Parameter extraction of subthreshold parameters from voltage clamp data.
This module defines a subthreshold model (:class:`Voltage`)
and defines an optimization function (:func:`estimate_volt_parameters`).
import numpy as np
[docs]class Voltage():
This class defines the voltage predictions of the gLIF models.
:keyword param_dict: dictionary of parameter values.
:keyword param_arr: array of parameter values.
:keyword sic_list: list of :class:`fit_neuron.optimize.sic_lib.SicBase` instances.
:keyword volt_nonlin_fcn: voltage nonlinearity function.
:keyword Vr: reset value of the voltage following a spike and a refractory period.
:keyword V_rest: voltage resting value
:keyword t_ref: length of refractory period in seconds.
:keyword dt: time increment.
The difference equation describing the evolution of the membrane potential
is the following:
.. math::
V(t + dt) - V(t) = \alpha_1 + \alpha_p V + \alpha_{I_e} I_e + \alpha_g g(V) + \sum_{i=1}^{i=n} \beta_i I_i(t,\{\hat{t}\},V)
where :math:`\{\hat{t}\}` are the previous spike times relative to the current time :math:`t`,
the :math:`I_i` are the spike induced currents, which may or may not depend explicitly on :math:`V`,
and :math:`g(V)` is an optional voltage nonlinearity function.
The updates are implemented as follows:
.. math::
V(t + dt) - V(t) = {\bf w^{\top} X_{sub}}(t)
where :math:`\bf w` is the parameter vector, and
.. math::
{\bf X_{sub}} = [V,1,I_e,g(V),{\bf I}(t)^{\top}]^{\top}
The vector :math:`\bf X_{sub}` is computed at each time step by
:meth:`compute_X_subthresh` and the inner product is taken
by :meth:`update`.
def __init__(self,param_dict={},
[sic.reset() for sic in sic_list]
self.sic_list = sic_list
#: dictionary of parameter values
self.param_dict = param_dict
#: array of subthreshold parameter values
self.param_arr = param_arr
#: voltage nonlinearity function, may be None
self.volt_nonlin_fcn = volt_nonlin_fcn
#: time step
self.dt = dt
#: reset potential (post spike)
self.Vr = Vr
#: resting potential
self.V_rest = V_rest
#: refractory period after each spike during which the neuron will
#: have a value of numpy.nan
self.t_ref = t_ref
#: A counter used to count down the time during which the neuron spikes.
#: Whenever a spike occurs, its value is set to :attr:`t_ref`.
self.t_spike_counter = 0
#: values of the spike induced currents
self.SIC_values = []
#: current spiking state of the neuron
self.is_spiking = False
#: how many parameters does the neuron need?
param_ct = 3 + len(sic_list)
if volt_nonlin_fcn != None:
param_ct += 1
#: number of parameters and hence length of :attr:`param_arr`.
self.param_ct = param_ct
[docs] def reset(self):
Resets all the spike induced currents to resting state
by calling the reset method for all the spike
induced currents (eg. see :meth:`fit_neuron.optimize.sic_lib.ExpDecay_sic.reset`).
[sic.reset() for sic in self.sic_list]
self.is_spiking = False
[docs] def spike(self):
Calls the :meth:`spike` method of all spike induced
current, sets :attr:`is_spiking` to True, and sets the
timer of the spike to :attr:`t_ref`.
[sic.spike() for sic in self.sic_list]
self.is_spiking = True
self.t_spike_counter = self.t_ref
return None
[docs] def update(self,V=None,Ie=None):
This method takes a voltage value and an input current value and returns
the value of the voltage at the next time step. If the neuron is
not currently is a spiking state, the method will return a float.
If the neuron is in a spiking state, the method will return a :class:`numpy.nan`.
value. The values are updated acccording to the object's :attr:`dt` attribute.
if self.is_spiking:
V_new = self.update_spike_counter()
return V_new
X_subthresh = self.compute_X_subthresh(V,Ie)
V_new = V + self.param_arr.dot(X_subthresh)
return V_new
[docs] def update_spike_counter(self):
This method, only to be called when the neuron is currently
spiking, updates the counter of the spike. Once the neuron
has been in a spiking state for a period of time longer
than :attr:`t_ref`, the neuron will exit the spiking state
by setting :attr:`is_spiking` back to True.
self.t_spike_counter -= self.dt
if self.t_spike_counter <= 0:
self.is_spiking = False
self.t_spike_counter = 0
V_new = self.Vr
V_new = np.nan
return V_new
[docs] def compute_X_subthresh(self,V,Ie):
Updates the values of the spike induced currents and
then computes :math:`\bf X_{sub}`. As explained in the class
docstring, the voltage difference is computed as the inner product
of :math:`\bf X_{sub}` with the parameter vector :math:`\bf w`.
