        SUBMITTED at Tue May 15 09:52:04 2012
        Submitted to 'wsl' at Tue May 15 09:52:04 2012
        TERMINATING at Tue May 15 10:07:39 2012
        Final output downloaded to '/data/geotop/results/00002'
        TERMINATED at Tue May 15 10:07:43 2012
    lrms_jobid: gsi
    lrms_jobname: GC3Pie_00002
    original_exitcode: 0
    queue: smscg.q
    resource_name: wsl
    state_last_changed: 1337069263.13
    stderr_filename: ggeotop.log
    stdout_filename: ggeotop.log
        SUBMITTED: 1337068324.87
        TERMINATED: 1337069263.13
        TERMINATING: 1337069259.18
    unknown_iteration: 0
    used_cputime: 360
    used_memory: 3366977
    used_walltime: 300

With option -v, ginfo output is even more verbose and complete, and includes information about the application itself, the input and output files, plus some backend-specific information

$ ginfo -c -s example job.13
  arguments: 00002
  changed: False
  executable: geotop_static
  executables: geotop_static
      _arc0_state_last_checked: 1337069259.18
      _exitcode: 0
      _signal: None
      _state: TERMINATED
      cores: 2
      download_dir: /data/geotop/results/00002
          SUBMITTED at Tue May 15 09:52:04 2012
          Submitted to 'wsl' at Tue May 15 09:52:04 2012
          TERMINATING at Tue May 15 10:07:39 2012
          Final output downloaded to '/data/geotop/results/00002'
          TERMINATED at Tue May 15 10:07:43 2012
      lrms_jobid: gsi
      lrms_jobname: GC3Pie_00002
      original_exitcode: 0
      queue: smscg.q
      resource_name: wsl
      state_last_changed: 1337069263.13
      stderr_filename: ggeotop.log
      stdout_filename: ggeotop.log
          SUBMITTED: 1337068324.87
          TERMINATED: 1337069263.13
          TERMINATING: 1337069259.18
      unknown_iteration: 0
      used_cputime: 360
      used_memory: 3366977
      used_walltime: 300
  jobname: GC3Pie_00002
  join: True
  output_base_url: None
  output_dir: /data/geotop/results/00002
      @output.list: file, , @output.list, None, None, None, None
      ggeotop.log: file, , ggeotop.log, None, None, None, None
  persistent_id: job.1698503
  requested_architecture: x86_64
  requested_cores: 2
  requested_memory: 4
  requested_walltime: 4
  stderr: None
  stdin: None
  stdout: ggeotop.log