.. note::
This method can be called even if :attr:`param_arr` has not yet been computed.
In fact, the function :func:`setup_regression` uses this functionality
to compute :math:`\bf X_{sub}` at every time point so that linear regression can then
be easily performed. This practice ensures that the regressed parameters match
the :meth:`compute_X_subthresh` method without any indexing mismatches. It also
encourages code reuse.
[sic.update(V) for sic in self.sic_list]
spike_currents = [sic.sic_val for sic in self.sic_list]
if self.volt_nonlin_fcn:
cur_volt_nonlin = [self.volt_nonlin_fcn(V)]
cur_volt_nonlin = []
X_subthresh = np.concatenate(([V,1,Ie],cur_volt_nonlin,spike_currents))
return X_subthresh
[docs] def estimate_V_rest(self,t_wait=1.0):
Estimates resting potential of neuron by letting the neuron respond
to zero input for a specified amount of time.
:param t_wait: number of seconds to wait for voltage to go to resting state
# number of intervals over which we will simulate
interval_ct = int(round(t_wait / self.dt))
# we initialize the potential of the neuron at a particular value
V = self.V_rest
for _ in range(interval_ct):
V = self.update(Ie=0.0,V=V)
self.V_rest = V
return self.V_rest
[docs] def calc_param_dict(self):
The method uses the object's :attr:`param_arr` attribute and parses this array
as a dictionary and saves it as the instance's :attr:`param_dict` attribute.
This dictionary is also returned to the caller.
param_arr = self.param_arr
V_rest = self.V_rest
param_dict = {'full_param_arr':list(param_arr),
if self.volt_nonlin_fcn != None:
self.param_dict = param_dict
return param_dict
[docs] def set_param(self,param_arr):
Method to be called after :func:`estimate_volt_parameters` has
found an optimal set of parameters.
:param param_arr: array of subthreshold parameter values.
self.param_arr = param_arr
[docs]def setup_regression(subthresh_obj,sweep):
# first initialize spike induced currents
# pre-allocate memory
arr_len = len(sweep.input_current)
X = np.zeros( (arr_len,subthresh_obj.param_ct) )
Y = np.zeros( (arr_len) )
row_ct = 0
for ind in range(0,arr_len-1):
if ind+1 in sweep.reset_ind:
# voltage difference we are trying to fit
Y[row_ct] = sweep.membrane_voltage[ind+1] - sweep.membrane_voltage[ind]
# regressor we want to use to fit to voltage difference
V = sweep.membrane_voltage[ind]
Ie = sweep.input_current[ind]
X_subthresh = subthresh_obj.compute_X_subthresh(V,Ie)
X[row_ct] = X_subthresh
row_ct += 1
ind_remove = range(row_ct,arr_len)
Y = np.delete(Y,ind_remove)
X = np.delete(X,ind_remove,0)
return [X,Y]
[docs]def estimate_volt_parameters(subthresh_obj,processed_data):
Estimates voltage parameters using data provided and stores these as attributes.
Does a least squares linear regression of the voltage parameters.
:param subthresh_obj: subthreshold part of model.
:type subthresh_obj: :class:`Voltage`
:param processed_data: data with the spikes removed.
:type processed_data: :class:`fit_neuron.data.my_data.ProcessedData`
:returns: array of subthreshold parameters.
The equation we are solving is the following:
.. math::
\min_{b} \|Xb - Y\|^2
.. math::
X = \begin{bmatrix}
V(0) & 1 & I_e(0) & g(V) & I_0(0) & \hdots & I_n(0) \\
V(1) & 1 & I_e(1) & g(V) & I_0(1) & \hdots & I_n(1) \\
\vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots &\vdots & \vdots & \vdots
.. math::
Y = \begin{bmatrix}
V(1) - V(0) \\
V(2) - V(1) \\
The value of :math:`b` that minimizes this expression is the parameter
vector for the subthreshold object.
print "Estimating subthreshold parameters..."
X_sum = None
Y_sum = None
for sweep in processed_data:
[X,Y] = setup_regression(subthresh_obj,sweep)
if not X_sum == None:
X_sum = np.vstack( (X_sum,X) )
Y_sum = np.hstack( (Y_sum,Y) )
X_sum = X
Y_sum = Y
param_arr = np.linalg.lstsq(X,Y)[0]
return param_arr